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Conservative college prez, complains about diversity rules, calls minority students “dark ones”

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Hillsdale College President Larry Arnn is affiliated with the Heritage Foundation and the Claremont Institute.

CNN’s Don Lemon’s controversial comments about race in America (video)

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Lemon got into trouble for voicing some controversial views on race in America. But was the outrage justified?

Stephen Colbert’s “The Word” on Obama’s recent race speech (video)

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Colbert’s “The Word” segment is one of my favorites, and this one is particularly good.

American singer Marc Anthony criticized for singing God Bless America while Latino

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“Welcome to america where god bless america is sung at our national pastime by a mexican.” (He’s Puerto Rican.)

Obama speaks at length about Trayvon Martin

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“I don’t want us to lose sight that things are getting better.” (I have the video and transcript.)
Kids via Shutterstock

The origins of racism

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Having racial biases is an inevitable part of our development, and evolution, but racism itself is optional.

“Do you think Obama’s a crypto-Muslim?”

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Pat Robertson and guest fret over our Islamic president. And they link Occupy Wall Street to radical Islam too.

Richard Cohen’s controversial piece on Trayvon Martin trial

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Cohen’s op ed has caused a bit of a firestorm. It’s worth reading both his column and the response.

James Baldwin: Who is the n*gger? (video)

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Baldwin: There will be a negro president of this country. But it will not be the country that we are sitting in.

Are gays selling out by seeking the right to marry?

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Some want gay rights groups to stop working on marriage, and even ENDA, and instead focus on poverty & race.
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