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Mashable's profile photo
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The FBI may be having the “last lulz” today after arresting five top LulzSec members based on reports from one of the group’s own.

Police in the U.S., Great Britain and Ireland took the men, alleged to be top members of Lulzsec, into custody Tuesday morning. The arrests were made based on intelligence handed to police by Hector Xavier Monsegur, or “Sabu,” who is considered to be the leader of LulzSec. Monsegur had been “secretly arrested” and turned into a “cooperating witness” by the FBI, according to a Fox News report.

“This is devastating to the organization,” an FBI official told FoxNews.com. “We’re chopping off the head of LulzSec.”
Police in the U.S. and UK have taken five men alleged to be top members of Lulzsec into custody Tuesday based on a top members' information.
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Christina Trapolino's profile photo
Josh Olivo's profile photo
 -  so the FBI has thwarted hackerdom, huh? Fat chance.
Jim Phàt's profile photo
 -  hacker snitches get stitches. Zip file.
Christopher Rizzo's profile photo
Seth Raymond's profile photo
Andrew Coffman's profile photo
Christopher Rizzo's profile photo
 -  Could be the FBI putting out false reports though, trying to get others to snitch. I wouldn't put it past them to do something like that.
Anowanul Kabir's profile photo
Andrés Arrieta's profile photo
 -  It's not the last laugh when they did it knowing and accepting they would be arrested eventually
Dwayne Knight's profile photo
 -  You'd think smart people would set up in a cell structure and maintain anonymity and autonomy. The government has been at the intelligence game a long time after all.
Andrew Coffman's profile photo
 -  the united states has been involved in intelligence as long as there's been a brain drain effect
Kara Hylander's profile photo
 -  Every site on the web is citing the same Fox News sources. And yet you all still swallow what they shove down your throat?
Dwayne Knight's profile photo
Ryan Blyth's profile photo
Daniel Panichelli's profile photo
Tyger Doyle's profile photo
Pancho Eliott's profile photo
 -  They can kill lulsec, but they can't kill an idea!
Davis Centis's profile photo
 -  They chopped the head, eh? Too bad two grow back!
Kara Hylander's profile photo
Daniel Panichelli's profile photo
thomas allen's profile photo
 -  FOX NEWS, come on, the dirtiest one out there and you think this is true????
Mark sOuL Hopkins's profile photo
Matt Burns's profile photo
 -  Meh. If they're doing it just for the lulz, they're doing it wrong. Act for a cause, not for yourself. The real heroes of Anonymous don't mind staying anonymous.
Daniel Santa Cruz's profile photo
Chris Bennett's profile photo
Chip Evans's profile photo
 -  Selling your cause out is just wrong.
Imogen Bailey's profile photo
Andrew Coffman's profile photo
 -  +Chip Evans The original story (Faux News) and all citations do not give details verifying the identity of the supposed informant, how the information was obtained (cooperative or coerced), how the information was corroborated (are they really going to act on unverified info) et al.

The article, in all the many citations, is more of a puff piece and propagandizing how the FBI is doing something other than running illegal operations internationally and domestically.

This is why I and many others aren't that excited or convinced of the veracity and content of this news nor most main stream media missives.
Will Palaia's profile photo
 -  All I see is Mr. Peanut drinking red wine...
Adam Plante's profile photo
 -  What kinda tool snitches on his own operation?
thomas allen's profile photo
 -  TOOL?? or fool!!! mmm how about "not spending your life in jail" I'm guessing be one of the reasons
Andrew Coffman's profile photo
 -  tool? fool?

let's try some plausible scenarios instead of easy bake labels:

what about Agent Provocateur?

COINTELPRO isn't just a history lesson.

What about the removal of limitations on torturing citizens courtesy of the NDAA?

Jail would be the least of worries when a person can be declared 'enemy combatant'.

Is this going to be any more verifiable than scapegoating some useful idiot in a plot to kill foreign ambassadors of favored nations?

The story is just breaking and has yet to have a chance at being scrutinized.

Please stop shooting from the emotional hip and start looking for verification other than rehashed MSM sources

Where's the unofficial #lulzsec response on youtube perhaps...
Will Palaia's profile photo
 -  Also reminds me of the main character in "The Informant"...
Dennis Tabula's profile photo
 -  "According to Fox News". Yeah... no. Since when did Fox News ever report anything even remotely plausible and believable?
Syd Walters's profile photo
 -  Oh, Fox News. All credibility just flew out the window.
Felicity Wilde's profile photo
 -  When I think of Anonymous or Lulz, I am reminded of the mythical Hydra. Chop off it's head and two more grow to replace it. I am sure the police feel the need to pursue what they see as criminals, but I am thinking that they will never see the end of the pursuit.
Michael Covel's profile photo
 -  Let us all remember that this is INFORMATION warfare we're talking about here. Information is concealed, revealed, and invented for tactical purposes all the time. The public represents an element in the tactical scenarios being considered on both sides. The hacker "organizations" want the publicity needed to start this debate in the public dialogue. The government wants to gain support for increased control over information and the technological channels through which it flows. Its a chess game. You are being moved.
Sandi Hadžić's profile photo
 -  "Anonymous is not something you can catch. We are anonymous. We use your computers to achive our goals so you become anonymous." I didn't write this so FBI I don't know nothing. Leave me be.
Davis Centis's profile photo
 -  +Michael Covel Anonymous is not trying to manipulate the public, Anonymous IS the public! In a sense, it's a civil information war. We have to fight our own governments just for the right to real info. Wow, I just got depressed writing that. Why on earth should we have to fight the people that are supposed to represent us for our own rights and freedoms?
Colm English's profile photo
 -  I keep reading about the Hydra in posts. You know what would really happen if you cut off a Hydra head? It would go "Oh Frack! That hurt like hell. I'm not doing that again". Why do people think that hurting something will make it stronger? Logic concludes that a percentage of people will see this and decide to give up their hacking activities. Allegories are great but just because something sounds good, doesn't mean that its true.
Onix Alicea's profile photo
Michael Covel's profile photo
 -  +Davis Centis Anonymous is NOT the public. Maybe in some idealized philosophical way they can claim to be, but you can't equate a group with a special interest to the WHOLE population. Civil information war, maybe. Anonymous are either cyber terrorists with a clear objective, or engaged in information age civil disobediance against a perceived government threat. I'll buy either argument. What I will not accept is that they are somehow speaking and acting on behalf of all of the citizenry for "their own good." THAT kind of thinking is exactly what tyrannical governments and terrorists do. They act in ways that they think are best for the "good of the people" even though the people haven't asked them to do so, and aren't doing so for themselves.
Phil Worthen's profile photo
Nellie K. Adaba's profile photo
 -  It's the group Anonymous, I know it. They are hackers and antigovernment
Rob M's profile photo
 -  Cooperating witness eh? What a douche. Where are the ethics of people that supposedly fight for privacy and then turn around and cooperate with the feds? I'm blown away and lost respect for LulzSec. I know Anonymous wouldn't do that and if they did, then all bets are off. And it's NOT the group Anonymous, it's a sect that broke off from the main group calling themselves LulzSec. Anonymous is still it's own group and some of the members prior broke off and stayed with LulzSec. Just FYI to +Nellie K. Adaba
kim gould's profile photo
 -  Chopping off the head of something like this makes no difference at all, it's based on the old belief that things have to have 'heads'. They don't any longer, these organisations are fractal. Good luck FBI, and enjoy those celebrations while they last!
tahsin hussein's profile photo
Christopher Gaul's profile photo
kim gould's profile photo
 -  Because tahsin these organisations don't work on a linear hierarchy - this person is in charge and those people report to that person. It's much more organic, and it's driven by a shared passion for freedom of expression and fueled by a diverse range of skills. So taking out one part of the organisation won't make a difference. The FBI are thinking in old ways and celebrating a bit prematurely. Even if lulz or anonymous stop operating, they'll be replaced with other 'organisations' simply because those involved will swarm elsewhere and continue to do what they do best. It's a movement whose time has come and the FBI won't figure that out for a few decades yet I suspect!
tahsin hussein's profile photo
 -  Thank you "Kim gould" , for this clarification. I really appreciate that.
kim gould's profile photo
 -  +Christopher Gaul you'd have to assume .... Vietnam, Korea, South America .... need I go on? Perhaps this new version on home soil is confusing them? +tahsin hussein - my pleasure!
Robbie Henry's profile photo
 -  And heres me thinking Ireland was falling behind in all the hacktivist dealings haha but in more seriousness 19 years old and arrested for a DDOS...not particularly a big lulz player really
David Greene's profile photo
Francisco Jose Palacio Junior's profile photo
Chip Evans's profile photo
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