This shows just how much the Los Angeles Times is at war with itself. This 3-story-high banner (below) showed up on the side of the LA Times building before it was quickly removed security guards. Here is the explanation for why people risked their careers, and arrest, to put it up. “It’s big. It’s bold. It’s a first step toward prying the LA Times out of the tight, greedy fingers of billionaire Sam Zell,” according to the website TellZell which, along with LAObserved, has been chronicling the newspaper’s demise. (I’ve given up trying to cover every twist and turn. It’s a full-time job. And I already have one covering the business of Hollywood.) It sucks that real estate mogul Sam Zell so far has laid off or fired over 200 reporters, photographers, copy editors and editors. Few of the cuts have affected the TV and movie departments — yet. But I’m sure the time is coming soon when the moguls dictate their own coverage, and the reporters and editors merely act as stenographers. Oh wait: that began happening before Zell took over.


Editor-in-Chief Nikki Finke - tip her here.