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The Cyclopedia of New Zealand [Canterbury Provincial District]

Dalgety And Company, Ltd

Dalgety And Company, Ltd. Directors:—Messrs. E. T. Doxat (chairman and managing director), C. Churchill (deputy-chairman), A. P. Blake, W. O. Gilehrist, R. Landale, W. W. Phipps, and the Hon. P. C. Glyn. Head Office: 52 Lombard Street, London, E.C. Branches: Victoria, New South Wales, Queensland, South and West Australia. Chief Office for New Zealand: Christchurch. Manager and General Superintendent in the Colony: Mr. Fulbert A. Archer. This large and wealthy company was incorporated in 1884, for the purpose of taking over, working, and further extending the business of Dalgety and Co., which was founded in Australia in 1846, by the late Mr. Frederick Gonnermann Dalgety. The capital authorised and fully subseribed is four millions in 200,000 shares, on each of which one-fourth or £5 per share has been called up. £120,000 was paid for the good-will of the business, which amount was extinguished by reservations out of profits, and a reserve fund built up, amounting to £130,000 by the end of June, 1891. This large sum was invested and is now represented by £137,000 worth of consols. Regular dividends at the rate of 8 per cent. per annum have been paid to shareholders since the inception of the company. Yearly accounts are made up to the 30th of June, and placed before shareholders in November, interim dividends being declared in the month of May. Share registers of the company are kept at London, Melbourne, and Sydney. In Victoria, the company has offices at Melbourne and Geelong; at Sydney and Newcastle in New South Wales; at Perth, Fremantle, and Albany, in West Australia; at Adelaide in South Australia; at Brisbane, Rockhampton, and Townsville, in Queensland. The offices in New Zealand are at Dunedin and Napier in addition to the Christchurch office. Messrs. Dalgety and Company, Ltd., are general merchants, stock and station agents, and auctioneers, special attention being given to the realisation of wool, tallow, and other produce, and at all the company's branches the business of absentees is undertaken. As wool importers into London, Dalgety and Company have headed the list for some years. The company holds a large number of agencies, foremost among which are those of the Shaw, Savill and Albion Company's direct steamers and sailers to London, the Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company's steamers for London, and the Aberdeen White Star steamers for the Cape and London.