Step 1: Learn & Choose

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If you plan to buy five or more software licenses, Microsoft offers price advantages for volume purchasing. Discover how Microsoft Volume Licensing can help your organisation realise its goals and find out what customers and analysts have to say about it.

Step 2: Price & Buy

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Use the Microsoft License Advisor tool to learn about products, programs, and pricing, and to get a full price quote. Your IT solution may also quality for Microsoft Financing. When ready, contact a partner to take the next step.

Step 3: Use & Manage

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Sign into the Volume Licensing Service Center (VLSC) to install, activate, and manage your purchased licenses. Learn about Software Assurance benefits that can help you make the most of your licensing agreement.

Step 4: Support

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Get answers to questions about Volume Licensing, access support resources to help you resolve technical problems, and find information about Volume Licensing availability worldwide.

Step 5: Renew

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Learn how to continue the benefits of Volume Licensing. Check your Microsoft License Statement and make sure to use your remaining Software Assurance benefits before your agreement expires. An authorised reseller can help you through the process.

News and Highlights

Software Assurance

Provides benefits to help use your technology, improve productivity, and manage costs.

Microsoft Financing

Offers qualified customers immediate access to funds for purchasing and deploying IT solutions.

Go Virtual

Virtualisation technologies offer ways to have a more dynamic, cost-effective IT environment.

New Licensing Mobility Software Assurance Benefit

From 1st July 2011 a new Software Assurance benefit called Licence Mobility is available to Volume Licensing customers. It enables deployment of certain server applications on-premises or in the cloud including on an authorised service provider’s shared hardware environment. For more information please visit click here

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Microsoft Product Licensing

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Review Product Use Rights (PUR), Data Transfer Notices, and more.

Product List

Find monthly updates to Volume Licensing product availability.

Client Access Licenses

Learn about licensing requirements for Microsoft Server products.