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HIV & AIDS in Botswana

Botswana has been hard hit by AIDS. In 2009 there were an estimated 300,000 adults living with HIV - or one quarter of the population aged 15 and over. Considering Botswana’s population is below two million, the epidemic has reached disturbing proportions. The country has an estimated adult HIV prevalence among 15-49 year olds of 24.8%, the second highest in the world after Swaziland.1

HIV and AIDS has had a devastating impact on Botswana. Life expectancy at birth fell from 65 years in 1990-1995 to less than 40 years in 2000-2005, a figure about 28 years lower than it would have been without AIDS.2 By 2011, life expectancy at birth had risen to around 53 years, which is likely a result of the expanding access to treatment for people living with HIV seen in recent years.3 4

back to top The impact of HIV and AIDS in Botswana

The loss of adults in their productive years has serious economic implications,5 with families being pushed into poverty through the costs of HIV and AIDS medical care, loss of income, and funerals. The economic output of Botswana has been reduced by the loss of workers and skills; agriculture and mining are among the worst affected sectors. The loss of adults to AIDS has also had a significant affect on children in Botswana: an estimated 93,000 children have lost at least one parent to the epidemic.6 It is vital these children have access to education, but this is problematic in families already weakened by AIDS where children may be providing care for ill relatives or supporting siblings.

In an address to the UN assembly in June 2001, President Festus Mogae summed up the situation by saying:

"We are threatened with extinction. People are dying in chillingly high numbers. It is a crisis of the first magnitude."7

In response to this emergency, Botswana became the first African country to aim to provide antiretroviral drugs to all its needy citizens. The success of this treatment programme has made Botswana an example for other African nations to follow. Yet even with though it has achieved universal treatment access (that is at least 80% of those who need HIV treatment are receiving it8 ), the country continues to suffer greatly from AIDS. If it is ever to defeat the epidemic, Botswana must find a way to halt the spread of HIV.

back to top History of HIV and AIDS in Botswana

Botswana's first AIDS case was reported in 1985. The country's response to the emerging HIV and AIDS epidemic can be divided into the following stages:

  • The early stage (1987-89) focused mainly on the screening of blood to eliminate the risk of HIV transmission through blood transfusion.
  • The second stage (1989-97), and the first Medium Term Plan (MTP), saw the introduction of information, education and communication programmes, but the response was still quite narrowly focused. During this stage, in 1993, the Government adopted the Botswana National Policy on AIDS.9
  • During the third stage (1997-2002), the response to HIV/AIDS was expanded in many different directions to include education, prevention and comprehensive care including the provision of antiretroviral treatment. The second Medium Term Plan (MTP II) aimed to involve many stakeholders who had previously been excluded, with the overall goal of not only reducing HIV infection and transmission rates, but also reducing the impact of HIV and AIDS at all levels of society.10
  • Since 2003, a national multi-sectoral framework has guided the response, coordinated by the National AIDS Co-ordinating Agency.

The National AIDS Co-ordinating Agency (NACA) was formed in 1999 and given responsibility for mobilising and coordinating a multi-sectoral national response to HIV and AIDS. NACA works under the National AIDS Council, which is chaired by the President and has representatives from across society including the public and private sectors, and civil society.

The First National Strategic Framework (2003-2009) spearheaded the multi-sectoral national response, explicitly outlining the implementation responsibilities of all partners and sectors involved and providing them with clear set of structures and guidance. During this time, a number of developments occurred including routine HIV testing, increased VCT centres and the provision of antiretroviral drugs through the public sector.

In 2009 Botswana completed its second National Strategic Framework which will guide its response to HIV and AIDS from 2010 until 2016.11

back to top Government and international funding for AIDS in Botswana

In 2008, approximately $340 million was spent on Botswana's HIV/AIDS response.12 The Botswana national government provided 66% of funding for HIV/AIDS programmes that year, a substantially greater share than other sub-Saharan African countries who rely mainly on foreign donors.13 The most significant initiatives supported by foreign donors are the African Comprehensive HIV/AIDS Partnerships (ACHAP) and the BOTUSA project.

ACHAP is a public-private partnership established in 2000 between the Government of Botswana, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the Merck Company Foundation. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the Merck Company Foundation have committed $106.5 million towards the project, in aid of supporting Botswana's HIV/AIDS response, and Merck has donated its antiretroviral drugs Stocrin and Crixivan. In November 2008, Merck expanded its donation to include Atripla and Isentress.14

In 1995 the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Botswana Government began a collaboration called BOTUSA, to work on public health research and programmes to combat TB as well as HIV/AIDS. BOTUSA has grown substantially since 2000, and is now part of the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR).15 PEPFAR contributed $55 million to HIV/AIDS programmes in Botswana in Fiscal Year 2006 alone.16

With help from these and other partners - including the Global Fund, the Harvard School of Public Health, the Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation, and numerous faith-based and community-based organisations - Botswana has mounted one of Africa's most comprehensive programmes of HIV/AIDS prevention, treatment and care.

back to top HIV prevention in Botswana

There are a number of different types of HIV prevention programme taking place in Botswana. These include:

  • Public education & awareness
  • AIDS education for young people
  • Condom distribution & education
  • Targeting of high risk adult populations
  • Improvement of blood safety
  • Prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV (PMTCT)

Public education & awareness

Public awareness and education has previously been based on the "ABC" of AIDS: Abstain, Be faithful and, if you have sex, Condomize. Botswana has safe-sex billboards and posters everywhere, but it is unclear whether anyone pays attention:

"This country has been bombarded with HIV messages, but there hasn't been a change in behaviour."Oscar Motsumi, programme officer in Serowe.17

Now the aim is to target the right message to the right people. One recent initiative has been the development of a radio drama, Makgabaneng, dealing with culturally specific HIV/AIDS-related issues and encouraging changes in sexual behaviour. Another initiative has involved workplace peer counselling, including the development, piloting and distribution of a facilitator's manual. HIV education has also been taken to people's doorsteps by the Total Community Mobilization programme.18

Education for young people

Prevalence rates among young people are particularly high, especially among young women, who out-number young men living with HIV by more than two to one.19 It is therefore crucial that young people are provided with HIV education and prevention messages to help protect themselves from infection. Among those performing this role in Botswana is the Youth Health Organisation (YOHO), a youth-run non-governmental organisation that conveys its messages through art festivals, dramas and group discussions. School-based learning plays one of the most important parts in educating young people about HIV and AIDS, and Botswana-specific HIV/AIDS materials have been developed for students with the Ministry of Education.20 Life based skills HIV education is now taught in all primary and secondary schools and has had a notable impact on safe sex behaviour so far. For example, 42% of those aged 15-24 rejected major misconceptions about AIDS in 2008, up from 36% in 2001, while the percentage of those who had engaged in sex before the age of 15 halved in four years (3.5% in 2008 compared to 7% in 2004).21

In 2004, a teacher-capacity building programme was developed by the Ministry of Education of Botswana and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), in collaboration with the Government of Brazil and with support from ACHAP. The programme aimed to improve the teachers' knowledge, to demystify and destigmatise HIV/AIDS, and to break down cultural beliefs about sex and sexuality. As part of the project, all primary and secondary schools were equipped with a television, video recorder, satellite dish and decoder and an interactive AIDS education programme called Talk Back was broadcast twice weekly by Botswana Television.22 Since its inception, Talk Back has reached more than 20,000 teachers and 460,000 students and won accolades for its services, including a nomination for the Commonwealth Education Best Practice Awards in 2009.23 24

Condom distribution and education

Successful social marketing and subsidisation have substantially increased condom use in Botswana. Population Services International (PSI) has helped to promote the 'Lovers Plus' condom since 1993 and the 'Care' female condom since 2002. One of PSI's key strategies for marketing condoms has been peer education, which has been conducted in a variety of settings such as fairs and festivals, shopping malls, workplaces and bars.25

In 2003 the Government of Botswana, with funding and technical support from ACHAP, launched an extensive condom distribution and marketing campaign, providing for the installation of 10,500 condom dispensers in traditional and non-traditional outlets throughout the country. Millions of free condoms have been distributed in the country - in 2009 the Ministry of Health distributed close to 20 million condoms while the charity Population Services International distributed almost 10 million.26

Targeting of high risk adult populations

Populations at high risk of HIV infection in Botswana include migrant workers, diamond miners, sex workers and men who have sex with men. In Botswana the spread of HIV is overwhelmingly reported as being through heterosexual sex rather than sex between men or injecting drug use. However, it is likely that HIV transmission through sex between men and injecting drug use are under-reported since they are illegal.27 Whilst it is often difficult to ascertain the HIV prevalence or condom use among these high risk groups, one study of men who have sex with men in Botswana found that the average HIV prevalence was 17 percent among this group.28

The success of the diamond mining industry has also been closely linked to the spread of HIV. A 2003 study in the densely populated mining town Selebi-Phikwe, showed an overall prevalence of 52.2%,29 the highest in the country. The dangerous nature of this work means that many men view unprotected sex as a minor hazard relative to the day to day dangers of working in the mines.30 Mining has shown to bring men into increased contact with multiple partners.31 Sex work has become increasingly common around these richer mining towns as this offers the best livelihood for some young, poor and vulnerable women.

Improvement of blood safety

The Ministry of Health, the Safe Blood for Africa Foundation and other partners, with funding from ACHAP and PEPFAR, have helped to improve the safety of blood transfusions in Botswana. The national supply of HIV-free blood doubled in size in the two years up to September 2005. Over the same period, the amount of HIV-infected blood given by donors fell by half, largely because of better screening of donors and counselling.

One of the projects contributing to the improvement in blood safety is called "Pledge 25". This project recruits young people to become blood donors and teaches them how to prevent HIV infection. The young people are encouraged to pledge to donate blood 25 times during their lifetime.32

Prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV

The percentage of HIV positive pregnant women attending antenatal clinics in Botswana has remained steady since 2005, at around 33 percent.33 In the absence of any interventions, around a third of babies born to HIV-positive mothers will become infected with HIV during pregnancy and delivery or through breastfeeding. This rate can be cut substantially through the use of antiretroviral treatment and safer feeding practices.

A prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) programme was the first programme to distribute antiretroviral drugs in Botswana, with the drug zidovudine (AZT) being provided free by the company GlaxoSmithKline.34 When early enrollment of women in PMTCT programmes was disappointingly low,35 the Government responded with training and recruitment programmes for PMTCT counsellors, and later with routine HIV testing of all pregnant women. HIV positive mothers who choose to avoid breastfeeding are given a year's free supply of infant formula.

Thanks to the commitment of the Government and its partners, Botswana's PMTCT programme is now one the most effective in the developing world, reaching over 95% of all women and HIV exposed infants in need.36 Services have been established in all public facilities through the Maternal Child Health/Family Planning system, which serves over 90% of all pregnant women. Test results from between November 2006 and February 2007 indicate that less than 4% of babies born to HIV positive mothers were infected, with this figure decreasing further to 3 percent in 2010 - a rate comparable with the USA and Western Europe.37 38

AVERT.org has more about preventing mother-to-child transmission of HIV worldwide.

back to top HIV testing in Botswana

Voluntary testing

Voluntary HIV counselling and testing (VCT) plays a key part in HIV-related prevention and care. It is particularly important as a starting point for accessing other HIV/AIDS-related services.

Since 2000, the Government of Botswana and the CDC (through BOTUSA) have supported the Tebelopele network of VCT centres, which provide immediate, confidential VCT services for sexually active people in Botswana aged 18-49. By the end of 2009, the network had provided free VCT services to 650,000 visitors.39

The Tebelopele centres have been supported by the "Know Your Status" and "Show You Care" campaigns, part of the VCT marketing strategy developed by the CDC in collaboration with Population Services International (PSI). These campaigns have been marketed through billboards, bus stops, banners, print advertisements and regular radio programmes throughout Botswana.40

ACHAP in partnership with the Botswana Christian AIDS Intervention Programme (BOCAIP) has established eleven additional counselling centres. By September 2005, these centres had offered training to 447 counsellors and provided services to over 70,000 people.41

Routine testing

Since the beginning of 2004, HIV tests have been offered as a routine part of checkups in public and private clinics in Botswana. The testing is part of the standard routine but people who do not want to be tested can 'opt out'.

Botswana was the first country in Africa to have a national policy of routinely offering an HIV test at clinics. Health officials believe that routine testing is a good way to help prevention programmes and to enable people to access treatment at an earlier stage of disease. There is still a lot of stigma attached to sexually transmitted diseases in Botswana and officials believe this stigma can be reduced by treating the HIV test like any other routine medical procedure.

"Our single largest problem is the lack of knowledge of HIV status... When you have that many people who don't know their status, anything could happen. If each person infected another person, they you could have 35 prevalence turn into 70 percent prevalence. It's insane."Dr Ernest Darkoh.42

In the first six months of 2005, some 74,134 people were tested via the routine testing programme.43

Access to HIV testing and counselling continued to increase in 2010 to nearly 80 per 100,000 adults in the population, with a total of 865 testing and counselling facilities across the country.44 The number of people aged 15 and over that received this service rose to and estimated 353,430 in 2010.

back to top HIV and AIDS treatment in Botswana

The need for treatment

In August 2000, President Festus Mogae said that new funding from ACHAP would allow his country to provide antiretroviral therapy to all HIV-infected pregnant women and children born with the virus.45 In March 2001, the President announced his Government hoped to implement a national treatment programme before the end of the year. The Government was conducting a needs assessment, and would pay a "substantial" portion of the programme's costs.46

The expected benefits were fourfold:

  1. To enable people with HIV to live longer, healthier lives
  2. To offer an incentive for HIV testing, and to lower the rate of HIV transmission
  3. To decrease the number of children orphaned each year by AIDS
  4. To maintain skills in the workforce necessary for economic development

This was the first time any African country had proposed such an ambitious programme, and some doubted whether it was really feasible.

"We see before us the most dramatic experiment on the continent. If it succeeds, it will give heart to absolutely every country worldwide."Stephen Lewis, UN Special Envoy for HIV/AIDS in Africa.

The birth of MASA

By January 2002, the aim was to provide medication during the coming year to 19,000 of the 110,000 infected people whom it was considered could benefit. As a result of poor resources - laboratory capacity, staff and infrastructure - it was decided that the programme would initially target four population groups: pregnant women with AIDS, HIV-positive child in-patients, HIV-positive people with tuberculosis, and adult in-patients with AIDS.

The national antiretroviral therapy programme was given the name MASA, the Setswana word for "dawn", and the first antiretroviral drugs were provided at the Princess Marina Hospital in Gaborone in January 2002. ACHAP is a key partner in the programme providing extensive financial and technical assistance.47

When MASA started, there were already warnings about the financial sustainability of the programme. It was estimated that it would cost US$24.5 million to include 19,000 people in 2002 (around $1,300 per patient), and then an additional 20,000 people would be admitted each year.

"The programme is most likely not sustainable at that level. Our hope is that over time, as the anti-AIDS messages sink in - our youth are starting to listen - the rate of infections will fall and there will be a smaller number of people needing the drugs."President Mogae.48

But as MASA started to enrol more people during the year, other problems became apparent.

"We are short of doctors. We are short of nurses. We are short of pharmacists. We are short of health technicians."President Mogae.49

Challenges faced during treatment scale-up

By June 2002, an estimated 1,000 people had been enrolled in MASA. Of these, 500 were on therapy, while the remainder were having their requirements assessed. Although the numbers were disappointingly small, the indications were that few people were having difficulty adhering to the antiretroviral regime. To help people with adherence, NACA came up with a "buddy system" whereby each patient is encouraged to form a special bond with someone close to them, who makes sure that they follow their medication schedule. The patients in turn counsel others to come forward for testing and treatment.50

It soon became clear that enrolling people was a lengthy process. It involved counselling at testing centres, screening blood once a person knew their status, taking a white blood cell count and then eventually enrolling in the programme. The introduction of antiretroviral therapy had required broadening the infrastructure including testing centres and storage facilities, equipping existing clinics and hospitals and training medical personnel. But the shortage of trained staff was still acute.

"The bottom line is: we need help. The epidemic has put additional demands on us but is at the same time draining us of skilled people. We are recruiting here and abroad. We're getting 100 Cuban doctors. Even the Peace Corps are coming back."Dr Khan, head of NACA.51

The slowness of enrollment was also adding to the pressure on existing staff.

"The need for treatment far outstrips our ability to deliver it. There is a lot of pressure on us, because if we fail, people will say: Botswana had everything going for it and it failed, so why should we help anyone else in Africa?"Dr Moffat, superintendent of the Princess Marina clinic.52

By January 2003 there were about 3,200 people enrolled in MASA. It was becoming clearer that although much had been accomplished, much more remained to be done.

"You could provide treatment under a tree if you had to. It's follow-up and continuity of care that is the real work."Dr Ernest Darkoh, operations manager of MASA.53
"It's mind-blowing. We're achieving miracles, and it's totally insufficient."Dr Donald de Korte, ACHAP project leader.54

The shortage of staff was the single biggest constraint on treatment scale-up. Many skilled professionals had been lured away from Botswana's public health system by offers of better pay and benefits, and some had moved abroad. To compensate, Botswana recruited workers from poorer parts of Africa, as well as from India and Cuba.55 As a result, most of the doctors were foreign and did not speak the national Setswana language.56

When each new site opened, many of the first patients to enrol were already very sick, and so required a lot more time and resources.

"If you spend all your time and capacity on the very sick people, you can never get to those who are not sick, and unfortunately, that sets up a loop of perpetually insatiable demand."Dr Ernest Darkoh.57

HIV-related stigma and denial was also a major barrier to people accessing services.58

"People are still reluctant to come forward to be tested. They don't come forward because of the fear of discrimination and the stigma associated with HIV. And unless you're tested, you don't know whether or not you're positive and therefore might benefit from treatment."Dr Linda M. Distlerath, Merck's Vice-President for Global Health Policy.59
"I'm very frustrated. We think because of the stigma attached to this sexually transmitted virus, and because some of our religious people have said this is a curse or those who have it are sinners, that people are afraid to get tested."President Mogae.60

As 2003 drew to a close, MASA was still a long way short of the 19,000 target originally set for the end of 2002. Some observers argued the programme had been mismanaged and was not a good example for other African countries to follow.61 An American newspaper reported that despite all the support it had received, Botswana's treatment programme was "barely making a dent".62

Botswana's treatment success

The number of people receiving antiretroviral treatment through the public sector continued to rise gradually during 2003, reaching around 8,000 at ten clinics by the end of the year.63 Then in 2004 MASA entered a new stage of rapid expansion.

By May 2004, more than 24,000 people had been enrolled on MASA, of whom 14,000 were receiving antiretroviral treatment.64

"The response has been tremendous. People are coming forward and the sites are overwhelmed."Dr Ernest Darkoh.65

By the end of the year, it was estimated that between 36,000 and 39,000 people were receiving antiretroviral treatment, including those using the private sector, who made up around one quarter of the total. MASA was achieving good rates of treatment adherence in terms of self-reporting, pill counts and attending scheduled appointments, and this was confirmed by measuring viral load suppression.66

"What is even more heartening is that we are beginning to see a change in attitude. Botswana are finally understanding that regardless of their HIV status they have viable options available to them to continue seeking and living fulfilled lives."Dr Ernest Darkoh.67

By June 2005, the total had risen to 43,000 people receiving treatment - more than half of the 75,000 in need, according to the World Health Organisation. The Princess Marina Hospital in the capital Gaborone was the largest single provider of antiretroviral therapy in Africa, and 31 other sites in Botswana were offering free treatment, including at least one in each of the 24 health districts. About three quarters of those receiving treatment were doing so through the public sector, but an increasing number of private companies were also offering treatment to their employees, including the Botswana Power Corporation and Barclays Bank.68

By September 2005, according to Health Minister Sheila Tlou, the total number on treatment had reached 54,378 and 4,582 children were receiving treatment through MASA.69 According to World Health Organisation figures, 85% of people in need of the drugs were receiving them at the end of the year, including those using the private sector.70 Coverage reached 89.8% by the end of 2009, when around 145,000 were receiving treatment.71 The number of people receiving treatment increased further to 161,219 in 2010, a coverage of 93 percent of people who need antiretroviral treatment.72 According to the latest WHO guidelines (implemented in 2010), this means that Botswana has achieved universal access (defined as 80% coverage).

How was such a rapid increase possible?

When considering the progress of MASA, there are a number of factors worth taking into account:

  • Experience shows that the number of people on treatment at each site does not grow at a uniform rate. Expansion starts slowly then accelerates as the local health workers gain confidence, commitment and experience, and as organisational "teething problems" are overcome. Eventually the rate of growth will slow down again as everyone in need is enrolled.73
  • Routine testing has increased demand for treatment, especially among people without symptoms.
  • A social mobilisation campaign has raised awareness of the availability and effectiveness of antiretroviral treatment, and has helped to reduce stigma and discrimination.
  • The programme has been well supported. As of mid-2005, government expenditure on treatment scale-up was expected to be around $62.1 million in 2004-5. An additional $3.3 million was expected from the Global Fund, $6.4 million from PEPFAR and $20 million from non-governmental organisations, charities and foundations.74 In 2007, government spending on antiretroviral treatment totalled $31.3 million.75
  • Botswana has more money, better infrastructure and a better health system than most other sub-Saharan African countries.
  • Ways were found to ease the shortage of trained staff, as explained below.

Easing the shortage of trained staff

In 2000, the Harvard AIDS Initiative and the Botswana Ministry of Health set up the KITSO Training Program, which provides training in HIV and AIDS care tailored specifically for Botswana's health professionals. Participants are allowed to remain in their posts while receiving the training, so as not to leave their clinics short-staffed. Major support for KITSO is provided by ACHAP.76 As of 2010, KITSO had trained over 5,000 health care workers in HIV/AIDS clinical care fundamentals.77

Another important development has been the clinical preceptorship programme. This scheme brings HIV specialist doctors from the USA and Europe to work in Botswana for periods of at least three months, providing hands-on training to local medical staff.

The Government pays private doctors to test for infection, carry out the laboratory work, and supply treatment to people unable to access it through the public sector, particularly those in rural areas. NACA has tried to develop a system of lay counsellors to ease the workload of some nurses.

"Even when I did find a doctor willing to come to the country, [he or she] wasn't willing to live in remote rural areas... So the answer must be that we use already existing people who are living in these communities - in new and creative ways."Dr Ernest Darkoh.78

back to top The way forward

Botswana's national treatment programme is now seen as a successful model for other African countries to follow. Though progress was initially slower than expected, the programme made rapid progress in 2004 and 2005, and patient responses have been comparable to those seen in Europe and the USA.

MASA has demonstrated that antiretroviral treatment can be provided on a national scale through the public health system of a sub-Saharan African country - not just through localised projects run by foreign aid workers or researchers. In Botswana's case, almost all of the actual cost of treatment has been paid by the Government, while other partners have given support by providing laboratory equipment, staff training or patient monitoring services.

"The Government of Botswana has demonstrated a very high level of political commitment to addressing the HIV/AIDS epidemic... Botswana's success provides a fine example of how antiretroviral therapy can be provided on a large scale in resource-constrained settings."World Health Organisation.79

But the struggle to provide universal access to treatment in Botswana is far from over. All of those already enrolled must continue to receive drugs and monitoring services for the rest of their lives, and people who develop resistance to their current medications must have access to alternatives, which can be more expensive and complex than first-line therapy.

It is much easier to provide treatment in towns than in rural areas, and MASA will need to be further decentralised to ensure that all areas are covered. The shortage of skilled staff will continue to be a great challenge to MASA, and the programme will continue to be very expensive. The need for help from the rest of the world is as urgent as ever.

Providing treatment for an increasing number of HIV patients simply isn’t economically sustainable in the long term. After Botswana lost over half of an $18.6 million grant from the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria in 2008, resources were stretched to the limit, and Mogae warned:

“We are fast approaching a situation where we cannot afford what we are doing even now.” President Mogae80

This warning has been echoed by his successor President Ian Khama. Khama emphasised the responsibility of individual citizens, to ensure funding is not wasted, by reducing treatment failures through adherence to ARVs81 .

Antiretroviral treatment alone cannot solve Botswana's devastating HIV and AIDS crisis. In his address at the 17th International Aids Conference in Mexico 2008 former President Mogae stressed that whilst the government must remain committed to Botswana’s comprehensive treatment programme, hopes of ever overcoming AIDS in Botswana lie in halting transmission:

"Prevention of new infections should be our priority number one, priority number two and priority number three".former President Mogae82 .

Botswana's long-term vision is to have no new HIV infections by 2016, when the nation will celebrate 50 years of independence. This will never be achieved without a massive and sustained HIV prevention campaign.

References back to top

  1. UNAIDS (2010) 'UNAIDS report on the global AIDS epidemic'
  2. The Impact of AIDS”, United Nations, 2004
  3. UNDP (2011) ‘Human Development Report 2011
  4. WHO/UNAIDS/UNICEF (2011) ‘Global HIV/AIDS Response: Epidemic update and health sector progress towards Universal Access 2011
  5. "Botswana AIDS Impact Survey II: Popular Report"(pdf), NACA, March 2005
  6. UNAIDS (2010) 'UNAIDS report on the global AIDS epidemic'
  7. Farley F. "At AIDS Disaster's Epicenter, Botswana Is a Model of Action", Los Angeles Times, 27 June 2001
  8. WHO/UNAIDS/UNICEF (2011) ‘Global HIV/AIDS Response: Epidemic update and health sector progress towards Universal Access 2011
  9. "Botswana National Policy on HIV/AIDS", approved and adopted by Government through Presidential Directive CAB: 35/93, 17 November 1993
  10. "Botswana Human Development Report 2000", pp.41-42, UNDP
  11. NACA Botswana (2010, April) 'Botswana - 2010 Country Progress Report'
  12. UNAIDS (2010) 'UNAIDS report on the global AIDS epidemic'
  13. NACA Botswana (2010, April) 'Botswana - 2010 Country Progress Report'
  14. Merck (2009) 'African Comprehensive HIV/AIDS Partnerships' (ACHAP)
  15. "BOTSWANA: US $ 35 million boost for anti-AIDS efforts", UN IRIN, 9 March 2005
  16. "The Power of Partnerships: Third Annual Report to Congress on PEPFAR", March 2007
  17. "A Small Nation's Big Effort Against AIDS: Botswana Spreads Message and Free Drugs, but Old Attitudes Persist", Michael Grunwald, The Washington Post Foreign Service, 2 December 2002
  18. "The BOTUSA Project", CDC website (January 2004 version)
  19. UNAIDS (2010) 'UNAIDS report on the global AIDS epidemic'
  20. "Country Profile - Botswana", Office of the Global AIDS Coordinator, revised 13 September 2005
  21. NACA Botswana (2010, April) 'Botswana - 2010 Country Progress Report'
  22. "African Comprehensive HIV/AIDS Partnerships (ACHAP)" fact sheet, updated September 2005
  23. Stockholm Challenge, (2006), 'Talk Back on HIV/Aids Botswana'
  24. Commonwealth Secretariat '2009 Finalists'
  25. "PSI/Botswana", PSI website, accessed November 2005
  26. NACA Botswana (2010, April) 'Botswana - 2010 Country Progress Report'
  27. NACA Botswana (2010, April) 'Botswana - 2010 Country Progress Report'
  28. WHO/UNAIDS/UNICEF (2011) ‘Global HIV/AIDS Response: Epidemic update and health sector progress towards Universal Access 2011
  29. "BOTSWANA 2003 Second Generation HIV/AIDS Surveillance", NACA, 2003
  30. Is HIV a time bomb under the mining industry?’ Anna Stablum, 11.07.07
  31. "BOTSWANA 2003 Second Generation HIV/AIDS Surveillance", NACA, 2003
  32. "Young Botswana blood donors spread hope, not AIDS", Reuters, 21 October 2005
  33. NACA Botswana (2010, April) 'Botswana - 2010 Country Progress Report'
  34. Beck, Eduard J. et al (2008) 'The HIV Pandemic: Local and Global Implications' (Chapter 12), Oxford University Press
  35. Rollnick R. (2002) "Botswana's high-stakes assault on AIDS", GMHC Treatment Issues
  36. UNICEF (2010) 'Botswana: PMTCT'
  37. "Saving the babies: A victory for Africa", The Boston Globe, 27 August 2007
  38. WHO/UNAIDS/UNICEF (2011) ‘Global HIV/AIDS Response: Epidemic update and health sector progress towards Universal Access 2011
  39. NACA Botswana (2010, April) 'Botswana - 2010 Country Progress Report'
  40. "PSI/Botswana", PSI website, accessed November 2005
  41. "African Comprehensive HIV/AIDS Partnerships (ACHAP)" fact sheet, updated September 2005
  42. "Reluctance to face tests slows Botswana AIDS fight", Boston Globe, 8 November 2003
  43. "About 48% Of Eligible ARV Candidates In Botswana Are Receiving Treatment", Medical News Today, 6 December 2005
  44. WHO/UNAIDS/UNICEF (2011) ‘Global HIV/AIDS Response: Epidemic update and health sector progress towards Universal Access 2011
  45. "Concerns raised about Botswana's proposed HIV-disclosure law", The Lancet Volume 356, 19 August 2000
  46. "Botswana to implement AIDS drug plan, president Mogae says", KaiserNetwork Daily HIV/AIDS Report, 15 March 2001
  47. "Introducing ARV Therapy in the Public Sector in Botswana", WHO, 2004
  48. "Botswana: Free antiretroviral campaign might not last", IRIN PlusNews, 18 January 2002
  49. "Botswana president says he had no choice but to give his people AIDS medicine", Associated Press, 9 April 2002
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