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By PETER MORICI, UPI Outside View Commentator
COLLEGE PARK, Md., Sept. 6 (UPI) -- More U.S. job creation require trimming back on tax increases and spending cuts and more realistic and less-ideological trade, energy and regulatory policies.
By JEFF M. MOORE, UPI Outside View Commentator
ARLINGTON, Va., Sept. 6 (UPI) -- War, maybe in the form of a low-intensity conflict, has descended upon Egypt.
By SHIHOKO GOTO, UPI Outside View Commentator
WASHINGTON, Sept. 6 (UPI) -- Time is running out for the Trans-Pacific Partnership, which would be the world's biggest trade deal, to be clinched on time.
By TARAS KUZIO, UPI Outside View Commentator
WASHINGTON, Sept. 5 (UPI) -- What has been described as a "trade war" between Ukraine and Russia has overshadowed two more important factors that have more important long-term strategic implications for the U.S.-Russian-Ukrainian strategic triangle.
By PETER MORICI, UPI Outside View Commentator
COLLEGE PARK, Md., Sept. 5 (UPI) -- Forecasters expect the U.S. Labor Department to report the U.S. economy added 175,000 jobs in August and the unemployment rate remained steady at 7.4 percent.
Hesitation on Syrian strike threatens economic recovery
By PETER MORICI, UPI Outside View Commentator
COLLEGE PARK, Md., Sept. 4 (UPI) -- U.S. President Barack Obama's vacillation on Syria -- delaying military action and booting the decision to Congress -- poses grave threats to U.S. prosperity.
By HARLAN ULLMAN, UPI Outside View Commentator
WASHINGTON, Sept. 4 (UPI) -- Lewis Carroll's "Alice in Wonderland" offers a relevant insight into how to respond -- or not -- to chemical weapons attacks in Syria that claimed 1,500 lives.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 3 (UPI) -- The debate was between the United States doing nothing in Syria and “standoff retaliation.”
Why Cameron was right
By MARTIN WALKER, UPI Editor Emeritus
PARIS, Sept. 3 (UPI) -- Prime Minister David Cameron refuses to show personal humiliation and political castration after his defeat in Parliament regarding military action in Syria.
By JAMES ZUMWALT, UPI Outside View Commentator
HERNDON, Va., Sept. 3 (UPI) -- A 5-year-old Saudi girl may prove to wield more influence over her people than the country's religious leaders touting twisted "virtues" of Islam.
Seriously? Scoring zero
By WILLIAM SPRIGGS, UPI Outside View Commentator
WASHINGTON, Sept. 2 (UPI) -- House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, said he pick a fight with U.S. President Barack Obama over the nation's debt ceiling.
By STRUAN STEVENSON, UPI Outside View Commentator
BRUSSELS, Sept. 2 (UPI) -- The predictable consequence of the West's failure to take action in Syria manifested itself Saturday night in the brutal massacre of unarmed civilians in Camp Ashraf in Iraq.
By PETER MORICI, UPI Outside View Commentator
COLLEGE PARK, Md., Aug. 29 (UPI) -- U.S. gross domestic product growth was revised up for the second quarter to 2.5 percent from 1.7 percent because the trade deficit was much smaller than originally estimated and investments in inventory were revised upward.
Egyptian and Arab democracy uber alles?
By HARLAN ULLMAN, UPI Outside View Commentator
WASHINGTON, Aug. 28 (UPI) -- Insanity has been described as constantly repeating the same mistake and expecting a different outcome. That characterization sadly applies to U.S. attitudes and policies toward much of what is happening in Egypt and the Arab and Islamic worlds.
Muslim Brotherhood's world domination blueprint
By JAMES ZUMWALT, UPI Outside View Commentator
HERNDON, Va., Aug. 27 (UPI) -- The Egyptian army has taught the Muslim Brotherhood the meaning of putting the cart before the horse.
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2013 Style Awards
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Christie Brinkley and Kate Upton arrive on the red carpet at the 2013 Style Awards at Lincoln Center in New York City on September 4, 2013. UPI/John Angelillo