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    Microsoft Office of the CIO

    Microsoft IT Shares its Approach to Embracing Mobility

    In its Annual Report, Microsoft IT shares Microsoft’s experiences with you and invites you to meet to discuss and share learnnings. CIOs are leading organizations into a new era of information technology. IT is the epicenter of enabling new business models, providing differentiated services, and attracting and retaining customers to name a few CIO priorities. This month we are featuring the “Mobility” chapter of the Annual Report and will feature other chapters in the months to come.
    Microsoft Enterprise Strategy Team

    Unleash the business opportunity of Modern Apps

    Modern apps adapt to the needs of users by exchanging data with other apps as needed, and by providing personalized experiences, natural user interactions, and social connections from an array of device types that cloud services support.<br/>Organizations are unleashing the following business opportunities with modern apps:<ul><li>• Capturing new customers or retaining existing customers by providing engaging experiences on an array of devices to drive customer loyalty and generate revenue growth.</ul>


    • OneNote update for iPad, iPhone and Android

      OneNote update for iPad, iPhone and Android
    • Manufacturing Pros Stay Connected from the Factory Floor Using Social Tools

      As we continue to look at how social networking is viewed in the workplace, be sure to check out new videos from Microsoft customers and decision makers at MWH Global, Booz Allen Hamilton...
    • Virtual US CIO Summit

      Join Microsoft LIVE for keynote presentations and sessions streamed during the in-person Fall US CIO Summit taking place simultaneously at the Microsoft Conference Center in Redmond.
    • Cloud Security Best Practices and Recommended Resources

      As cloud computing begins to mature, organizations are looking at ways to understand the opportunities and assess their own current IT environment with regard to security...
    • San Jose and Microsoft announce city’s...

      We strive to deliver innovation that gives developers a diverse platform for building the best cloud applications that can reach customers around the world in an instant.
    • Why Microsoft?

      How we can help you to harness the transformative trends in the marketplace and grow your business...
    • Financial Services Can Find Success in Social

      Today we close out the week of our examination of enterprise social collaboration tools by focusing on their impact and usage in the financial service industry.
    • See the future of healthcare apps for better collaboration and information access

      See the future of healthcare apps for better collaboration and information access
    • 88 Acres: How Microsoft Quietly Built the City of...

      A small, covert team of engineers at Microsoft cast aside suggestions that the company spend US$60 million to turn its 500-acre headquarters into a smart campus to achieve energy...


    Aston Martin. Driving strategy and innovation with the power of the Microsoft Cloud OS visionplay-button

    Aston Martin. Driving strategy and innovation with the power of the Microsoft Cloud OS vision

    Behind every luxury sports car produced by Aston Martin is a sophisticated IT Infrastructure. The goal of the Aston Martin IT team is to optimize that infrastructure so it performs as efficiently as the production line it supports. This video describes how Aston Martin has used cloud and hybrid-based solutions to deliver innovation and strategy to the business.
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    BT retires Windows XP for increased mobility with Windows 8

    Leading Telecommunications provider retires Windows XP to provide a more effective convertible device with Windows 8 to reduce costs, improve efficiency, stay on top of security, and deliver a great experience for its employees.
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    Transportation Company Empowers Staff with Mobile Computing, Improves Service

    Windows 8 provides a mobile platform to enable anywhere, anytime access to critical information to ensure there is limited downtime in the maintenance of one of the busiest public rail transportation systems in the world.
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    Flight Bag TACCO by PaceBlade...

    Flight Bag TACCO by PaceBlade, a Windows 8 tablet application being used by fighter pilots in the cockpit to replace traditional paper checklists and reduces the time needed to access information by up to 75%.
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