top 200 commentsshow all 209

[–]xinzaku 263 points264 points ago

This is an awesome idea, keep it up!

[–]Dorkside[S] 147 points148 points ago

Thanks, I wasn't sure if this was something the community would want but I'm hopeful people will find it useful.

[–]campbellbrad 9 points10 points ago

R/dvdcollection would appreciate this as well. I really want the muppet movie!

[–]Dumb_Dick_Sandwich 2 points3 points ago

Dorkside, you am hero.

You am hero.

[–]Fwad 4 points5 points ago

Do Redbox next. They don't get everything new right away because of a few studio contracts.

[–]Dorkside[S] 15 points16 points ago

I should be able to add new Redbox releases to next weeks list. Does anyone know if Netflix puts out a release schedule for movies they're making available?

[–]OSUTechie 1 point2 points ago

keep an eye on I don't think they do any more.

[–]Dheredia88 1 point2 points ago

There's an app that's called "myQ for Netflix" (on android) that says what's out on instant more efficient than the website or anything else I've seen

[–]Dorkside[S] 1 point2 points ago

Thanks, I'll check that out.

[–]Sztheday 1 point2 points ago

Check out for Netflix new releases and upcoming BluRay releases.

[–]Boo_R4dley 0 points1 point ago updates daily with titles that have been added, usually within 24hrs.

[–]Fwad 0 points1 point ago

I think they have to delay it a month or so based on contracts certain studios have with other distribution channels. I believe it's a constant time period but when I was waiting for Cloud Atlas to show up in there, the Redbox site always just said coming soon.

[–]Sugreev2001 1 point2 points ago

As an ardent movie collecter,this is extremely useful. Thank you for implementing this.

[–]Awesome_Bobsome 1 point2 points ago

This is awesome. I find it very useful.

[–]BhodiandUtah 1 point2 points ago

Love this feature. Used to rely on Harry from Aintitcool but he updates sporadically now so this is much appreciated.

[–]Boo_R4dley 2 points3 points ago

I thought the rollout of the app would've fixed that considering it's paid, it's better than it used to be as he'll only get a week or two behind as opposed to the month or more from before.

[–]budpickens 1 point2 points ago

Hell yeah dude. I'm interested in what's out, but I always forget to look. Injecting useful info into reddit is brilliant!

[–]DroogyParade 1 point2 points ago

I didn't see it in the comments, mostly because I'm on my phone and can't ctrl+f. You should x-post this to r/dvdcollection.

[–]legendairy 1 point2 points ago

How about iTunes releases. They tend to get quite a few movies before theatrical release these days and I have yet to find a solid resource.

[–]mi-16evil 19 points20 points ago


Shane: One of the greatest Westerns of all time, or at least one of the most famous. Pretty much the set the archetype for the perfect Western hero. A little cheesy today, but great performances from Alan Ladd and Jack Palance are well worth seeing.

The Muppet Movie: Very classic family film. It can suffer for being a little too 70s, but a great cast of characters and good meta humor keep it a fun watch. Also holy shit, some of the best original film songs ever in my opinion.

A Band Called Death: Any Drafthouse Films release is worth checking out and this is no exception. Great little doc about a punk band called Death who influenced many of the great 70s punk acts like Sex Pistols. A lot like the documentary Anvil!: The Story of Anvil in a good way.

Seconds: John Frankenheimer's (The Manchurian Candidate) long out of print bizarre paranoid thriller. I've only seen pieces, but I'm really glad to see it get a DVD release. The production was fascinating and was part of the cause of the mental breakdown of Brian Willison who was composing the film. Fantastic cinematography and knowing Criterion there is going to be some badass backstory features. Can't wait to get it.

I'd also recommend Flashdance because it is truly the embodiment of everything wrong with 1980s American cinema. It's also both entirely awful and completely enjoyable.

What other films would you recommend (or strongly urge to avoid)?

[–]MediumSizedMedia 3 points4 points ago

I watched Tucker and Dale vs Evil yesterday I didnt think it was as funny as some people on here. There were some good moments but I was expecting bigger laughs. There was way too much dialogue between dale and alli. Tucker was the one who had me in stitches when he was explaining the woodchipper scene.

[–]mi-16evil 2 points3 points ago

Sorry I meant on the list dorkside posted.

[–]girafa 5 points6 points ago

Dae moon?

[–]Foxtrot434 6 points7 points ago

Sorry, I've never heard of it. Is it any good?

[–]girafa 6 points7 points ago

It's literally the most underrated movie ever. Seriously, no one has ever heard of it and it's so amazing. It really shows how creatively bankrupt the studios in hollywood are, because we don't need $300m light and noise shows, we need thoughtful movies that bend our brains over a barrel and show us all 50 states.

[–]Foxtrot434 2 points3 points ago

bend our brains over a barrel and show us all 50 states.

I recognize that statement! It's from a movie I saw... one that could definitely do with a sequel. Yeah, sequels are awesome.

[–]oijijiji 3 points4 points ago

The Company You Keep is pretty decent. Far from the heights Redford used to reach, but it's a surprisingly decent performance from LaBeouf and the rest of the cast is strong. It's slow and doesn't really earn the right to be that slow, but it's worth watching just for the ensemble. Sarandon, Redford, Marling, Nolte, Cooper, Tucci, Jenkins, Gleeson, and, most importantly, it may be one of the last times we get to see Christ(ie) the Savior onscreen.

[–]Foxtrot434 1 point2 points ago

According to Letterboxd, I enjoyed The Company You Keep far more than most. I think Shia LaBeouf does some great work in it as his character develops through these different encounters. As you say, it's quite the ensemble as well. A good blend of new and old.

[–]Eraser-Head 1 point2 points ago

Swamp Thing! Yeah!

[–]FarmlessKansan 0 points1 point ago

Death didn't influence anybody, nobody heard them. What's fascinating is that they weren't even a marginal success until 35 years later. Great film by the way.

[–]Beeslo 0 points1 point ago

The most recent Drafthouse Film being released is a movie called I Declare War. It is about a bunch of kids having an epic pretend war with each other. They may be pointing sticks at each other, but the movie showcases their imagination going hog wild with them blowing each other away with machine guns, rocket launchers, crossbows, etc. Keeping with the trend, it apparently is awesome.

[–]mi-16evil 1 point2 points ago

Wow that does sound interesting. They've already had a remarkable with A Band Called Death, Pieta and The Act of Killing. Honestly I think the only dud they've produced was that godawful film The FP.

[–]Beeslo 0 points1 point ago

Aw, The FP sucks? I was wanting to watch that one. The concept sounded hilarious. It sounded like they were paying homage to gang warfare movies complete with all the stereotypes and re-used plot devices (brother reluctantly filling the shoes, literally, of his bigger brother to save the day) and using a dance dance revolution game as the method to which the rival gangs battle for control. Considering that it makes itself up to be a big joke (sort of like Rubber with its clearly intentionally absurd concept of a sentient, killer tire), I didn't think you could fuck that up.

[–]mi-16evil 1 point2 points ago

Yeah, it was a great short film idea but it really loses it's flair as it goes on.

[–]DontCareMuch 25 points26 points ago

/r/Movies should have something like /r/Games with two weekly threads, a 'what are you watching' and a suggestion thread.

[–]Dorkside[S] 15 points16 points ago

I think that's a great idea.

[–]eyepuncher 1 point2 points ago

This is an awesome idea!

[–]Eraser-Head 1 point2 points ago

Lets have a thread called /r/awesomeideas!

[–]mi-16evil 4 points5 points ago

/r/turefilm has a weekly "what are you watching" thread.

[–]angelfromthecoast 3 points4 points ago

As much as I love watching films, I always get overwhelmed when I go there. I really want to get into that "culture" but every time I visit the subreddit there are threads about symbolism and underlying themes in movies, and I feel completely lost. Am I not a true "film-buff" if I can't pick up on things in films like those guys do?

[–]Iamostrich 8 points9 points ago

It's like anything else, you just need to put more time and energy into films to get to the point that you can discuss them on a really in depth level. I'd recommend looking up any discussions you can find on a film you love over on truefilm and read what they say about it, then rewatch it to notice what they where talking about.

[–]geoman2k 2 points3 points ago

It's the same with /r/truegaming. The idea of some in depth discussion of my favorite games sounds like fun, but half the posts there are rambling walls of text from people who think way too far into the subject matter.

I mean I look at this and I just don't even...

[–]angelfromthecoast 0 points1 point ago

Yes! That is exactly how I feel!
Oh and that link.....Jesus Christ.....

[–]Wildera -3 points-2 points ago

Is that a really necessary subreddit? last time I checked, r/movies is not going down hill and has constant quality.

[–]Foxtrot434 9 points10 points ago

While it may descend into "I've watched a more obscure film that you" every once in a while, the amount of discussion and quality of those discussions are worlds higher than anything that can be found on /r/movies.

/r/movies is for marketing. /r/truefilm is for discussion.

[–]ZGiSH 10 points11 points ago

It's probably for (and I mean this in the most non-insulting way) people who are more invested into film culture and watch really obscure foreign movies and go to galleries to watch art house films.

[–]Wildera 3 points4 points ago

Okay, makes sense I guess. People take in film in very different ways. I was thinking of Reddits like r/truegaming and r/trueatheism which are there because their counterparts are low on good content.

[–]oijijiji 5 points6 points ago

It's not going downhill, and the quality is consistent, but it's not a very high quality. Don't get me wrong, I love this subreddit (it's the Chris Brown to my Rihanna in that way), but it's tough to find actual discussion sometimes. I don't spend as much time in /r/truefilm, but it is better for in-depth discussion just by virtue of having a smaller userbase and more regulations.

They both serve their purposes, they're just slightly different purposes.

[–]girafa 3 points4 points ago

Get in my lambo and let's have a chat

[–]notanothercirclejerk 4 points5 points ago

Its less circlejerky than r/movies and more about those that have a much deeper investment in film.

[–]Foxtrot434 8 points9 points ago

/r/moviescirclejerk is less circlejerky than /r/movies.

[–]Iamostrich 2 points3 points ago

What? Have you been to truefilm? It's completely different from r/movies and has far better conversations and in depth looks compared to this sub. It's completely necessary.

[–]Dark1000 -1 points0 points ago

/r/movies is a place to talk about how cool the latest comic book movie was and does anyone else think Fight Club was underappreciated. I like it, but it's a guilty pleasure. The depth of discussion is much greater there, and the film range much higher.

[–]helllomoto -1 points0 points ago

Well one of the top posts here is a TIL about Leonardo DiCaprio.

[–]girafa 2 points3 points ago

Been tried many times, and fails every time. Everyone loves the idea, then forgets to participate.

[–]DontCareMuch 1 point2 points ago

isn't a movieclub covering a selected movie, suggestion thread would be people asking for a certain kind of movie, and the 'what have you watched recently' would cover movies you saw, whether you liked them or not or just thoughts.

[–]girafa 1 point2 points ago

You're right, I totally brainfarted on that. We often get suggestions for both ideas of a weekly "what have you been watching" and also the idea of "let's all watch one movie" so my two involuntary responses collided with each other and you got both /r/truefilm and /r/movieclub.

[–]emcee70 0 points1 point ago

I think a "What have you watched recently" thread would be more practical.

[–]DontCareMuch 3 points4 points ago

That's kinda what I mean, I was trying to apply /r/Games' 'What are you playing' but I guess it would be what have you watched.

[–]borng33k 0 points1 point ago

Or what did you watch this week?

[–]_SongsForTheDeaf_ 6 points7 points ago

A Band Called Death was incredible, definitely check that documentary out.

[–]worldmaggot 6 points7 points ago


[–]blow__me 5 points6 points ago

Link to IMDb would be nice to see the ratings and reviews. Not everyone uses to buy movies.

[–]Volksgrenadier 22 points23 points ago

Seeing Olympus Has Fallen in theaters was one of the most enjoyable cinematic experiences I've ever had. My brother and I were laughing the whole way through, and the scene wherein Gerard Butler is one of the best things I've ever seen. Of course, the movie is objectively awful, but I would gladly pay money to see it again.

[–]b_fellow 27 points28 points ago

It was better Die Hard movie than Die Hard 5

[–]SensibleDictator 6 points7 points ago

Die Hard 5 was utter crap, so that's not saying much

[–]Beeslo 2 points3 points ago

God. I was one of the few who thought Die Hard 4.0 (Live Free or blah blah blah) was actually good and an enjoyable Die Hard movie. I couldn't believe how insanely shitty Die Hard 5 was...

[–]Gorrondonuts 0 points1 point ago

It really is.

[–]squeakyL 1 point2 points ago

agreed. It wasn't a "good" movie but it was damn entertaining.

[–]Smokinacesfan55 0 points1 point ago

White House Down was better. It had more action and played out like a comedy.

[–]Stryker88 1 point2 points ago

I have not seen White House Down, but I found that Olympus Has Fallen took itself far too seriously.

[–]champion_dave -2 points-1 points ago

I agree. And I'm not sure why people would downvote you just for having an opinion. Olympus was good, but White House Down was a lot more fun. Both were pretty dumb movies, but I enjoyed WHD a lot more.

[–]infiniteraiders 0 points1 point ago

I second this. I expected this movie to be complete crap and I turned out to have a blast. It was ridiculous but fun at the same time.

[–]Superschutte 4 points5 points ago

The muppet movie! I love those guys!

[–]deadsoul88 5 points6 points ago

This is a really good idea, thanks a alot for this.

[–]psychoticapes 1 point2 points ago

Definitely. I usually use Digital Dorm on Joblo at work, but my phone sways from 4G to 3G randomly, which makes that site slow as hell. Reddit is much faster.

[–]SimonCallahan 4 points5 points ago

I'm pretty sure Hatchet III got a limited theatrical release. At least it did here in Canada.

[–]dfaraci 0 points1 point ago

In the US too.

[–]imjustdrunk 4 points5 points ago

id prefer a link to imdb page personally. i dont shop online or use amazon but id like a quick link to a page about the movie if i havent heard of it. just my two cents. as for price, that would be nice if you were willing. i think we could assume most prices unless they were cheap old movies. as for the idea and formatting of this post i love it! very helpful and stimulates just a bit more discussion on an already pretty great sub.

[–]KingOfDerpistan 3 points4 points ago

Is olympus is falling worth a watch?

[–]ThequickdrawKid 8 points9 points ago

It's a mindless action flick. So if those are the types of movies you enjoy, yes.

[–]SensibleDictator 2 points3 points ago

If you have nothing else to watch, sure, but it's extremely average.

[–]amperzand 3 points4 points ago

"Killing Me Softly (2002) / The Hot Spot (1990)"
Hello HD screen caps!!

[–]bcris003 3 points4 points ago

I'm still watching The Place Beyond the Pines over and over again from last week.

[–]heretoforthwith 0 points1 point ago

I've been going back and forth on buying this it that good?

[–]bcris003 1 point2 points ago

I love it but I do know people who strongly oppose it. If you have seen Blue Valentine and liked it I would go with the buy but otherwise maybe stick with a rent first.

[–]heretoforthwith 0 points1 point ago

I did like Blue Valentine, and I also like Gosling's work with Winding-Refn so slow to moderate pacing in a film is fine with me. Thanks!

[–]FalkorSaurus 3 points4 points ago

Muppets on BLURAY!!!

[–]greg27guitar 3 points4 points ago

Speaking of muppets, i am still waiting for muppet treasure island on bluray.

[–]MrJoshFolsom 0 points1 point ago

Disney is releasing it as a combo pack with The Great Muppet Caper on bluray soon!!

[–]Arma104 2 points3 points ago

Porco Rosso was supposed to happen last month, but I can't find it anywhere.

[–]redditofhate 0 points1 point ago

>tfw when you already have it on your HDD

[–]the_aura_of_justice 2 points3 points ago

Great idea. I have not seen many of these.

Bullet to the Head was quite disappointing. I don't think Sung Kang smiled even once in it, and he has some great charisma when he has a decent script to work off.

[–]BhodiandUtah 1 point2 points ago

I was disapointed too, wanted it to be a return to form for Walter Hill.

[–]the_aura_of_justice 2 points3 points ago

Well that's the main reason I watched it really. Sad to be disappointed by him.

[–]Penguin619 2 points3 points ago

I got excited seeing Shaft on there, but then I realized its the SLJ version and not the original with Richard Roundtree

[–]Internet_Exploder 2 points3 points ago

Didn't swamp thing hit blu ray last week or is that later this month? Needs me some swamp thing.

[–]Dorkside[S] 1 point2 points ago

Looks like it comes out on August 15th, it's odd that it wasn't released on a Tuesday, but I've added it to the list.

[–]AC_Mentor 1 point2 points ago

Olympus Has Fallen is already out? Well that was fast.

Edit: I'm an idiot. I mixed OHF and White House Down.

[–]Dorkside[S] 3 points4 points ago

I'm an idiot. I mixed OHF and White House Down.

Don't worry, that's not hard to do.

[–]Nobody___Ever 2 points3 points ago

Don't forget Ishtar!

[–]Dorkside[S] 1 point2 points ago

Thanks, I've added it to the list. Though, it looks like it comes out on the 15th.

[–]Beeslo 0 points1 point ago

I've heard that this movie gets more shit than it deserves. Any truth to that, you feel?

[–]eyepuncher 2 points3 points ago

This is awesome! Thanks for doing this!!

[–]MetalMan77 2 points3 points ago

+1 on the IMDB (and perhaps RT, if that's not too much to ask).

[–]harrisbradley 2 points3 points ago

I saw 'Hatchet' and I was like omg they made a sequel to that awesome book I read as a ki...HOLY SHIT WTF!?

[–]8bubbles8joe 5 points6 points ago

This is very helpful! Thank you for doing this.

[–]real-eyes 4 points5 points ago

Seconds is a film I first saw in high school when my AV teacher lent me a VHS. Bold, chilling; it'll scare you more than any modern horror movie can. Definitely procure the Criterion release through rental or purchase, and take in one of Frankenheimer's more underrated cinematic endeavours.

[–]huntersburroughs 2 points3 points ago

Agreed. One of the best overlooked sci-fi movies ever. Its like a feature length classic Twilight Zone episode. The cinematography is also some of the best I've ever seen and Rock Hudson gives (in my opinion) his best performance.

[–]BROROBROB 1 point2 points ago

I guess I can say goodbye to my free time now.

[–]unwinagainstable 1 point2 points ago

This is pretty cool. Thanks for putting it together.

[–]leapingcarrot 1 point2 points ago

Splendid. I'm about to start my blu-ray collection these days, so this is perfect.

[–]k4rst3n 1 point2 points ago

Thanks mate!

[–]juddsbarandgrill 1 point2 points ago

I love this idea. used to run a similar idea and I would go there once a week just to check if there was anything I needed to buy. Great job and please keep it up.

[–]toddlerfodder 1 point2 points ago

I hope this continues.

[–]evilsaywhat 1 point2 points ago

I agree...please keep these coming!

[–]uptheaffiliates 1 point2 points ago

One more comment telling you this is an awesome idea, would love to see this become a weekly thing!

[–]crnakuga[!] 1 point2 points ago

This is the most useful thing I saw on reddit

[–]rotaercz 1 point2 points ago

Man, I wish Vanilla Sky was on the Older Movies list.

[–]Huitzilopostlian 1 point2 points ago

Olympus Has Fallen is already on Mexican Netflix.

[–]freekstyle 1 point2 points ago

Thank you so much for this. I hope you or anyone else are able to continue doing it. I like the format very much.

[–]meming4jesus 0 points1 point ago

When will Brotherhood of the Wolf be available on Bluray???

[–]Markdor 1 point2 points ago

Please keep doing this! Bravo.

[–]fredandersonsmith 1 point2 points ago

Is there. Netflix version if this list?

[–]Dorkside[S] 3 points4 points ago

I'm looking into adding what's new on Netflix for next weeks list.

[–]VanSensei 1 point2 points ago

I've heard The Big, to put it nicely.

[–]Dorkside[S] 2 points3 points ago

Such a shame when you consider the cast they had.

[–]mp1001 1 point2 points ago

After watching that movie I felt like there must be another 20-30 minutes on the cutting room floor somewhere.

[–]Negima 1 point2 points ago

Seconds is one of my Top 10 favorite movies. I highly, highly recommend it. It's one of those sci-fi/horror movies that stays with you for years after you watch it. (Think: They Live and The Thing.)

It isn't just scary, it's hauntingly beautiful in its own way.

[–]Dorkside[S] 2 points3 points ago

I'll be honest, it wasn't a movie I was at all familiar with, but I think I'll be sure to check it out now.

[–]alrossi3000 1 point2 points ago

When does Star Trek Into Darkness come out?

[–]Dorkside[S] 2 points3 points ago

September 10th.

[–]eyepuncher 1 point2 points ago

Maybe we all share our thoughts about the releases every week also. Also make recommendations or pick of the week.

[–]MrRonnoc32 1 point2 points ago

I love this idea!

[–]TheGreatZiegfeld 1 point2 points ago

Glad to see movies like Flashdance, Shane, and The Muppet Movie on Blu-ray. Maybe they'll get even more popularity because of it!

Also, Criterion is a staple of quality to me, so I should give Seconds a shot.

[–]JackOscar 1 point2 points ago

Link to IMDB/WIKI/RT is definitely a better idea than amazon. Great job, anyhow

[–]m00nh34d 2 points3 points ago

Can we get country information as well? This is a US list right now, and not helpful for the rest of us living outside the USA who might have different release dates, different DVD/Blu-Ray regions. At the very least, if you're going to provide Amazon links can you just let us know if it's region free?

[–]ugotamesij 1 point2 points ago

As a UK person, I'd like to see something like this too. I'm not holding my breath though.

[–]mhallgren5 2 points3 points ago

Awesome work man! I was actually thinking about doing something like this as well...good looking out. Lets definitely try and keep this up weekly. r/dvdcollection doesn't get enough visitors and I know I check here much more frequently so it would be nice to see something like this for blu ray connoisseurs like myself.

[–]bocajak 1 point2 points ago

The Damned is obviously the highlight here, Miss Wyckoff, The Muppet Movie, Seconds, and Shane aren't half bad either.

I don't know about other people but I think a new subreddit (like /r/bluray or something) would be better suited for these posts.

edit: grammer

[–]inherendo 0 points1 point ago

I like

They do a simple review of the movie itself, the video transfer, and the audio. If you know what movie you like, you can just read the other parts to see if the bluray quality is up to snuff.

[–]greg27guitar 0 points1 point ago

Speaking of muppets, i am still waiting for muppet treasure island on bluray.

[–]TheGreatZiegfeld 0 points1 point ago

Glad to see movies like Flashdance (Hey, it's cheesy and fun), Shane, and The Muppet Movie on Blu-ray. Maybe they'll get even more popularity because of it!

Also, Criterion is a staple of quality to me, so I should give Seconds a shot.

[–]cccjfs 0 points1 point ago

Excellent idea, please consider making it a weekly feature.

Super Storm is 2013.

Comments: Flashdance is exactly the kind of movie that should make a comeback: upbeat, sensual, fresh.

[–]sidjones182 0 points1 point ago

Thank you for this!

[–]manwithabadheart 0 points1 point ago

Olympus Has Fallen is out already, and still no Star Trek Into Darkness? What's the bloody hold up?! :(

[–]homestar86 0 points1 point ago

Olympus Has Fallen came out about two months before Star Trek Into Darkness if I remember correctly. So logically it would come out first.

[–]SpecialK959 0 points1 point ago

This is great, please continue to do this.

[–]Heavens_Vibe 0 points1 point ago

This is a good idea, although August doesn't seem to be a very good month :|

[–]jokerZwild 0 points1 point ago

[–]shanedalton 0 points1 point ago

Did not realize ABCD came out today. Nice! Please keep this up!

[–]Smating 0 points1 point ago

Wow i like this post a lot!

[–]revenantrevenge 0 points1 point ago

I also approve of this idea!

[–]5eed 0 points1 point ago

More torrenting for me then

[–][deleted] ago


[–]heretoforthwith 0 points1 point ago

I think this is great. Any chance of maybe putting early digital release movies on there as well?

[–]Nevbox -1 points0 points ago

Olympus has fallen is terrible btw.

[–]Dorkside[S] 0 points1 point ago

Better or worse than White House Down?

[–]Nevbox 4 points5 points ago

I'd say White house down was better, they both seemed really similar to me. Don't waste your time with either. Recently watched Letters from Iwo Jima and really enjoyed it.

[–]Janderson2494 9 points10 points ago

Better. This guy's nuts, Olympus has fallen was great. It was a better Die Hard movie than the newest Die Hard...

[–]leapingcarrot 4 points5 points ago

I, too, found Olympus Has Fallen greatly enjoyable.

[–]Janderson2494 2 points3 points ago

It's the truth man, this dude's fuckin lying to himself

[–]NoodleGlue 4 points5 points ago

Having just watched it I agree - it's a great popcorn action film.

[–]Gil_V 3 points4 points ago

No, Olympus Has Fallen was a stupid, brainless film.

[–]mider-span 0 points1 point ago

*an opinion shared by anyone who calls all movies film.

[–]squeakyL 0 points1 point ago

no, he's right. it's a terrible film. But a damn enjoyable one.

[–]devilmaydance 1 point2 points ago

I'll go with worse. White House Down was one of the best "dumb" movies I've seen in awhile, and the best Die Hard movie since 1995.

[–]FR_MATTUU 0 points1 point ago

I would say leave it the way it is now were it links to amazon.

[–]Odusei 0 points1 point ago

Well, if there's one thing this thread needs, it's recommendations. I've heard very good things about A Band Called Death.

I say Olympus Has Fallen in theaters, and it was awful.

[–]Dorkside[S] 4 points5 points ago

To be honest, I don't think this is a great week for quality releases.

[–]-iPood- 3 points4 points ago

I went to see Olympus when I was in the mood for a mindless, shoot-em-up-boom-boom popcorn flick and left happy.

It's essentially Die Hard at the White House, if you're expecting something more, you're gonna have a bad time.

[–]mi-16evil 2 points3 points ago

I started a recommendation thread. Hopefully it catches on.

[–]Odusei 2 points3 points ago

Your link just sends me back to this thread.

[–]mi-16evil 1 point2 points ago


[–]_JustinCase 0 points1 point ago

Not to shit all over the list or anything but Hatchet 3 had limited theatrical run,

it's probably still terrible, I've not seen it and have no plans to.

[–]dfaraci 1 point2 points ago

The first two were, if you're into slashers, pretty good. Not Behind the Mask good, but good.

[–]timbricker13 0 points1 point ago

Oh my God, a brief review of each by a literate human being would eliminate my only reason for still visiting Ain't It Cool

[–]Dorkside[S] 1 point2 points ago

Would a link to Rotten Tomatoes be a good option?

[–]someoneiswrongonline -2 points-1 points ago

If you could please just provide the magnet links for these files, that'd be great.

[–]Dorkside[S] 4 points5 points ago

Sorry, but that's not going to happen. We have a pretty strict anti-piracy policy on /r/movies.

[–]someoneiswrongonline 1 point2 points ago

Apologies for the bad attempt at a joke. I'll just leave this meme at the next rest stop.

[–]redditofhate 1 point2 points ago

You made me laugh.

[–]hero0fwar -2 points-1 points ago

Still just waiting for World War Z :(

Sept 17 I think

[–]fauxreal21 -4 points-3 points ago

I don't get it. Why would anyone buy a movie on blue ray?? HD OnDemand streaming media is inevitable, and coming soon. Why spend money on discs? It's like buying VHS.

[–]Dorkside[S] 4 points5 points ago

Streaming services (Netflix, I'm looking at you) can be inconsistent for what they offer and you get the best quality with Blu-ray, in addition to special features that aren't really available elsewhere.

[–]redditofhate 1 point2 points ago

Because I am a Blu-ray collector. Blu-ray is the only true loseless video/audio quality.

[–]fauxreal21 0 points1 point ago

Right, but in 5 years this will be like a big stack of VHS tapes. Regardless of quality, it's pointless to own media when it will all be online and available whenever you want. I'm old, so I've invested in VHS, then DVD, but I'm skipping this next wave. The only reason full streaming HD for ALL media isn't a complete reality right now, is because people like you are forking over your money for this stuff (no offense). But I think your collection of blu-rays will seem really redundant to you pretty soon, and prob not the best use of your hard earned money. I just don't get why you would want to own media when even the leaders (Spieldberg and Lucas) are saying packaged media is dead.

[–]redditofhate 0 points1 point ago

Regardless of quality, it's pointless to own media when it will all be online and available whenever you want.

Fine if you don't care about quality, not so fine if you do. I do and I want the best quality the movie has to offer. HD content is not readily available because there can be times when the internet may be out, slow, and unreliable. Many consumers don't even have a strong connection (ex buffering). This is easily fixed with Blu ray. Pop in the disc and it plays.

I'm old, so I've invested in VHS, then DVD, but I'm skipping this next wave.

Thats a shame, Blu Ray is such a far cry from the other two mediums.

The only reason full streaming HD for ALL media isn't a complete reality right now, is because people like you are forking over your money for this stuff (no offense).

You can refer to the reasons I listed above as additional reasons why they aren't leaving anytime soon. In addition to that, you can't lend friends/family your HD content. Sure you can lend them your account information but that isn't as safe as lending them the Blu ray dvd.

But I think your collection of Blu rays will seem really redundant to you pretty soon, and prob not the best use of your hard earned money. I just don't get why you would want to own media when even the leaders (Spielberg and Lucas) are saying packaged media is dead.

Hahaha! For one, I can't take pride in an online HD collection. There is just something nice about looking over at your shelf of 100+ Blu rays and just admiring it. And, above all, I am building a collection to pass on to my future son/daughter so that they can see the beauty I've seen in movies. Much less sentimental with online HD content. Evidently it isn't very dead when so many are buying them like I am. Spieldberg and Lucas are out of the game anyway, I wouldn't go as far as to call them leaders.

[–]metalgeargreed 3 points4 points ago

Because no everyone has high speed internet. I can take my discs anywhere i want. Every single person I know or hang out with has a blu ray player. Not everyone has ONDemand. Not everyone wants to pay for a cable package.

[–]assholeness -1 points0 points ago

Also do DVD Release.

[–]black-cat -4 points-3 points ago
