Tag Archives: avatar press

Gendercrunching May 2013 by Tim Hanley – DC, Marvel, Dynamite, Aspen, Archie And Avatar

Tim Hanley writes; DC improved noticeably from last month while Marvel fell slightly, but it wasn’t enough to stop Marvel from reaching a full YEAR of having the higher percentage of female creators. How times have changed; DC was tops …

George R. R. Martin Blames Comics for his Success in TV/Film at SDCC

Hannah Means-Shannon writes for Bleeding Cool: George R. R. Martin, introduced by William Christensen of Avatar Press on behalf of his upcoming series The Skin Trade, quickly jumped into discussing his own history as a comic book fan, first appearing …

Max Brooks, George RR Martin, and Christos Gage San Diego Signing Schedule

With San Diego Comic Con just a little over a day away, fans are starting to line up their schedules to get to all the signings, panels, and exclusive product lines.  Avatar Press just released the schedule for Max Brooks, …

The Extinction Parade Goes Platinum

To celebrate their new hit series, Avatar Press has decided to do something extra. When the sold-out 1000 limited edition leather-bound covers of Max Brooks’ The Extinction Parade #1 hit the stores on July 17th, there will be 100 chase …

Here Comes Phoenix Comic Con, Uber And Crossed Exclusives And The First Appearance Of The First British Superhero

Okay, this is where I sing for my supper. Avatar Press, the owners of Bleeding Cool, are flying me, Kieron Gillen and Si Spurrier out to Arizona for the Phoenix Comic Con. If you see me, please say hi, and …

Jonathan Hickman’s God Is Dead For Avatar

Jonathan Hickman is having a banner year. East Of West is a massive hit from Image and Secret is back, Avengers and New Avengers at Marvel are leading nicely into his big Infinity event… And now Bleeding Cool’s owners Avatar …

Crossing Absolution Rubicon

I love conflicts of interest. I love the sound they make as you run up towards them and they smack you in the face. So anyway, William Christensen of Avatar, Bleeding Cool’s owners, sent me the first three issues of …

Get Your Copy Of Neonomicon Signed By Alan Moore At Phoenix Comic Con

Okay, I could have possibly phrased that less ambiguously. But, just as Avatar did with Fashion Beast at the London Super Comic Con, they are offering an incredibly limited edition of the Neonomicon Handbook at the Phoenix Comic Con. Limited …

Alan Moore’s Fashion Beast Collected, Plus Uber, Absolution, Crossed And Bleeding Cool Magazine – Avatar Press Solicitations For August 2013

BLEEDING COOL MAGAZINE #6 Retail Price: $4.99 US MR, Full Color, 104 pages Bleeding Cool Magazine talks to some of the most recognizable COSPLAYERS in the field with a revealing interview and exclusive costume pictorial! RICH JOHNSTON dissects the biggest …

BC Mag #4: Max Brooks Redefines Zombies Vs Vampires

Bleeding Cool Magazine article by James Kuhoric Everyone is afraid of something. Whether it is the IRS, clowns, zombies, or IRS clown zombies, there is something picked up from life [usually childhood] that sticks with you in the dark recesses …

All Star Über

I was chatting with Über writer Kieron Gillen, and it he let it slip that when originally writing Über, he saw it as the anti-All Star Superman. I don’t know, I can still see some similarities… Über #1 is out …

Beginning Uber #1 With A Bang

Uber #1 is a relatively slow book, at least to begin with. People stand around, talking a lot. Some of them talk a lot on a motorbike. Some behind a desk. Some on a bridge. Kieron Gillen is a real …

How Uber #1 Will Expode Off The Shelf Tomorrow

Avatar Press are publishing Uber #1 by Kieron Gillen and Canaan White tomorrow. Sold out from the distributor before going on sale at shops, this is what it’s going to be like when those shop doors open… Okay, it;s actually …

Uber #1 Sells Out Already. Nazis Are Hot This Year.

Orders for issue #0 of Uber had been ramping up. Looks like they had a knock on effect on Uber #1… This comic about the Nazi creation of superheroes at the end of World War II and the changing world …

Miss C2E2? Watch Hours Of C2E2 Panel Video Including Marvel, DC, Dark Horse, Valiant, Boom, Avatar, And More

We had a good time liveblogging along to the C2E2 video streams this weekend, and now they’ve got it all archived so you can catch up with what you missed from the sources as well. The twitch.tv embeds are multi-hour …

World War Z Creator Max Brooks Talks Zombies, Vampires, and Extinction Parade (Video)

Best known for his books World War Z and The Zombie Survival Guide, Max Brooks knows a thing or two about zombies — and as we shall see, he knows a few things about other creatures as well. We talked …

Avatar Press HQ Hit By Lightning

Illinois is no stranger to regular lightning storms and occasional extreme weather.  Early this morning, a bolt of lightning struck the Avatar home office causing the destruction of some equipment, loss of phone and internet connectivity, and a significant disruption …

Preview: Uber #0 by Kieron Gillen And Caanan White

We talked to both Kieron Gillen and Caanan White about their new series Uber from Avatar Press, now here’s a preview of the 48-page #0 issue. Out next month at a comic retailer near you.