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Nixon: The point that I make is that goddamit, I do not think that you glorify, on public television, homosexuality!  You ever see what happened, you know what happened to the Greeks? Homosexuality destroyed them. Aristotle was a homo, we all know that. So was Socrates.

Ehrlichman: But he never had the influence that television has.

Nixon: The last six Roman emperors were fags. You see, homosexuality, immorality in general, these are the enemies of strong societies. That’s why the communists and the left-wingers are pushing it. They’re trying to destroy us.
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The Daily Show's John Oliver on fast-food workers, such as at McDonald's, striking for better wages, and Fox News' absurd coverage (video).
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In a shocking development, Russia’s Minister of Sports, Vitaly Mutko, said that athletes and visitors attending the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics in Russia will be subject to arrest should they exhibit any pro-gay tendencies.

Mutko’s statement directly contradicts assurances given by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) last week that Russia had promised to exempt Olympic athletes and visitors from the country’s draconian new anti-gay and anti-trans law.
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Hopefully the IOC and the Kremlin can get back to us on whether kidnapping and torture is off-limits too during the games.

Or maybe they’ll just call it a new sport: Synchronized Gay-bashing.  Because it’s certainly being synchronized by someone in a seat of authority.
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The conservative President of Hillsdale College in Michigan, Larry Arnn, was giving a talk about, among other things, what he perceived as onerous state diversity standards the college faced in the year 2000 when he got there.  Here’s how he described the situation: “They said we violated the standards for diversity because we didn’t have enough dark ones, is I guess what they meant.”
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I’m all for openly-gay Olympian Johnny Weir making up his own mind about whether to participate in the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia.  (Weir says he will.)

But when I read recent Weir’s statements about the matter, calling the gay boycott of the Olympics “wrong,” I couldn’t help but wonder if Johnny Weir really cares about the awful plight of gay and trans Russians.

But maybe my fears are unfounded. Maybe Johnny Weir is a strong supporter of LGBT rights, and simply thinks gay visibility is the more appropriate response.

Okay, I’m game.

Blake-SkjellerupIf Johnny Weir thinks visibility is more important, then is Johnny Weir willing to follow the lead of openly-gay New Zealand speedskater Blake Skjellerup commit, and commit to wearing a rainbow pin while competing at the Sochi Olympics?

Skjellerup has called on other Olympic athletes to follow his lead and promise to wear the pin. Will Johnny Weir respond to the call?
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United States Senator Jeff Merkley (D-OR) called “outrageous” the news that Russia plans to arrest gay, and gay-friendly, Olympic athletes and visitors during the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia.

Merkley was responding to an earlier report in the Russian state-owned media that the country’s Sports Minister, Vitaly Mutko, had said that Olympic athletes and guests who act in a pro-gay manner during the games will be arrested under Russia’s new draconian anti-gay “propaganda” law.
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