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I’m Not Dead

Hey everyone, I know it’s been a long time. Sorry I haven’t gotten a chance to post anything new for a while. I started a new job a few months back and I’ve just been insanely busy. I usually post in the mornings before work, but lately I’ve just been going to work early to get a jump on stuff. My current project is starting to wind down a bit so I promise there will be some great new stuff coming in July.

For most of the history of the site I’ve either been underemployed or employed in a job I didn’t really care about so it was easy to focus a lot of time on MM. However I’m really, really enjoying my new job at a company called AppNexus. (I’m a software developer for those of you who didn’t know or guess). We’re actually hiring a ton of people right now so if you live, or want to live in, NYC, Portland, Seattle, San Francisco, London, Paris, Hamburg or Tel Aviv, you should check out our careers page. And if you do apply, mention me because we get pretty decent referral bonuses.

Longer term I’m going start trying to figure out how to make this site more collaborative and less of just a catalog of things I like. I have a huge archive of scanned material that is not on the site and an even bigger trove of stuff I haven’t gotten a chance to scan.

Meanwhile, if you get bored, the sites on the right are all really good. Also, readers of this site will probably love the amazing magazine collection at archive.org. It’s curated by the always amazing and indefatigable Jason Scott

In Fatima the Difference is Quality (Sep, 1951)

That’s a pretty specific claim. Not the best cigarette, just the best long cigarette.

In Fatima the Difference is Quality

“I smoked FATIMAS when I was a Midshipman. I still do… because they have a better flavor and aroma. FATIMA is easily the best of all long cigarettes.”

VICE ADMIRAL Leland Lovette
U. S. N. (RET.)

FATIMA Best of All Long Cigarettes

Just how simple do word processors have to get before you begin using one? (Mar, 1988)

Just how simple do word processors have to get before you begin using one?

Even simpler than your old typewriter?

No problem. Because we’ve made one that eliminates all the intimidating things you’ve always associated with word processors.


I don’t understand the “AND THAT AIN’T HAYES!”. I mean, I know that Hayes was the dominant modem at the time, but what is the reference to? It sounds like it should be “and that ain’t pocket change” or something…



You can bank on it. Your outlay will be less than if you settle for our major competitor, but not your output! A Password’” modem sends and receives up to 120 words a minute. Provides both 1200 and 300 baud capacity. Offers total interchangeability that lets you transmit information from any make microcomputer to any other make. And your investment is protected by a 2-year warranty.

Rubber-Balloon Globe Puts the World in Your Pocket (Jun, 1942)

Rubber-Balloon Globe Puts the World in Your Pocket

CARRYING the world in your pocket is no task with this balloon globe designed to keep you abreast of world events. The rubber balloon can be inflated by three or four lungfuls to a diameter of eight inches. The neck is then twisted and passed through a slot in the cardboard disk which is used as a base. The globe’s scale is approximately one inch for 800 miles. To put the world back in your pocket, just pull its neck out of the slot in the base and let the air escape.

I’d like to see them make (Feb, 1947)

I’d like to see them make

Cartoons by SYD LAND

Catsup Tamer. Not too much, not too little, with this catsup regulator, says Bill Hopewell, of Cincinnati.

Back-seat Ejector. The automotive device above is the interesting brain child of David E. Mann, Jr., of Needham, Mass.

Writing with your voice (Mar, 1947)

Writing with your voice

Years ago Alexander Graham Bell dreamed of “a machine that should render visible to the eyes of the deaf, the vibrations of the air that affect our ears as sound.” He never realized that dream, but his researches led to the invention of the telephone.

More Pleasure at the Seashore (Oct, 1937)

More Pleasure at the Seashore

SHOWN in the upper right corner is a simple and practical “non-skid” surf board with which you can bank and make turns. Two barrel staves are fastened at approximately a 25 degree angle to two substantial irons, which in turn are fastened to a heavy plank cut as shown in the illustration. The use of this surf board can easily be mastered in fifteen or twenty minutes.

how important are SEX POSITIONS? (Sep, 1965)

how important are SEX POSITIONS?

Common sense about a much-discussed aspect of marital sex.

by Richard Stiller, M.A.

Mr. Stiller is Associate Editor of this publication.

Most of us are convinced that “our” sex ways are the only normal ones and that those of others are degenerate and perverse. People find it hard to believe that individuals can differ in their sexual behavior and still be “right” or “normal.”

Helium Once Worth $5,000 Costs under Two Cents (Dec, 1936)

It looks like Helium will remain cheap, at least for a few more years. (BTW, every single publication I saw felt the need to make a Helium pun in the headline)

Helium Once Worth $5,000 Costs under Two Cents
Twenty years ago it would have cost you $5,000 to buy enough helium gas to inflate a small balloon about two and one-half feet in diameter. Today the same amount of gas can be had for one and one-half cents. The drastic reduction in the price of helium since 1916 is due to the discovery by the U. S. Bureau of Mines of a method of recovering helium from natural gas instead of from the air.
