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Journalist Thomas star of TV special

Published: Aug. 16, 2008 at 12:13 PM

WASHINGTON, Aug. 16 (UPI) -- The long and noted career of White House correspondent Helen Thomas will be presented in a new U.S. TV special, filmmaker Rory Kennedy says.

Kennedy said the story of Thomas's life told in the upcoming HBO special "Thank You, Mr. President: Helen Thomas at the White House" shows how the 88-year-old overcame early adversities on her way to questioning U.S. presidents, The Washington Post reported in its Sunday edition.

"Her parents couldn't read or write, and here is this woman who moved to Washington, where she didn't know anybody, and made a life for herself," Kennedy said.

The 38-minute documentary, which airs Monday on the cable network, also shows Thomas' determination to learn the truth even when questioning heads of state, the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette said.

"I think presidents deserve to be questioned, maybe irreverently, most of the time," the former United Press International correspondent said of such media dealings. "Bring them down to size."

Topics: Helen Thomas
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