Tag Archives: star wars

D23 Expo – Star Wars Takes Over Disneyland And Disney World?

Brendon’s been off on a mystery thing. So while the cat was away, the rumour monger played. D23 Expo, the Disney convention kicks off this week at Anaheim, California. And apparently it’s all going a bit Star Wars theme for …

Sand Dune Threatens To Consume Tunisian Star Wars Sets, But Will Sand Prices Go Up Or Down?

Anakin and Luke Skywalker’s home may soon be buried under sand. If you want to visit it you better hurry.

UPDATE: Star Wars I-VI Getting Another Reissue With “Never-Before-Released Audio Commentaries”? Apparently Not

Bad listing at Amazon by the looks of things.

The Star Wars – Mayhew Imagining Lucas Part III

We’ve been chatting with artist Mike Mayhew about his new Dark Horse project The Star Wars based on George Lucas’ first draft for Star Wars back in 1974. The first two articles focused on the overall story and the characters. In this final installment …

Jedi Parkour

I’m jet lagged and tired and I saw this and it played with my mind a little. So I thought I’d quickly share it as a “film extra” story though the @BCoolFilm Twitter account and go get some kip. Something …

Star Wars Episode VII To Shoot This August, Production Alias Revealed

As with Return of the Jedi and the prequels, Lucasfilm will be using a production alias for the upcoming Star Wars Episode VII. The regularly dependable Jedi News would seem to have scooped that the code name this time will …

Star Wars Cosplay Images From Celebration Europe 2013

Bounty hunters, stormtroopers, Boba Fett, Princess Leia and many, many more characters are represented by the cosplayers at Star Wars Celebration.

Star Wars Rebels – Saturday Trending Topics

Craig has been turning up some great stuff at Star Wars Celebration. Hit the Star Wars tag and check it all out.  Dave Filoni shared these images from the upcoming series Star Wars Rebels with the crowds at Celebration and …

Star Wars Rebels Logo And Concept Art Revealed At Star Wars Celebration Europe UPDATED With More Concept Art

Check out some of the McQuarrie influenced concept art for Star Wars Rebels and the new logo

Liveblog – Star Wars Rebels With Dave Filoni At Star Wars Celebration Europe

Everything that happens at the Star Wars Rebels panel at Star Wars Celebration Europe 2013.

Confirmed: John Williams To Score The Next Three Star Wars Films UPDATED With Video

Kathleen Kennedy confirmed that Williams will be working on the next three Star Wars films.

I’ve Seen Star Wars Episode II Attack of the Clones In 3D And I Want To Tell You About It

A report from the world premiere of Attack of the Clones in 3D at Star Wars Celebration Europe.

Return Of The Jedi Cast Reunite For Star Wars Celebration Europe

It’s been thirty years since Return of the Jedi was released and what better place to celebrate this than at Star Wars Celebration Europe.

Photos Straight From The Floor Of Lucasfilm’s Big Star Wars Event

Star Wars Celebration Europe kicks off tomorrow but you can take a sneak peek at the show floor right now.

Rumour: Ryan Gosling And Zac Efron In The Running For Star Wars Episode VII

I have a few reasons to be sceptical, but rumours about the ongoing casting of the next Star Wars film have bubbled to the surface.

Now With Added Batman-Superman, Here’s A Crazy List Of 2015′s Tentpole And Franchise Films

Here’s hoping that the quality of the films isn’t in anyway throttled by the need to compete.

Dark Horse Addresses The Future Of The Star Wars Comic License And What’s Coming In “The Star Wars”

Just in from contributor Eric Rezsnyak: A fan just asked what the Disney buy-out of Lucas means for the comics. This is a direct quote from Dark Horse editor Randy Stradley: “So far we have not experienced any changes. We …

The Star Wars – Mayhew Imagining Lucas Part II

As we continue to look at the new Dark Horse project The Star Wars with series artist Mike Mayhew, we decided to look at the main characters. Some of them will be familiar to you, others will be either new …