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Glynnis Jones / Shutterstock.com

Texas towns run out of water due to fracking

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Put simply, there are towns in Texas where you turn on the tap, and nothing comes out for days. Why? Fracking.

Five Questions: Interview with blogger Digby at Netroots Nation 2013

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Digby sees as I do that there’s a virtual Open Rebellion Caucus among Democrats in Congress. Finally.

“The tragedy of journalism now is that it’s demand-driven”

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Modern journalism is info-tainment, which breeds a culture of “taught helplessness.” Here’s how to defeat it.

Google to host fundraiser for gay-hating, climate-denying GOP Sen. Inhofe

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Inhofe has compared climate change science to Hitler, and proudly claims there are no gays in his family.
Writer Richard (RJ) Eskow

Interview with corporate tax-dodging expert Richard Eskow

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Eskow, like many, has come to a “Chomsky-esque” view of our political and economic system.
Firefighters via Shutterstock

The death of 19 firefighters should spur us to action on climate change

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Heat, drought and unpredictable wind surges fuel devastating wild fires, and all are symptoms of climate change.
Actual tap water set aflame in fracking region.

Two great climate advocates: Billionaire Tom Steyer, and Josh Fox of Gasland II

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Two short videos about two great climate change advocates.

Obama’s new climate plan: Less coal, more fracking

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The bottom line is that there’s good news (less coal) & bad news (more fracking) in Obama’s climate change plan.

Obama: Keystone pipeline might not be built if significantly adds greenhouse gases (video)

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Obama says that Keystone Pipeline must not “significantly exacerbate the problem of carbon pollution.”
Climate via Shutterstock

“World set to exceed global warming limit,” per International Energy Agency

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Climate “path we’re on is more likely to result in a temperature increase of between 3.6°–5.3°C,” says IEA.
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