Who’s Coming To Dinner With Richard Donner And Geoff Johns?

perk_lunchWe reported that venture capitalist Timothy Draper had paid $25,000 for Jim Lee to paint his wall, for the We Can Be Heroes Indigogo campaign.

With hours to go, the second big ticket item, lunch with Geoff Johns and Richard Donner for $8,500 also was snapped up and the total is over $118,000.

We’ll fly you and one guest to Los Angeles to have lunch with Richard Donner, director of the 1978 motion picture sensation Superman, and Geoff Johns, DC Entertainment’s Chief Creative Officer and renowned comic creator. During your visit, you’ll also get a VIP tour of Warner Bros. Studios and DC Entertainment offices. Includes airfare and two nights hotel stay. Also includes T-shirt, New Era Hat and Jim Lee Lithograph.

Sadly it wasn’t me (Available in US only, you see) and the bidder didn’t make themselves public.


I wonder if the bidder could pay extra to get Scott Lobdell to join them for lunch? Or pay extra not to…

More bids can be made here. The Superman Unchained #1 variant has to be appealing, and its all for a good cause.