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Most viewed: Science

  1. 1. World's first synthetic hamburger gets full marks for 'mouth feel'

    5 Aug 2013:

    A little pale, lacking in juiciness and seasoning, but close your eyes and the lab-grown hamburger was 'definitely meat'

  2. 2. Google's Sergey Brin bankrolled world's first synthetic beef hamburger

    5 Aug 2013:

    The billionaire co-founder of Google, Sergey Brin, said he invested €250,000 in the technology for animal welfare reasons

  3. 3. Google burger: Sergey Brin explains why he funded world's first lab-grown beef hamburger - video

    5 Aug 2013:

    Google co-founder Sergey Brin explains why he bankrolled a €250,000 project to produce the world's first synthetic hamburger

  4. 4. Anyone for a stem-cell burger?

    5 Aug 2013: At the unveiling of the world's first lab-grown burger, the crucial question is: how does it taste?
  5. 5. Introducing the Guardian's new psychology blog, Head Quarters | Pete Etchells, Molly Crockett, Nathalia Gjersoe and Chris Chambers

    5 Aug 2013:

    Pete Etchells, Molly Crockett, Nathalia Gjersoe and Chris Chambers: Welcome to Head Quarters, the Guardian's new centre of operations for psychology

  6. 6. Synthetic meat: how the world's costliest burger made it on to the plate

    5 Aug 2013: Created in a laboratory, paid for by Google's co-founder – is this the future for the planet's growing population?
  7. 7. Synthetic beef hamburger tastes 'close to meat' - video

    5 Aug 2013:

    A beef burger grown in a laboratory in Holland tastes 'close to meat', according to two volunteers who are the first to taste it on Monday

  8. 8. First hamburger made from lab-grown meat to be served at press conference

    5 Aug 2013:

    Dr Mark Post aims to prove that growing meat in labs could reduce the impact of livestock production on the environment

  9. 9. You needn't be wrong to be called delusional

    3 Aug 2013: Just because they're out to get you doesn't prove you're not paranoid, says the latest edition of the psychiatrists' bible, writes Vaughan Bell
  10. 10. Would you eat lab-grown meat?

    5 Aug 2013:

    On Monday afternoon, Dr Mark Post will eat a hamburger made entirely from meat grown in his lab. But would you be prepared to try synthetic beef grown in a lab?

  11. 11. Luis Suárez and Arsenal: why that extra pound could lead to a happy marriage | Alex Bellos

    5 Aug 2013:

    Alex Bellos: The tradition of giving large sums of money ending in 1 is seen as a blessing in India

  12. 12. Can synthetic beef satisfy the world's growing hunger for meat? – video

    5 Aug 2013:

    Dr Mark Post plans to eat a hamburger made entirely from meat grown in his lab. Alok Jha investigates how synthetic meat is made and whether people would be prepared to eat it

  13. 13. Astronomy Photographer of the Year 2013 shortlist - in pictures

    30 Jul 2013:

    The Royal Observatory Greenwich has announced the shortlist for the 2013 Astronomy Photographer of the Year competition. Here are all 15 stunning pictures

  14. 14. Science Weekly podcast: the waking nightmare of sleep paralysis

    4 Aug 2013:

    Psychologist Dr Christopher French and film maker Carla MacKinnon joined forces to raise awareness of sleep paralysis

  15. 15. Scientists confess via Twitter | Athene Donald

    5 Aug 2013:

    Athene Donald: It all goes to show scientists are not the emotionless, white-coated nerds of old-fashioned stereotyping

  16. 16. Why we go gaga over royal baby memorabilia | Nathalia Gjersoe

    5 Aug 2013:

    Nathalia Gjersoe: What is it about celebrities that makes us want to pay good money for memorabilia and trinkets?

  17. 17. Why the Incas offered up child sacrifices

    3 Aug 2013: As it tried to ward off disasters on the Pacific ring of fire, this advanced culture showed its dark side, explains leading anthropologist Kim MacQuarrie
  18. 18. Christmas lectures will address ethical challenges posed by genetics

    5 Aug 2013:

    Biologist Alison Woollard will tackle issues such as genetic modification of humans in Royal Institution Christmas Lectures

  19. 19. Scientist to eat lab-grown beefburger

    2 Aug 2013: Dr Mark Post will cook and eat €250,000 burger painstakingly constructed from protein grown from stem cells
  20. 20. Why the princes in the tower are staying six feet under

    5 Feb 2013: Correspondence shows Church of England has repeatedly refused to allow forensic tests on bones in Westminster Abbey

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