Tag Archives: comic sales

Quantum And Woody #1 Sells Out Of 21,000 Print Run

Again, part of our “you give me the statistic, I’ll give you the plug” program. Valiant’s new rebooted Quantum and Woody #1 sold out early last week with a second print go on sale August 21st. With a print run …

The Bleeding Cool Bestseller List – Ultron Ages Nicely

Age Of Ultron #8 Iron Man #10 Batgirl #20 Nightwing #20 Wolverine & the X-Men #29 Wonder Woman #20 Cable and X-Force #8 Thunderbolts #9 Nova #4 Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #23 This is the top ten list for comics selling …

Superman Unchained Dominates Advance Reorder Increases

The release of details on the Superman Unchained variant covers (though sadly not the one on the right) seems to have spurred a rush on advance reorders of the title, placing 1st, 2nd, 18th and 19th place on the advance …

The Bleeding Cool Bestseller List – All About Batman

Batman #20 Justice League Of America #3 Uncanny Avengers #8 Avengers #11 Batman And The Red Hood #20 Walking Dead #110 Thor God Of Thunder #8 Star Wars #5 Chin Music #1 Green Lantern Corps #20 This chart monitors the …

X-Men, East Of West And The Wake Top Advance Reorder Charts

Welcome to the coal face of the direct comics market. Where retailers try to increase their orders of certain comics ahead of sale. This is where supply and demand and most accurately reflected, where you can see which books are …

The End Of The Comics World Is Nigh

New York Post writer Reed Tucker is on a mission to explain what’s wrong with the comics industry. Did you miss the good news? According to ComiChron, comic book sales in 2012 were at their highest level in two decades. It …

Top 100 Comics And Graphic Novels In April – Bendis Beats DC Again

Here’s a look at the best selling comics and graphic novels in April 2013. Does exactly what it says on the tin. We noted last week that Brian Bendis had more titles in the top ten than DC has, four …

Jupiter’s Legacy, The First Top Three Creator Owned Title Since… When Exactly?

Jupiter’s Legacy #1 has sold out its print run at Diamond. It was placed third on the chart for the month of April, though it could be higher if Diamond’s 10% statistical discount for returnable comics is taking into account. …

WTF? DC Marketshare Drops to 26% In April 2013 As Jupiter’s Legacy Takes Third Spot In Sales

Bleeding Cool marked last month’s marketshare slip for DC below 30% for both dollars raised and copies sold as “The New 27″. Now it’s slipped another point, dollar share down to 25.98% and share of individual comics sold, down to …

The Bleeding Cool Bestseller List – 3rd May 2013

A weekly bestseller list for comics! Tracking the comparative sales of the bestselling comics on a Wednesday and Thursday in the comic book stores below. If you’d like to sign up, give me a shout. And this week… a little …

Retailers Respond To Batman Lil Gotham #1 Sales

Another look at the week in comic book advance reorders, comic retailers increasing numbers on their books while they still can. Second prints, variants and high priced items are exaggerated on this chart, but it’s still a good way to …

The Bleeding Cool Bestseller List – A Weekly Comic Store Top Ten Chart?

So I was thinking about charts. We run the ComiXology chart which shows sales through the iOS App on a Wednesday. And was wondering if I could do the same for comic shops. Recording their sales on a Wednesday and …

So Which Publisher Has The Biggest Selling Comic… On Average?

Marvel may have sold over 300,000 copies of Uncanny Avengers #1. Image may have sold almost 400,000 of Walking Dead #100. BUt what about the lower selling titles? How do they stack up? We’re going to cheat a little by …