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MAJOR MESSY NBC SHAKEUP AHEAD: Network Wants To Fire Teri Weinberg & Hopes Ben Silverman Quits Very Soon

By NIKKI FINKE, Editor in Chief | Sunday August 31, 2008 @ 2:59pm PDT

teri.JPGEXCLUSIVE: After weeks of checking out rumor after rumor, I’m finally able to pin down details of the long-overdue shakeup that’s ahead for NBC when this fall’s primetime schedule shapes up to be an unmitigated disaster. Someone has to shoulder the responsibility, and both Ben Silverman and the Reveille development exec he brought with him to NBC, Teri Weinberg, now deservedly have big fat targets on their foreheads. Staying in charge will be Marc Graboff and Katherine Pope who both have been trying to keep NBC up and running while Weinberg continually fucks up and Silverman regularly goes AWOL. For instance, last Thursday was Ben’s first day in the office all month after attending the Beijing Olympics and guesting aboard Elisabeth Murdoch’s yacht. (Elisabeth’s Shine Group bought Ben’s Reveille productions which put $60+ million directly into his pocket). But a pressing issue has been Silverman’s partying ways, especially his excessive off-hours drinking and drug-taking, which has not only been visible to but also prompted complaints from Hollywood’s TV community. “When he’s around, he is totally engaged and focused and not in an altered state of consciousness. But that’s when he’s around. Literally, he has not been around from August 1st until August 28th, and you can’t run a network programming group and not be around for the month of August,” an insider tells me. So NBC is faced with two personnel problems simultaneously: Weinberg and Silverman.

zucker2.jpgBack in May 2007, I broke the story that NBC Universal boss Jeff Zucker was unceremoniously firing NBC Entertainment president Kevin Reilly, and surprisingly hiring Silverman to be partnered with Graboff as co-chairman of NBC Entertainment and NBC Universal Television Studio. It was a very risky move by Zucker, not helped by his cluelessness about Silverman’s drug and alcohol habits until it became a real question whether Ben could pass the mandatory corporate drug test for prospectve employees. But TV circles were just as confounded a week later when I scooped that Ben had hired his Reveille gal Teri Weinberg to be the new EVP of NBC Entertainment. She had been his glorified gofer until just a few years ago, then his Reveille development exec (and held other titles, like his co-exec producer on Ugly Betty). Now she was in charge of comedy, drama and everything below Silverman and Graboff at NBC Entertainment. At the time, Weinberg’s appointment was seen as a major mistake because she wasn’t ready for such a major gig. She also was described to me as a “world-class prima donna” – and, from the sound of things, she has lived up to that reputation.

I’m told by insiders that Weinberg has been a train wreck, and it shows in this fall’s terrible slate which bears her first imprint. ”With Ben not involved in the day-to-day, Terry was too inexperienced to be thrown into the deep end of running a broadcast network with no experience. Yet Ben kept delegating it all to her. It became a huge, huge job, which she’s just not qualified for,” one insider explained to me. “I feel sorry for her. She’s just in over head.”

Weinberg’s contract concludes next summer. But it’s clear that NBC is now building a case to get rid of her. Last week, NBC took the unusual, almost unprecedented, step of cancelling an exclusive contract for a team of TV writer/producers, paying them off to the tune of millions of dollars, and letting them take back every one of their projects developed at the network. The reason is because one of the showrunners was Weinberg’s live-in boyfriend.

Here’s what I’ve been told by several knowledgeable sources: It’s not that Mark Abrams and Michael Benson weren’t qualified. They’d been writer-producers on both The Bernie Mac Show and Entourage. So that wasn’t an issue when Weinberg secured for them an exclusive multimillionaire overall deal at NBC. (This was far from the only insider dealing at NBC since Silverman himself kept buying Reveille shows for his network.) But Weinberg was specifically warned not to get involved in their business because of the personal relationship. Yet insiders tell me she did again and again (especially with their pilot Zip, which was shot and reshot at exorbitant cost). It got to the point that complaints came in from the TV community.

“Teri just couldn’t stay out of their business even though NBC had instructed her for months and months and months to do so,” one insider informs me. “Other TV writer/producers began assuming that every decision Teri made was influenced by her relationship with her boyfriend’s company. If she didn’t buy something of theirs, they complained she was protecting her boyfriend’s pitch. The truth is that this appearance of a conflict was really starting to hurt NBC’s business.” Echoed another source: “NBC couldn’t deal with the conflict of interest anymore, so Zucker told Graboff to terminate the deal. And the network last week wrote a fat check for the whole amount of the contract even though it still had a year and a half to go, and they gave the guys all their projects back which they’re now free to shop.”

The result is that this lack of judgment, combined with this fall’s weak schedule, has put Weinberg’s head on the chopping block. Especially because her mentor Silverman won’t be around much longer to protect her.

Up to now, it’s been only Silverman’s salesmanship, not his executive or programming skills (and certainly not his childish stunts like reviving the NBC chimes), that has helped the 4th place network. I’m told NBC was impressed that his relationships with advertisers put ”several hundred millions of dollars” of additional revenue into the network’s 2008/2009 upfront sales. But that doesn’t offset the fact that Silverman is widely seen as a major disappointment. “If only NBC could take the good of Ben and ignore the bad of Ben,” one insider tells me.

ari-emanuel.jpgThe laundry list of Silverman’s faults reached critical mass after Ben began negotiating to sell Reveille and knew he would soon have the proverbial “fuck-you money” to tell Zucker et al to take the NBC job and shove it. The whispers about Silverman’s off-duty behavior became loud chatter when he was drunk and disorderly at this year’s SuperBowl where he notoriously made a fool of himself with NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg. That capped a period during which Ben began missing meetings and cancelling appointments and forgetting callbacks because of too many late nights where he had partied hearty. For some time, Endeavor talent agency owner Ari Emanuel had been counseling his pal to tone down this over-the-top behavior – even last spring when both men were attending a cancer benefit dinner where Silverman was widely observed “high as a kite”. During the fundraiser, Emanuel reminded Silverman that scheduled the very next morning was a big meeting about an important piece of Marvel Studios business between Endeavor and NBC, and Ari warned Ben not to be late. But the next day, Silverman was a no-show. Though Endeavor does 75% of its TV business with NBC, Emanuel didn’t hesitate to complain directly to Zucker — and the conversation focused on Silverman’s over-indulgence of alcohol and drugs. Alarmed, Zucker instructed Universal boss Ron Meyer to determine if Silverman still wanted to work at NBC. As it happened, Meyer took Silverman to lunch at the studio at the same time Emanuel was there with Uni film chief Marc Shmuger. In full view of everyone, a shouting match ensued: Ben belligerently blamed Ari for getting him in trouble with his boss, and Ari aggressively shot back that it was justified, and neither man backed down. Meanwhile, at lunch with Meyer, Silverman said he wasn’t interested in quitting despite his new-found fortune. So Meyer reported back to Zucker that Ben claimed to still want to be onboard. Silverman by all accounts shaped up and buckled down for weeks after. But then his work ethic became erratic again.

To be fair to Silverman, attending the Beijing Olympics was a command performance for all NBC and GE brass. But almost every other top TV executive would have hurried back after a week, tops, to supervise production of the fall schedule especially at a network where the new shows are already having problems before they’re even on the air. There’s general agreement that the one NBC scripted show which looks good is Kings, and the rest are going to be ratings disasters. It’s thought to be the result of NBC forgoing pilot season and instead announcing series off scripts. Adding to this notion that the network’s primetime is in creative freefall are repeated reshoots (like on Kath & Kim, the U.S. knockoff of the Aussie sitcom) and showrunners stepping down or pushed aside (like on My Own Worst Enemy, the Christian Slater series), none of which ever bodes well. That Silverman chose to stay away despite all this speaks volumes about his lack of commitment to his job. And that he was vacationing with Elizabeth Murdoch was like a shout-out to the TV community that he’s looking for a graceful way out.

I’m told that NBC is hoping that Silverman jumps before he is pushed. And several sources have information to believe there is every reason that Ben is a short-timer. His contract, like Weinberg’s, expires next summer. But already Ben’s posse is letting it be known that he may start negotiating his out with an eye to exiting before December. His reasoning, according to insiders, is that, if by some miracle this fall’s primetime schedule succeeds, he’d like to go out ”a hero”. And if it tanks, he doesn’t want to go out “a failure” and get fired. However, office morale slumped on Thursday when Silverman returned after a month away and kept giddily telling everyone how newly “engaged” he feels. What a ridiculous statement and sentiment, only underscoring how wrong for the gig Ben really is.

One faction at NBC believes that, after Silverman and Weinberg exit, there may be no need to bring in new people because the existing network/studio team of Katharine Pope, Katie O’Connell, Jeff Ingold, and Erin Gough (as well as the team under them) is “rock solid”. However, others believe USA Networks chief Bonnie Hammer would be a good leader if she’d even take the job. There’s also talk that Zucker should put the entire NBC Universal entertainment unit under the administration of Ron Meyer, who after all has both a movie and TV background and was originally hired as prez/COO of Universal Studios to be in charge of both.

As for Silverman’s future, pals expect him to partner with Elisabeth Murdoch or, somewhat more unlikely, his best friend Ryan Seacrest. (Ben was providing exclusive but asinine live reports from the Beijing Olympics for Ryan’s syndicated Los Angeles-based morning radio show…) It doesn’t really matter what Silverman does as long as he quits sooner rather than later. Because Jeff Zucker isn’t man enough to admit a huge mistake and fire him.

  1. ‘Entourage’ Returns With Ben Silverman Guest-Starring
  2. That Ben Silverman Is One Lucky Guy
  3. You Want Cheese With That Whine, Ben?
  4. Ben Silverman Lives In The Pad-O-Moguls, Hollywood Halfway House
  5. Ben’s ‘Bring Back Sexy’ NBC Peacock Tatt
  6. Jeff Zucker To Flee Scene Of NBC Accident
  7. Ben Silverman Now Official NBC Employee
  8. Ben Silverman Is Breaking All The Rules
  9. Ben Silverman Didn’t Forget To Ass-Kiss
  10. Well, At Least He Didn’t Call Me Rat Finke
  11. Ben Installs His Reveille Gal At NBC Ent
  12. Don’t Sweep This Under The Rug, NBC
  13. NBC SHAKE-UP: My Final Wrap & Analysis
  14. Ben Silverman & Marc Graboff New Co-Chairmen Of NBC Ent/NBC Uni TV
  15. Kevin Reilly Officially Out. Ben Silverman Offered Bigger Job. Marc Graboff Upped.
  16. NBC SHAKE-UP! Ben Silverman Replacing Kevin Reilly?
Comments 110

‘Dark Knight’: $500M In Record 45 Days

By NIKKI FINKE, Editor in Chief | Sunday August 31, 2008 @ 11:53am PDT


So The Dark Knight posts still another best-ever. Media By Numbers is reporting that Warner Bros’ latest Batman installment crossing the $500 million domestic gross milestone today after only 45 days in release. It’s already the second-highest grossing pic of all time behind only the $600.8 million domestic haul of TitanicRead More »

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UPDATE: AFTRA Set To Negotiate Interactive Contract Separately From SAG

By NIKKI FINKE, Editor in Chief | Sunday August 31, 2008 @ 10:44am PDT

MONDAY: Now AFTRA has officially weighed in on the Interactive Contract and confirmed what SAG Interactive Committee chair Michael Bell told me — that AFTRA is starting informal negotiations on its own. Wheras in 2005 both AFTRA and SAG bargained the Interactive Contract jointly. See AFTRA’s statement below Bell’s…

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Comments 42

LABOR DAY LEADERS: Ben Stiller’s ‘Tropic Thunder’ Ousts Vin Diesel’s ‘Babylon A.D.’ As #1; ‘Dark Knight’ Passes $500M Today

By NIKKI FINKE, Editor in Chief | Saturday August 30, 2008 @ 8:42am PDT


MONDAY AM UPDATE: Here is the tentative summer total through today’s holiday – $4.12 billion, compared to Hollywood’s best-ever $4.16 billion for summer 2007 or just 1.3% behind. The summer box office may have run up near-record numbers, but it crawled to a … Read More »

Comments 26

SHOWBIZ LEGAL EAGLE GOES DOWN! Christensen Found Guilty On All Counts; Pellicano Also Convicted For 2nd Time

By NIKKI FINKE, Editor in Chief | Friday August 29, 2008 @ 11:19am PDT


UPDATE: Sentencing will take place November 17th.

Maybe Terry Christensen should have hired a real criminal attorney and not his entertainment … Read More »

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Why Do NBC Anchors Love Aaron Sorkin?

By NIKKI FINKE, Editor in Chief | Friday August 29, 2008 @ 9:08am PDT


Few people in Hollywood actually like Aaron Sorkin, least of all his fellow Writer’s Guild scribes who recently learned about his attempts to undermine the guild’s solidarity behind the writers strike. But NBC political anchors really really like him. Last night, NBC’s Brian Williams and MSNBC’s … Read More »

Comments 49

Anti-Membership First Flyer Sighted…

By NIKKI FINKE, Editor in Chief | Thursday August 28, 2008 @ 5:50pm PDT

My photographer Jim Stevenson spotted this anti-Membership First poster visible near a film production in Los Feliz today. Is this savvy or slimey? You be the judge. UPDATE: Opposing slate leader Ned Vaughn emails me: “Unite for Strength had nothing to do with this anti-Membership First flyer and I don’t know who’s behind it.”

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Comments 44

More Bitterness: SAG Hollywood vs NY

By NIKKI FINKE, Editor in Chief | Thursday August 28, 2008 @ 5:26pm PDT

Anti-Membership First Flyer Sighted… 

It was inevitable in this bitter SAG election between Membership First and Unite For Strength that both slates would find red meat in the just-as-bitter relationship between SAG Hollywood and the … Read More »

Comments 25

Lionsgate, A Studio With No Conscience

By NIKKI FINKE, Editor in Chief | Thursday August 28, 2008 @ 12:59pm PDT


The Pulitzer-prize winning New Orleans local newspaper thinks it’s an outrage that Lionsgate is releasing Disaster Movie on the 3rd anniversary of Hurricane Katrina. The studio that has hawked torture porn for years has now decided to make a buck off the suffering of hundreds of thousands of people, … Read More »

Comments 52

URGENT! Actors Guilds And Advertisers Agree To 6-Month Contract Extension

By NIKKI FINKE, Editor in Chief | Wednesday August 27, 2008 @ 2:06pm PDT

I just received the following announcement:

New York and Los Angeles (August 27, 2008) – Screen Actors Guild (SAG), the American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (AFTRA) and the advertising industry’s ANA/AAAA Joint Policy Committee on Broadcast Talent Union Relations (JPC) today jointly announced an agreement to extend, through March

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TOLDJA! Alli Shearmur Joining Lionsgate

By NIKKI FINKE, Editor in Chief | Wednesday August 27, 2008 @ 1:45pm PDT

I was out of the office yesterday but DHD readers already knew what Joe Drake finally announced: that Lionsgate hired Alli Shearmur to head a new production arm as part of the studio’s expansion. See my previous from July 18th: … Read More »

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TheDeal.com Also Says MGM Is For Sale…

By NIKKI FINKE, Editor in Chief | Wednesday August 27, 2008 @ 12:04pm PDT

So my sources, BusinessWeek‘s sources, and now TheDeal.com’s sources all report that MGM is for sale despite the studio’s denials. Last night, the well-known financial website (whose articles require a subscription) noted that MGM doesn’t need Goldman Sachs because it already … Read More »

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Pellicano/Christensen Trial Goes To Jury

By NIKKI FINKE, Editor in Chief | Wednesday August 27, 2008 @ 11:29am PDT


The conspiracy and wiretapping case against ex-Hollywood P.I. Anthony Pellicano and Terry Christensen, the managing partner of the powerhouse … Read More »

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SAG Board Slates To Be Web-Interviewed

By NIKKI FINKE, Editor in Chief | Wednesday August 27, 2008 @ 11:08am PDT

UPDATE: The interviews are archived here.

The two competing slates in the SAG election, Membership First and Unite For Strength, will be interviewed today at 2PM and 4PM via live Internet streaming using a novel technology known as user generated television. It’s U4S … Read More »

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IATSE Member Petition Urges Leadership To Stop ‘Corporate Welfare’ For HBO

By NIKKI FINKE, Editor in Chief | Wednesday August 27, 2008 @ 9:13am PDT

I’m told a group of IATSE members are circulating a petition that lobbies IATSE leadership to end what they say is a sweetheart deal enjoyed by HBO at the expense of below-the-line IATSE employees. ”With all the labor management strife in recent months, it … Read More »

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Delay Those Flights By At Least A Day…

By NIKKI FINKE, Editor in Chief | Tuesday August 26, 2008 @ 12:36pm PDT

Labor Day Weekend is usually a big getaway for Hollywood types. But if you’re boarding a commercial plane today – DON’T. An FAA flightplan computer glitch has created a mess at airports nationwide. This is also affecting general aviation.

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Closing Arguments Set For Today In Pellicano/Christensen Trial: End In Sight

By NIKKI FINKE, Editor in Chief | Tuesday August 26, 2008 @ 12:28pm PDT

Both ex-Hollywood P.I. Anthony Pellicano and Terry Christensen, the managing partner of the showbiz law firm Christensen, Glaser, Fink, Jacobs, Weil & Shapiro, are charged with wiretapping and conspiracy. Lawyers rested their cases on Friday.

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SAG Warns Agents, Managers, Producers, Casting Directors: Hands Off Our Election!

By NIKKI FINKE, Editor in Chief | Monday August 25, 2008 @ 11:18pm PDT

This statement from the Screen Actors Guild is on the big actors union’s website. UPDATE: I just found out this is not in response to anything in particular. SAG says it posts this every election cycle:


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Comments 20

‘Valkyrie’ Nazi Extras Sue Tom’s UA Studio

By NIKKI FINKE, Editor in Chief | Monday August 25, 2008 @ 11:02pm PDT

There’s more bad news for the movie studio part-owned by Tom Cruise and Paula Wagner with MGM. Last summer, 11 extras dressed in Nazi army uniforms fell out of the back of a World War II-era troop carrier truck as it … Read More »

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