Doctor Who Live Announcement Liveblog

doctor question

Not in the UK? Don’t have the right channels in the US or Oz? Didn’t pay your license fee? Well, we’ve got you covered for the Doctor Who Live special announcement show, and there’s a lag time of… hardly anything, I’m told. Dependent on my typing speed.

So strap in, we’ll tip another bag of hamsters into the server and I’ll down a triple Redbull. It’s going to be a bumpy night.

Rich Johnston August 4, 20131:38 pm

Rich Johnston August 4, 20131:37 pm

Rich Johnston August 4, 20131:37 pm

Brendon Connelly August 4, 20131:31 pm

Peter Capaldi is really very, very good. And expect him to direct an episode too.

Brendon Connelly August 4, 20131:30 pm

Peter Capaldi saying that when he looks in the mirror he sees Doctor Who “but it’s not me yet… but he’s reaching out.”

Brendon Connelly August 4, 20131:29 pm

Capaldi saying that he missed the call telling him he had the role because he was filming on the BBC’s Three Musketeers show.

Rich Johnston August 4, 20131:28 pm

Peter Capaldi is The Doctor. I am out £38

Brendon Connelly August 4, 20131:27 pm

Peter Capaldi it is. A lot of people made a lot of money.

Rich Johnston August 4, 20131:25 pm

Stephen Hawking wants a female Doctor with a male assistant.

Brendon Connelly August 4, 20131:25 pm

Moffat says that their casting for The Twelfth Doctor is quite unusual. He’s not specifying how.

Brendon Connelly August 4, 20131:24 pm

Moffat is here, being called the show’s “guardian angel.” Some would say Weeping Angel.

Rich Johnston August 4, 20131:23 pm

I wonder how the rest of the world is reacting to these very British focussed guest stars – Rufus Hound, Liza Tarbuck etc… as well as a lack of commercial breaks?

Brendon Connelly August 4, 20131:23 pm

He’s been a fighter. These days, though, he’s usually a lover. Of sorts. They’ll definitely go for somebody good looking, eh? Or some kind of potential pin up at least.

Rich Johnston August 4, 20131:22 pm

Rufus Hound gets the three knocks reference right but balls up on the name “Peter Eccleston”

Brendon Connelly August 4, 20131:22 pm

Cribbins said that he mentioned his army experience in the audition but was told that the Doctor doesn’t fight. First thing he saw Tom Baker do as the Fourth Doctor? “Clobber someone.”

Brendon Connelly August 4, 20131:21 pm

Bernard Cribbins talking about when he went up for the role of The Doctor after Pertwee quit.

Rich Johnston August 4, 20131:21 pm

He also tried out for the role… which he’s talking about now.

Brendon Connelly August 4, 20131:20 pm

Bernard Cribbins is in the house. He was not just a Womble, he was several Wombles so, really, his arrival should have been announced as well.

Rich Johnston August 4, 20131:19 pm

They are pulling out Sunday night entertainment TV stars to talk Doctor…

Brendon Connelly August 4, 20131:19 pm

Some of this commentary is appalling. Colin Baker had a patchwork coat of many colours? Really? Did you think we hadn’t noticed?

Rich Johnston August 4, 20131:18 pm

And will they show the Comic Con teaser? There has to be room for that!

Rich Johnston August 4, 20131:18 pm

Lots of companions and Doctors talking about their time and the impact of the show and characters…

Brendon Connelly August 4, 20131:17 pm

We’re about half way through. They can’t hold us back too much longer or they won’t leave any time for Moffat to come and talk about why the new chap is so brilliant, and for the new chap to talk about how much an honour it is.

Rich Johnston August 4, 20131:16 pm

Stephen Hawking is a William Hartnell fan.

Brendon Connelly August 4, 20131:15 pm

“The next Doctor has entered the building, ladies and gentleman” – some hours ago, surely?

Rich Johnston August 4, 20131:15 pm

The new Doctor has entered the building.

Brendon Connelly August 4, 20131:14 pm

I wonder how many people are actually watching this show? I hope it’s not too many. If it’s too many we might end up with a twelve week reality series tournament next time.

Brendon Connelly August 4, 20131:13 pm

Smith just described the Doctor as “the cleverest in the room… but also the silliest.” I know a few of those. In their rooms, at least. Not any room.

Rich Johnston August 4, 20131:11 pm

And also about how no one initially accepted him. It’ll happen again…

Rich Johnston August 4, 20131:11 pm

Matt Smith talking about missing the show “when you gotta go, you gotta go”

Rich Johnston August 4, 20131:10 pm

Brendon Connelly August 4, 20131:09 pm

So… it’s all a big sting and Daniel Roche is the next Doctor? Hide in plain sight and all that.

Okay. Maybe not.

Rich Johnston August 4, 20131:07 pm

They are showing TV and newspaper headlines asking who the next Doctor is. This is as big an event as the Royal Baby, certainly. And here is Peter Davison… my eldest daughter Eve expressed incredulation that he was still alive.

Brendon Connelly August 4, 20131:06 pm

I presume that advice will be “Don’t be a Doctor in the eighties.”

Brendon Connelly August 4, 20131:05 pm

We have Peter Davidson and Colin Baker to come, and they’ll apparently offer the new Doctor some advice.

Rich Johnston August 4, 20131:05 pm

They are totally going to eek this out for thirty minutes

Brendon Connelly August 4, 20131:04 pm

I’m tending towards Aneurin Barnard. But I don’t really believe it. This one has had me stumped… since I was told it isn’t Ben Daniels. That’s where I was 100%. Daniels. But now?

Rich Johnston August 4, 20131:04 pm

Presenting Zoe Ball… a big audience of Doctor Who fans

Brendon Connelly August 4, 20131:04 pm

They’re calling it Doctor number Twelve. Again.

Rich Johnston August 4, 20131:03 pm

I still think Daniel Rigby. Even though it’s impossible.

Brendon Connelly August 4, 20131:02 pm

Final punt, Rich? Who are going to put your chips on RIGHT now?

Brendon Connelly August 4, 20131:02 pm

Rich can see it and hear it. But we’ll both try to keep you up to date. Somehow.

Brendon Connelly August 4, 20131:02 pm

I’m in a Starbucks on Putney High Street. I can’t see the show. But I can hear it.