actress suing and for publishing her real age on the web retailer’s popular entertainment information web site has dismissed her allegations of fraud, invasion of privacy and request for $1 million in punitive damages, but allowed her case to proceed on charges of breach-of-contract and violation of consumer protection law. The court’s actions Friday represented partial victories for both the plaintiff, actress Huong Hoang, and defendants Amazon and IMDb. The court also declined to consider awarding court costs to either side.

The federal court in Seattle ruled that Hoang’s fraud and privacy allegations weren’t sufficient to proceed and that her request for punitive damages ran counter to public policy and state Supreme Court precedent in Washington. The court however found that Hoang’s allegations that Amazon and IMDb improperly used her credit card information to obtain her age and other information published on IMDb had merit. You can read the court documents here.

Related: Actress Suing IMDb Now Has A Name
Related: Actress Sues IMDb For Revealing Her Age