Red hot summer salad

Kathryn Hawkins creates a delicious, vibrant salad bowl of aubergines, radicchio and raspberries


Author of The Allotment Cookbook, Kathryn Hawkins shows us a vibrant, tasty way with late summer leaves and things...

As we've all been enjoying Summer (at last!), I've got out the salad bowl again and have been eating delicious Mediterranean-influenced combinations. Here's one of my favourites; it's a stunning red and purple number with gorgeous grilled aubergines, red basil and salad leaves, finished off with a handful of late raspberries. It makes an impressive starter or you can add prawns or salmon flakes to beef it up a bit for a main course - lumps of buffalo mozzarella make an ideal veggie version. Either way, I'm sure you'll love the flavours. Happy eating!

Grilled aubergine, red onion and raspberries See Page 99

There are lots of subtle tones of red and pink in garden vegetables and this salad mixes a few to give a wonderful display that is delicious to eat.

Serves 4

2 large pink or purple aubergines


2 medium red onions, peeled

4 Tbsp raspberry vinegar

6 Tbsp light olive oil

1 tsp cumin seeds, lightly crushed

1 tsp coriander seeds, lightly crushed

Freshly ground black pepper

1 Tbsp clear honey

1 Tbsp wholegrain mustard

1 small radicchio lettuce

Small bunch purple basil

225 g (8 oz) fresh raspberries

1 Preheat the oven to 200° C (400° F / gas 6). Trim the ends off the aubergines and cut into thin round slices. Stand a colander or large sieve in a bowl and layer up the aubergine slices, sprinkling with salt as you go. Set aside for 30 minutes, then rinse well, drain and pat dry with kitchen paper.

2 Meanwhile, halve the onions and cut into thick wedges. Separate the layers and place in a small glass or china bowl. Toss in 1 tablespoon of the vinegar and set aside.

3 Line a large baking sheet with baking parchment and arrange the aubergine and onion slices on top. Drizzle with 4 tablespoons of oil and sprinkle with the seeds and black pepper. Bake in the oven for about 30 minutes, turning occasionally, until tender and golden. Drain well and keep warm.

4 In a small bowl, whisk the remaining vinegar and oil together with the honey, mustard and some seasoning to make a dressing. Set aside until ready to serve.

5 When ready to serve, break up the radicchio and remove the core. Rinse and shake off the excess water. Break up the leaves and arrange on serving plates. Sprinkle with a few basil leaves, top with the warm aubergine and onion and a few raspberries. Drizzle the dressing over each portion and serve.

FREEZING Not suitable

Cook's note For a main meal salad try adding cooked chicken to the dish or pieces of buffalo mozzarella.