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Scariest Horror Movies

and Why they are so Scary!

Before horror movies, horror was an ancient art form.  Scary stories have been popular since people began telling stories to each other.  The Greeks were famous for their horror stories and today people still tell horror tales if nothing more than urban legends.  One reason they endure is because of the “escape” element beyond most people’s mundane everyday lives.  There is definitely an adrenalin (emotional) rush by hearing a scary story.  From a societal-psychological level, horror stories actual do reinforce norms, and expose taboos of society.  The social gratification occurs as nearly every “horror evil doer” suffers their just fate – no matter how many times they return in sequels.

Horror movies are a progression of scary story telling.   It is no longer necessary to search out the good story teller, but the good movie as a package of story in visual and auditory form.

Today, there are many scary horror movies to choose from, and more added everyday.  The list is interminable, so what we have done is consider every horror movie we know, and selected what we believe to be the scariest and explain why.

One of the strongest elements a scary movie has going for it is the same as any good joke – “the element of surprise.”  With a joke, it is the punch line, with a movie it is the unexpected scary event.

Like a joke, a movie loses its impact after you have heard/seen it.  This is great for fueling more “new” horror movie releases.  However, on some movies, an appreciation (entertainment factor)  evolves beyond the “surprise” scare factor, making it enjoyable to watch again – and again.  Some of this may be the recollection of the feeling you had the first time you saw the movie, much like reminiscing a specific great time/event with friends.

 So, here it is:

Horror Palace’s List of Scariest Movies

The Exorcist

the-exorcistThis movie is no doubt one of the most disturbing movies that will mess you up for days (or weeks). The movie is about an 11 year old girl who is possessed by demons. It shows how the demons possess the little girl and take control of her body. Two priests then attempt to exorcise her. Apart from the disturbing imagery, there is the part where the girl speaks in demonic voices. The religious aspect of the movie makes it even more terrifying since people have heard about demons and how they can possess the human body. The fact that there is a possibility that this belief could be true makes this movie scarier. The Exorcist Movie Trailer

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre

the-texas-chainsaw-massacreWhen a movie begins and you realize that it is based on a true story, that in itself is enough to get your heart pounding louder. Texas chain saw massacre is based on the story of ritual murders which were committed by Ed Gein. The film is ultra violent and consists of a lot of gore. It has an icon known as Leather Face who wears the faces of his victims. The movie shows people being skinned alive and killed in horrifying ways. The chilling screams of the victims before they die and the inhumane way that Leather Face kills them gives the movie some really shocking elements. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre Movie Trailer

The Silence of The Lambs

silence-of-the-lambsIf you are up for some psychological suspense and some graphic scenes then you can definitely expect this and a whole lot more from Silence of the lambs. It is about a top student at the FBI training academy (Clarice Sterling) whose shrewd analysis of serial killers lands her a special assignment of investigating a serial killer known as Buffalo Bill. She interviews a brilliant but violent psychopath (Hannibal Lecter), who is also a cannibal. The film has some scenes where for instance, viewers are shown Lecter killing two prison guards and curving out one of their faces. Buffalo Bill’s psychopathic ways are graphically portrayed when viewers are treated to a scene where he is making a costume out of human skin. Silence of the Lams Movie Trailer

The Ring

the-ringThe movie is about a mysterious video tape that contains a random series of disturbing images. Once a person watches the tape, they receive a phone call in which a girl’s voice on the other end tells them that they will die in seven days. The suspense and the drama that follows after that phone call definitely keeps viewers glued to the screen. The movie contains some unexplained events such as the television switching itself on and mysterious deaths of some of the characters. There are also some disturbing scenes such as a beachfront covered with dead horses, a woman committing suicide, a chair spinning in mid-air, a nail busting through a finger tip, etc.  The Ring Movie Trailer

The Omen

the-omenWell, this movie will definitely make you think twice about adopting a child whose parents you have never met or even seen in pictures. The story is about a couple who adopts a son whose mother died while giving birth. Soon after adopting the child, mysterious events start happening to the family. For instance, the boy’s nanny hangs herself at his 5th birthday party. We hear about people committing suicide every other day but watching it happen in a movie can be very scary. What makes this film scary is the fact that it has some religious aspects about it such as the child being an antichrist. If you have read the book of Revelations in the Bible and have a clue as to what the mark of the beast is, then this movie will definitely have you jumping from your seat. The Omen Movie Trailer


the-exorcistThis movie is about a psychotic murderer institutionalized since childhood for the murder of his sister. He escapes and starts stalking a teenage girl while his doctors chase after him through the streets. There are a lot of scary scenes where people are killed with a butcher knife or strangled with a telephone cord. There are also plenty of scenes where people wonder “is he dead yet?” which fuels a bunch of movie scares. The eerie atmosphere and creepy sound tracks when the killer is approaching his victim definitely adds a scary factor to this film.  Halloween Movie Trailer


the-exorcistIf you have ever heard of the seven deadly sins, then this movie will have you literally screaming and covering your eyes. The movie is based on the seven deadly sins and a serial killer who tries to create morbidly artistic murders based on these sins. When the crime scene for these murders is unveiled, it is beyond belief. For example, there are scenes where the corpse of the body is found strapped on a bed with a pile of photographs detailing how the person suffered every day before they died and began to decay. You will definitely scream when the victim pops up and moans just when you thought they were dead.  Seven Movie Trailer

Rosemary’s Baby

the-exorcistThe movie’s plot is based on a pregnant woman who fears that her husband may have made a deal with their neighbors to use the baby as a human sacrifice in their occult rituals. The movie shows a suicide scene and other disturbing scenes. For Example, there’s a part where we see a woman dreaming that she is being brutally raped by a demon. When she wakes up she finds scratches all over her body.  Rosemary’s Baby Movie Trailer


the-exorcistThe movie has unusual scenes where a girl converses with the TV set where an apparition emerges from it and suddenly disappears into the wall. There are also scary situations where utensils and glasses bend or break simultaneously and furniture moves around on its own. There are also unexplainable scenes where people are sucked into another portal. If the thought of going into the bathroom to look at yourself in the mirror and a decayed face looks back at you makes you jump, then you will definitely enjoy this movie.  Poltergeist Movie Trailer

28 Days Later

the-exorcistThe movie consists of zombies roaming around after a major apocalypse. The opening moments of the movie are quite scary in a poetic way. The eerie calm in this movie will definitely send chills down your spine. The plot is about a guy who emerges from a coma and finds that the city looks deserted. He doesn’t know what happened prior and discovers later on that there is a virus which turns people into rabid, psychotic creatures.  28 Days Later Movie Trailer

A Nightmare on Elm Street

the-exorcistThis movie is full of gruesome effects and creative death scenes delivered in a witty way. It doubles up as an amusing as well as a thrilling horror franchise. There are scenes in the movie where humans are portrayed to have supernatural capabilities such as having long outstretched arms. The ability to stretch the long arms makes the viewers feel like the killer can stretch forward and grab them at any time they wanted to.  Nightmare on Elm Street Movie Trailer

The Evil Dead

the-exorcistTo begin with, movie has haunted woods. It has some terrifying occurrences such as people being attacked by branches and trees. Can you imagine being attacked and raped by demonically possessed trees? The plot of the movie entails a group of college students who find a Sumerian variation of the “Book Of The Dead” known as Naturon Demonto. They play a tape of incantations from the book which in turn releases its demons. What follows next is that one of the students is attacked and possessed by demons. There are some scenes that involve murders but the movie is based on demons attacking and possessing humans which no doubt will leave viewers psychologically disturbed.  Evil Dead Trailer


the-exorcistThis movie will dupe you into thinking that all the scary scenes are over only for the final scene to have you jump in fear when suddenly a hand shoots out of the ground. The movie shows a young girl who has supernatural powers and she uses them to exact revenge on people who have made her life a living hell. The movie is based on a teenage girl who has been isolated and mistreated by her school mates and overly religious mother. She later on discovers that she has telekinesis and uses her ability to burn down the school gym during the prom, killing everyone.  Carrie Movie Trailer

The Night of the Living Dead

the-exorcistThis movie will definitely make you think twice about walking in a graveyard. It shows two siblings making their yearly three hour drive to visit their mother’s graveyard. It starts like a sitcom but a few minutes into the movie, it takes a completely different twist. A zombie attacks one of the siblings while they are at the graveyard. What makes this part of the movie scary is how lighting flashes illuminate the zombie’s face. Those bitten and killed by the zombies re-awaken and start eating those who are alive.  The Night of the Living Dead Movie Trailer

An American Werewolf In London

the-exorcistWhen you are in a strange place, walking through the dark it is always a scary experience. However, when you walk in the dark through foggy moors and a werewolf rips your friends apart as you watch, makes it even worse. Such scenes in a horror flick are likely to have you holding on to your best friend as chills run down your spine. The howling of a werewolf and the sudden appearance of a supernaturally large animal mauling a human being are some of the gory scenes in this movie that actually make it terrifying.  The American Werewolf in London Movie Trailer


the-exorcistIf you are fond of flirting with strangers on the phone, then this movie will certainly scare you out of the habit. The movie is about a girl who receives a flirtatious phone call from a stranger but the situation escalates and spins out of control when the stranger becomes sadistic and threatens her life. The movie has some really horrific scenes of the girl being brutally killed and her body hung from a tree. The sound track that plays in scenes where victims are being chased down by the masked killer really creates a horrific atmosphere. The movie also has some parts where you think the victim has gotten away from the killer only for you to see the killer suddenly emerge from the shadows.  Scream Movie Trailer

Fatal Attraction

the-exorcistWell, after watching this movie, you will probably think twice about cheating on your spouse. The plot is about an obsessed mistress who stalks her lover even after being warned several times that the affair is over. The movie has some scenes where we are shown just how much of a psychopath she is when she sneaks into her lover’s house, kills a pet rabbit, and puts it on the stove to boil. The scariest scene of this movie is where they have a scuffle and he thinks that he has killed her by drowning her in the bathtub. She re-emerges swinging her knife at him.  Fatal Attraction Trailer


the-exorcistThis movie starts with a very scary scene. It shows a scuba diver who is checking out a boat wreckage. He finds a giant tooth of what looks like the great white shark. He marvels at the damage that must have been caused by the creature. Just when audiences think this is going to be like another documentary from National Geographic, the head of a victim comes floating out. This definitely scares the diver as well as the audience.  Jaws Movie Trailer


suspiriaThis is one horror film that has a lot of explicit gory scenes. There is one scene where we are shown a woman who seeks refuge at her friend’s house insisting that she has to leave in the morning because she has been through some disturbing events. Just when viewers think that she is safe in the bathroom, a set of creepy eyes appear in the night air. Suddenly a hand grabs her through the glass and begins to smother her. She is then stabbed repeatedly after being dragged to a stained glass window. A noose is wrapped around her neck and she is kicked through the window killing her. All this happens as her friend watches in horror.  Suspiria Movie Trailer


the-exorcistThis movie will make you scared of taking showers alone. There is a scene where we see a woman taking a shower, relaxing and oblivious to the shadow that appears outside the curtain. The violin music that builds up in this scene will definitely have your heart pumping even harder. The scene ends with the woman being stabbed in the back repeatedly until she falls down dead. After watching this movie you will definitely wonder if someone is outside your shower waiting to stab you.  Psycho Trailer    Psycho (Original) Trailer

Damnetha Jules
Reviewed by Damnetha Jules

Damnetha is a staff writer, movie and book reviewer.