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Tag "crafts"
It’s in the Bottle (Oct, 1937)

It’s in the Bottle

WHEN one sees large wooden objects in a bottle, one often wonders how the articles were placed into the glass containers. Often, those viewing the objects express the opinion that the “glass was blown around the object.” Such, however, is not the case.

Hunting Miniatures (Sep, 1936)

Hunting Miniatures

24,000 pieces in world’s largest museum of the smallest articles.

ONE of the most remarkable exhibitions of miniatures, which has been collected painstakingly over a period of sixteen years by Mr. Jules Charbeneau, is on exhibition in St. Louis.

The articles come from thirty countries and the collection consists of 24,000 different items.

Meet A Metal Master (Dec, 1950)

Sadly, it doesn’t seem that Mr. Bonson’s work ever became very popular. A quick Google search on his name only comes up with his wife’s 2011 obituary and an endorsement for his 1974 attempt at a seat on the Eugene city council.

Meet A Metal Master

The nation’s top stores sell the copper and brass products of a bearded Oregonian whose salesmen won’t let him shave.


Louis Frank Bonson of Eugene, Oregon, is a kindly man who loves his work, takes a lot of pains with it, and does not care whether he makes a great deal of money. Despite this, he can scarcely keep up with the orders that are flooding him from America’s most distinctive gift shops.

King of the Dummies (Dec, 1955)

Modern Arts-Ancient Skills – King of the Dummies

To Frank Marshall the famous McCarthy is only one of a family of hundreds of brash wooden midgets he has carved in the past 40 years.

He Found Comfort in Copper (Mar, 1950)

I have about a half dozen issues of this magazine and most of the articles are like this. I’m pretty sure around 1958 they changed the title to “Profiles in Sadness”.

He Found Comfort in Copper

Photographs by Erika from European

JOHN S. KREUTZER of Brooklyn, New York, has found an exciting and creative hobby to fill the lonely hours of his now solitary life.

The 70-year-old naturalized American, who came to the United States in 1905 from a part of Hungary, which is now Czechoslovakia, has worked as a tool and die maker for the greater part of his life.

Gem Cutting (Jun, 1946)

Gem Cutting

The fine art of cutting precious and semi-precious stones isn’t confined to professionals. It’s also a fascinating and interesting hobby.


ONE answer to the question “What kind of jobs can disabled veterans do?” has been given by Matthew and Daniel Rosenthal, who have trained many of them as lapidaries. The Rosenthal brothers are the owners of the Gabriel Williams Company, N. V. research laboratories with an impressive record in the fields of electronics, physics, color design and internal combustion engines.

Silk-Screen Stenciling… A Profitable Hobby (May, 1945)

Silk-Screen Stenciling… A Profitable Hobby


By J. I. Biegeleisen.

YOU can hardly go through an ordinary day without coming across many articles printed by silk screen. Tablecloths, glasses, trays, book jackets, posters—these are but a few examples of the variety of decorative materials made possible with the silk-screen process.

NOVEL THREAD RACK DEPICTS Little Miss Muffet (Apr, 1939)


BECAUSE of its appeal to childhood memories, this “Little Miss Muffet” thread rack is a gift novelty of a unique and attractive type. The shelf, Miss Muffet, and her bowl are cut from plywood. The web consists of a center block bored to take twelve small sticks of varying lengths, around which some metallic gift-wrapping cord is wound.

He Makes Big Profits on a Small Scale (May, 1956)

He Makes Big Profits on a Small Scale

This unusual business makes fish scales into artificial flowers and costume jewelry that will dazzle the eye and not offend the nose!

By Rudy Arnold

THERE’S something new in the costume accessories business—a $50,000-a-year idea for turning fish scales into fancy flowers, costume jewelry and stylish hats.

Raymond Pier, a retired 48-year-old auto dealer of Ocean Grove, N. J., got bored with the idle life in Florida. When his eight-year-old daughter came back from the beach one day with a handful of seashells, he wondered if a few novelties couldn’t be created out of the sea’s beautiful but wasted bounty.

He makes faces (Sep, 1947)

Wow, $2,000 is a lot for a mask in today’s dollars. With inflation the price would be $20,566

Wladyslaw Theodor Benda passed away about a year after this article came out. Before he started making masks he was an accomplished painter.

He makes faces
IF YOU want to buy a mask from W. T. Benda, internationally famous mask maker, you’ll have your choice of several kinds—realistic, grotesque, comic and fantastic—and it’ll set you back only about $2,000.

Put it on. Feel anything? Mr. Benda says a man automatically assumes something of the character of any false face he puts on. The mask gives the illusion you’ve “escaped” from yourself.
