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Why We Should Politicize #Sandy

By: Wednesday October 31, 2012 6:24 pm

Starting Monday I’ve been politicizing #Sandy.

I can almost hear in my head the right wing radio blowhards responding to this comment with their mocking strawman “The left want you to believe that WE are responsible for hurricane Sandy! Preposterous! It’s like when they blamed Bush for Katrina! My friends, these are “Acts of God! We had nothing to do with it!”

Read Next Week’s Occupy Stories Today! Spocko Exclusive!

By: Sunday September 16, 2012 8:35 am

The Occupy movement has brought people’s attention to the issue without a 100 million dollar ad budget and PR machine, but the media has also assigned to the movement the role of prosecutors, anti-corporate candidate promoters and investigative journalists. Why? Because the people whose job it is to do these things weren’t doing it.

If you are out there at an Occupy protest and you get approached by the media you might want to ask the media person some questions of your own based on some of these suggestions.

What Wolf and You Can Learn From the Irish Press for the GOP Debate

By: Thursday January 26, 2012 7:40 am

At the GOP debate on Thursday will Wolf Blitzer ask Mitt, Newt, Rick or Ron any question with the tenaciousness we see on display in this video at a European Central Bank press-conference in Ireland?

Why Did Mitt Lose to Newt? No Flag Pin!

By: Sunday January 22, 2012 6:45 am

Now some of you might laugh and consider this a silly reason for Mitt’s loss. I disagree. This is a very important thing to note. It is so important that it was the subject of the mainstream political press just five short years ago during the last Presidential campaign. Only that time the person not wearing a flag pin was Sen. Barak Obama. On Oct 4th, 2007 the Drudge report ran the story, “Obama Drops American Flag Pin.” It was then picked up by the national main stream media.

The exact same thing should happen here with Romney and Paul not wearing flag pins.

Dear Irena Briganti: Anyone Ever Fired for On-Screen Errors at Fox?

By: Saturday December 17, 2011 4:00 pm

The information coming out of Fox News is often misleading or clearly incorrect. People ask me, “Spocko, is there anything we can do about this? Can’t the FCC do anything? What about the FTC and truth in advertising laws?”

How can Fox employees get away with calling themselves journalists when they are acting more like lobbyists or employees of a PR firm?

Are there every any negative consequences for people who intentionally lie while calling themselves journalists?

Time to Identify the Occupy Vandals

By: Thursday November 3, 2011 3:25 pm

TV news loves conflict. It’s exciting! What they don’t love is doing actual research and real reporting about the conflict. “We’ll leave that for the suckers at Frontline six months from now. Look! Behind you! A fire and people in hoodies running away! Are you getting all this?”

Information like who is causing the conflict, their motives and objectives are not really their forte. They do love the shots of rocks and tear gas being thrown, they don’t really care who is throwing them.

Who’s Undercover at Your Occupy Protest? In Oakland It’s These Guys.

By: Monday October 31, 2011 3:30 pm

The police will object to this kind of video for many reasons including the fear that an undercover cop might be in danger if he is in another undercover operation. That’s really not our problem. The police made a decision to use an undercover cop in this way and they got caught. The MSM might agree with the police and refuse to run a story which would amplify the undercover cop’s identity, but now the protesters know and some of the public following along at home will find out, giving them more sympathy for the protesters and more suspicion of the police’s claims.

What to Do When the Media Says a Protester Attacked a Cop

By: Sunday October 23, 2011 8:35 am

Remember Mr. Media, anyone can go to a protest — even people who want to cause violence and discredit the movement or are simply working out their daddy issues on TV.

Techniques the Corporate Powers Will Use to Destroy the OWS Movement

By: Thursday October 6, 2011 7:10 pm

Yesterday morning a retired military officer friend (RMOF) and I were conversing about what might happen next with the Occupy Wall Street movement. Since Michael Westen of Burn Notice or Annie Walker from Covert Affairs weren’t available, he offered some thoughts from the point of view of a non-fictional character who studies this stuff. I, as a media watcher and activist wanted to talk about how the media and power players will deal with the various actions and what we can do to predict the media’s actions so we can get ahead of news and prepare. I also have delusions of influencing the narrative, but I’m afraid that shuttle craft might have left the ship.

Here are a few of his thoughts and some of my questions, predictions and suggestions.

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