Buy the Whole Site!

Due to a large amount of interest in getting all these plans, we're now offering the whole site on CD for your archives.

You'll get every plan that's on the site in PDF format, and a copy of the latest Adobe Acrobat PDF viewer. The Adobe program is needed to view the plans, but the odds are you already have it installed. It's included just in case!

Payment is accepted via Paypal, or by check. Using Paypal is a secure and hacker-proof method.

Special Note: You do not need to sign up as a member of Paypal to use a credit card. If you have ANY trouble, just email us.

You may also send us a check to: Limestone Media, 14 Reese Dr, Austin, TX, 78745.

It should take about a week to receive your disc. Discs are shipped in very rigid CD mailer envelopes, and are enclosed in a paper protector so you can keep the CD on your desk without getting scratches.

Thanks for your interest!

Buy All These Plans on CD: Every plan on the site, delivered to you on CD. Just 19.99 shipped anywhere in the world.