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RC of Entity Framework 4.1 (which includes EF Code First) by ScottGu

Last week the data team shipped the Release Candidate of Entity Framework 4.1.  You can learn more about it and download it here . EF 4.1 includes the new “EF Code First” option that I’ve blogged about several times in the past.  EF Code First...

VS 2010 SP1 and SQL CE by ScottGu

Last month we released the Beta of VS 2010 Service Pack 1 (SP1). You can learn more about the VS 2010 SP1 Beta from Jason Zander’s two blog posts about it, and from Scott Hanselman’s blog post that covers some of the new capabilities enabled with it....

Class-Level Model Validation with EF Code First and ASP.NET MVC 3 by ScottGu

Earlier this week the data team released the CTP5 build of the new Entity Framework Code-First library.  In my blog post a few days ago I talked about a few of the improvements introduced with the new CTP5 build.  Automatic support for enforcing...
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Announcing Entity Framework Code-First (CTP5 release) by ScottGu

This week the data team released the CTP5 build of the new Entity Framework Code-First library.  EF Code-First enables a pretty sweet code-centric development workflow for working with data.  It enables you to: Develop without ever having to...
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Using EF “Code First” with an Existing Database by ScottGu

Last month I blogged about the new Entity Framework 4 “code first” development option.  EF “code-first” enables a pretty sweet code-centric development workflow for working with data.  It enables you to: Work with data without ever having to...
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Entity Framework 4 “Code-First”: Custom Database Schema Mapping by ScottGu

Last week I blogged about the new Entity Framework 4 “code first” development option.  The EF “code-first” option enables a pretty sweet code-centric development workflow for working with data.  It enables you to: Develop without ever having...

Free ASP.NET MVC eBook Tutorial by ScottGu

There has been a lot of excitement in the community about the new ASP.NET MVC framework that is about to ship (literally any day now – announcement coming soon).  As with anything new, people are also asking for more tutorials/samples/documentation...

May 20th Links: ASP.NET, ASP.NET AJAX, .NET, Visual Studio, Silverlight, WPF by ScottGu

Apologies for the sparseness of my posting the last few weeks - work and life have been busy here lately.  Below is a new post in my link-listing series to help kick things up a little.  Also check out my ASP.NET Tips, Tricks and Tutorials page...

ASP.NET Dynamic Data Preview Available by ScottGu

A few months ago we released an ASP.NET 3.5 Extensions Preview that contained a bunch of new features that will be shipping later this year (including ASP.NET AJAX Improvements, ASP.NET MVC, ASP.NET Silverlight Support, and ASP.NET Dynamic Data). The...
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March 14th Links: ASP.NET, ASP.NET AJAX, ASP.NET MVC and .NET by ScottGu

I'm slowly recovering from keynoting at MIX last week, and have been digging my way out of backlogged email the last few days.  I'm going to try and finish catching up on blog comments this weekend - apologies for the delay in getting back to some...
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