Next Star Trek Movie Will Be Written By Alex Kurtzman And Roberto Orci But Not Damon Lindelof

Having developed the stories of both the first two Nu Trek movies, and having co-scripted the second with Damon Lindelof, it had been looking for a while like Alex Kurtzman and Roberto Orci might step back from the Enterprise’s typewriter for a bit.

Not so, say The Hollywood Reporter, who bring word that Kurtzman and Orci will soon again go, and boldly.

Also in their story:

Sources say Lindelof will not be back for the third chapter of the rebooted franchise.

Which is bound to get the digital vultures pecking on the internet tonight. They sure do love to hate him.

There’s a rumour going around that Jon Chu might direct this next Trek. That’s unverified. Nor can I verify the gossip I’ve heard that, actually, it’s either Kurtzman, or Orci, or both that will step up to direct the film, though I do expect we’ll be hearing soon enough from somebody with the reach to get deeper into this.

I’m expecting to see the Klingons to come back in a big way next time around. I’m also thinking a 2016 release date is likely.