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Nov, 1939
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Feb, 1940
DOLLS may replace drawings as actors in animated cartoon movies if the idea developed by three Italian brothers proves successful. The present way of making such films, the best example of which is Walt Disney's Snow White And The Seven Dwarfs, is to shoot thousands of drawings separately and then piece them together so that the subjects appear to move when projected.
Air Rifles Have Lever
Air Rifles Have Lever Hand Pump A well known type of air rifle has been improved by the addition of an easy lever hand pump action. The gun also has bolt action, hammer fire, hair trigger, safety and adjustable sights.
Legs Of Ducks Transplanted On Chickens Before Hatched
Legs of turkeys and ducks growing on young chickens, legs of chickens and guinea fowl on young turkeys—a grand general mix-up transplantation of drumsticks and second joints all around the poultry yard has been achieved by Dr. Herbert L. Eastlick, young University of Missouri zoologist. These legs are all extras, too, added by tissue-grafting while the birds were still embryos in the shell, only two or three days along in their incubation. A very delicate and patient technique had to be used, chipping away enough of the eggshell to expose the embryos, clipping off the limb-beginnings of one and transposing it to another, and sealing over the hole in the shell with an artificial covering.
Full-Vision Gas Mask
Full-Vision Gas Mask THE young lady below is demonstrating one of the newest types of gas masks, now being produced in the United States. It allows the wearer full vision..
Brief Case Used As Seat
Brief Case Used As Seat A BRIEF case that opens to form a seat has been invented by Kenneth Wade of New York. The inventor is shown above, demonstrating how a tired lawyer can rest in a court corridor.
Bird Embryo In Apricot
That certainly is strange. Bird Embryo In Apricot ORNITHOLOGISTS in California were confronted with a puzzle when an apricot was found there with a well-developed bird embryo inside it.
Human Billboard
Human Billboard AN UNEMPLOYED Budapest bank clerk, sadly in need of funds, hit upon the idea of using his head for advertising purposes. Shaving the back of his head bare, he rented the space for ads.
Shampoo Shade Saves Eyes
This is just cute. Shampoo Shade Saves Eyes INSTEAD of objecting strenuously when they have their hair washed, youngsters get a kick out of it when they wear this new shampoo shade, because it keeps soap and water where they belong, on the hair and out of the eyes. Made of rubber, with pneumatic edges, […]
Dresses Made From Milk
Dresses Made From Milk AFTER three years of research, tests and experiments the production of artificial wool from cow’s milk has gone so far in Italy that the great Snia Viscosa rayon plant at Milan, Italy, is building a huge addition to its factory for the production of the new artificial fibre on a large […]
Pump Your Own Gas
Pump Your Own Gas If you’ve ever run out of gas late at night when gas stations were closed, you’ll appreciate this latest wrinkle in gasoline dispensing – the “Gasoteria”. The motorist drops coins into slots in the tank and may deliver gas directly into his car without the aid of an attendant. Should the […]