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The Issue: Final rules for the individual health insurance mandate
By MARCELLA KREITER, United Press International
Hate it all you want, but insurance -- life, auto, homeowners/renters, health -- can mean the difference between survival and personal disaster.
The Issue: Political corruption
By MARCELLA KREITER, United Press International
Illinois has a long tradition of sending politicians to prison -- congressmen, governors, local politicians, Republicans, Democrats -- it's all good.
The Issue: Obamacare -- Deadlines approaching, shutdown looming?
By MARCELLA KREITER, United Press International
With summer fading and fall healthcare reform deadlines approaching, politicians are getting nervous -- Democrats fearing President Obama's signature domestic accomplishment won't work and Republicans fearing it will.
The Issue: Political sex scandals
By MARCELLA KREITER, United Press International
The frivolity of summer was slipping away: Fears were growing National Security Agency surveillance program was nipping away at civil liberties, unrest was roiling the black community following the Zimmerman verdict in Florida and Republicans and Democrats were again sniping over the federal budget and debt ceiling.
The Issue: GOP serves Obamacare votes with a side of discomforture
By NICOLE DEBEVEC, United Press International
After weeks of rumblings among the ranks and angst among analysts, U.S. House Republicans may be looking to pass along a little discomfort to Democrats in the form of votes on the Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare.
The Issue: Do we still have a right to privacy?
By MARCELLA KREITER, United Press International
Ever have the feeling someone's watching your every move?
By NICOLE DEBEVEC, United Press International
While the eyes of the nation were on Texas' abortion debate and filibuster, laws affecting abortion access went into effect without much national hoopla.
The Issue: Does delay of key Obamacare provision spell trouble ahead?
By MARCELLA KREITER, United Press International
Obamacare, the derisive name for President Obama's signature healthcare reform law, held promise for millions of Americans who have been unable to find affordable insurance coverage for various reasons, the most heartbreaking of which is that they're already sick.
The Issue: Immigration reform
By MARCELLA KREITER, United Press International
Based on the rhetoric coming from some sectors, one would think immigration is a new concept in the United States, a position at odds with the centuries-old description of the country as a nation of immigrants.
The Issue: Is obesity a disease or a lifestyle choice?
By MARCELLA KREITER, United Press International
CHICAGO, June 23 (UPI) -- Women in stretch pants who should know better, men with guts hanging over their belt buckles walking around shirtless -- we've all had that nasty thought: Look at that fat slob.
The Issue: Immigration reform bill finally hits Senate floor
By NICOLE DEBEVEC, United Press International
Debate finally began on the U.S. Senate floor last week on the bipartisan immigration reform bill seen as the best opportunity on a while – or for a while – to overhaul the nation's immigration laws.
By MARCELLA KREITER, United Press International
The scenario is disturbingly familiar: a dictator, charges of atrocities, lack of cooperation with international investigators, a group seeking support from the international community to alleviate their suffering -- we've been here before, repeatedly.
The Issue: More jobs, more people looking for jobs
By MARCELLA KREITER, United Press International
Happy day may not yet be here but they're getting closer based on last week's unemployment statistics and recent real estate news.
The Issue: A decade after 9/11, time for change
By MARCELLA KREITER, United Press International
Uneasy lies the head that wears the crown appears to apply to U.S. President Barack Obama, a constitutional lawyer coming to grips with government policies that keep prisoners of war incarcerated without hope of release and executes U.S. nationals overseas without benefit of trial.
The Issue: How far is the reach of the scandal monster dogging Obama?
By NICOLE DEBEVEC, United Press International
Talk about a whiff. The Obama administration, in one extraordinarily difficult stretch, was belted with the specters of the U.S. Consulate bombing, word of the IRS targeting conservative groups and the revelation that the FBI was rifling through The Associated Press' phone records.
The Issue: The 2013 farm bill
By MARCELLA S. KREITER, United Press International
The biggest issue in the U.S. farm bill has little to do with agriculture and everything to do with partisan politics and the role of government in caring for the poor: food stamps.
The Issue: Minnesota latest state to recognize same-sex marriage
By NICOLE DEBEVEC, United Press International
Minnesota Gov. Mark Dayton's signing into law a bill legalizing same-sex marriage in the Land of 10,000 Lakes means that now a dozen states -- a fifth of the country -- recognize same-sex marriage.
The Issue: Accountability attacked over, under and upside-down
By NICOLE DEBEVEC, United Press International
American voters are bombarded by messages -- gazillions of messages -- that help them make decisions when they enter the voting booth or decide on an issue.
The Issue: Obama reopens Guantanamo issue
By MARCELLA KREITER, United Press International
U.S. President Barack Obama says it's time to rethink the prison camp at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, because its operation is a stain on the national psyche and diminishes that for which the United States stands.
By NICOLE DEBEVEC, United Press International
The use of unmanned aircraft to carry out targeted killings is attractive because few U.S. lives are at risk, but increased use of unmanned aircraft to carry out targeted killing because few U.S. lives are at risk could lead U.S. decision-makers down a slippery slope.
The Issue: Discord between state, federal marijuana laws just crazy
By NICOLE DEBEVEC, United Press International
Is the grass turning greener for marijuana laws in the United States?
The Issue: Finding a job tough for both young and old
By MARCELLA KREITER, United Press International
The Federal Reserve may be saying encouraging things about the economy, the stock market may be setting records and employers say they're planning on hiring new college grads and summer workers, but millions of Americans have been out of work for at least six months and their prospects of finding new jobs don't seem to be getting any brighter.
The Issue: Plenty to love, loathe in Obama's 2014 budget
By NICOLE DEBEVEC, United Press International
Congressional Republicans and Democrats began voicing their displeasure over U.S. President Obama's 2014 budget plan, either saying it didn't go far enough to cut spending, or it raised taxes or it intruded too much on entitlements or left seniors in a lurch.
The Issue: Same-sex marriage support more vocal, more widespread
By NICOLE DEBEVEC, United Press International
Same-sex marriage is garnering new-found, or at least more publicized, acceptance across the United States, cutting across political and philosophical lines as the idea of two people of the same sex in a committed relationship isn't as off-putting as it was, say, a year ago.
The Issue: Unemployment falls, but not because more people are working
By MARCELLA KREITER, United Press International
Riddle me this: When is a drop in the U.S. unemployment rate not good news?
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