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August 2006 - Posts


Windows Workflow Foundation by ScottGu

Workflow is one of the new core capabilities (along with WPF aka Avalon and WCF aka Indigo) being added in the .NET Framework 3.0 release later this year. It provides an in-process workflow engine to process rules, a designer for VS 2005 to enable both...
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XNA Express Beta Available for Free Download (build XBOX games in C#) by ScottGu

September 3rd Update : I just stumbled upon an awesome XNA tutorial site that includes a lot of great tutorials on how to get started with the XNA game framework. This tutorial , for example, walksthrough all of the code needed to build the classic Pong...
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Slides + Samples Posted from my TechEd LINQ Talk by ScottGu

One of the highlights for me of my recent trip to TechEd NZ and Australia was the opportunity I had to create and present a new "Building Data Driven ASP.NET Web Applications using LINQ" talk. LINQ is a super cool new technology, and is going to have...
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Building and using a LINQ for SQL Class Library with ASP.NET 2.0 by ScottGu

In my previous posts on doing data access using LINQ and ASP.NET, I used the built-in SQLMetal command-line utility to automatically generate the data model classes for my LINQ data classes. Recently I've been using the LINQ for SQL (aka DLINQ) designer...
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Great New Atlas Videos Published (All Free) by ScottGu

Joe Stagner has been busy at work publishing more Atlas videos on the www.asp.net website (click here for the full video listing). Here are a few pointers to some of the recent Atlas videos he has posted: - Add "Atlas" features to an existing...
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ASP.NET 2.0 Tips/Tricks TechEd Talk Posted by ScottGu

Many thanks to everyone in New Zealand who attended my "ASP.NET 2.0: Tips and Tricks" talk this morning. You can download the slides + samples from my talk here . The samples are number in numbered order and correspond to the slides: Enjoy! Scott P.S...

Details on CSS Changes for IE7 by ScottGu

The Internet Explorer team maintains a really good blog here: http://blogs.msdn.com/ie that I recommend subscribing to for useful information. They recently posted a good blog post detailing some of the CSS changes that have been made with IE 7.0 to enable...

IIS7, ASP.NET 2.0, Atlas and VS 2005 End to End Talk by ScottGu

Many thanks to everyone in New Zealand who attended my "ASP.NET: End-to-End - Building a Complete Web Application Using ASP.NET 2.0, Visual Studio 2005, and IIS7 (Parts 1 and 2)" talk this afternoon. You can download the slides from my talk here . You...

10 Worst Presentation Moments by ScottGu

While procrastinating from finishing up my TechEd talks in my hotel room here in NZ, I came across this really funny link of a Microsoft UK employee's "Ten Worst Presentation Moments" that had me laughing out loud. One of my own "interesting experiences...
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Tip/Trick: Creating Sub-Web Projects using the VS 2005 Web Application Project Option by ScottGu

One scenario that many large development teams often ask me about is whether it is possible to split up/partition an ASP.NET web application into multiple projects within Visual Studio. The goal with doing this is typically to improve the modularity of...
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