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NICE Podcasts

Professor Sir Mike Rawlins podcast

On 1 April 2013, Professor Sir Michael Rawlins's 14-year tenure as Chair of NICE comes to an end.

In this podcast, Sir Mike looks back at his time at NICE and answers the question: Has NICE achieved what it was set up to do?

CG156  Fertility update

Mr Tim Child, Director of Oxford’s Institute of Reproductive Sciences and a Consultant Gynaecologist, discusses the updated fertility guideline.

NICE Fellows and Scholars Programme podcast

Dr Riaz Agha discusses his experience of being a NICE Scholar, the research that he carried out as part of his scholarship, and the benefits of getting involved in the programme.

CG154 Ectopic pregnancy and miscarriage

Professor Mary Ann Lumsden, Chair of the Guideline Development Group, and GP Dr Nicola Davies, who also worked on the guidance, discuss the recommendations on the diagnosis and initial management in early pregnancy of ectopic pregnancy and miscarriage.

This podcast includes information on the importance of establishing a seven-days a week early pregnancy assessment service and advice on how GPs can diagnose symptoms of ectopic pregnancy.

PH39 Smokeless tobacco cessation - South Asian communities: podcast with Bilkis Hussain

Podcast with Bilkis Hussain - the lead for a smokeless tobacco cessation project within GP practices and dental surgeries within Leicester. Ms Bilkis Hussain also provided expert testimony during the development of the PH39 guidance.

An implementation podcast for GPs, dental practitioners and smoking cessation service leads that outlines the rationale for - and some of the learning from - a smokeless tobacco cessation service which ran within GP surgeries and dental practices in Leicester. 

This podcast is 10 minutes in length. It covers:

  • the rationale for delivery within dental practices and GP surgeries
  • the role of GPs and dental practitioners in supporting this smokeless tobacco cessation work
  • how the project integrated with existing clinical services
  • how clients from South Asian communities were engaged with the project
  • an anonymised case example from the project

‘Smokeless tobacco' in the NICE guidance refers to any type of product containing tobacco that is placed in the mouth or nose and not burned and which is typically used in England by people of South Asian origin. (See section 1 of the NICE guidance for more detail). It does not include products that are sucked, like 'snus' or similar oral snuff products.

Please note that there is some fluctuation in sound levels during the podcast, but this does not affect the clarity of the sound file.  

CG152 Crohn's disease: podcast with Dr Adrian Thomas

Dr Adrian Thomas – Consultant Paediatric Gastroenterologist at the Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital and member of the Guideline Development Group for the Crohn’s disease Clinical Guideline discusses the evidence behind a number of the recommendations in the guideline from a paediatric perspective.

This podcast is 9 minutes in length. It covers

  • considerations of the severity of people’s illness has been addressed in the guideline
  • the off-label use of medicines in Crohn’s disease
  • the recommendations about which corticosteroids to use as first line treatment
  • the management of Crohn’s disease following surgery
  • the recommended changes to practice regarding enteral nutrition.

DG6 Depth of anaesthesia monitors (E-Entropy, BIS and Narcotrend): podcast with Dr David Smith

Dr David Smith, Consultant and Senior Lecturer in Cardiac Anaesthesia at Southampton General Hospital and specialist member of the diagnostic advisory committee for this guidance, discusses the evidence behind the recommendations.

This podcast is 9.18 minutes in length. It covers the background on the guidance and why it was developed; when the guidance should be used especially regarding patients considered at higher risk of adverse outcomes; the grounds upon which the recommendations have been made; what anaesthetists should consider if using these devices and finally what evidence is still needed in this area of practice.

Interview with Dr Nigel Beasley

Dr Nigel Beasley talks about his experience of being a Fellow at NICE and how he helped influence the uptake of NICE guidance.

Interview with winner of NICE 2012 Shared Learning Awards

Dr Topun Austin, Consultant Neonatologist at Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, discusses work done by The East of England Neonatal Neuroprotection team. The team won the NICE 2012 Shared Learning Award for its work in championing NICE guidance on controlled cooling to treat newborn babies with hypoxic perinatal brain injury.

CG150 Headaches podcast

Professor Martin Underwood discusses the guideline's recommendations on diagnosis of headaches and the impact it has on general practice.

CG151 Neutropenic sepsis: prophylaxis podcast with Dr Bob Phillips

Dr Bob Phillips, Consultant in Paediatric and Teenage and Young Adult Oncology discusses the evidence behind the clinical guideline recommendations in relation to prophylaxis against neutropenic sepsis.

This podcast is 14.5 minutes in length and specifically applies to the following recommendations:-

  • For adult patients (aged 18 years and older) with acute leukaemias, stem cell transplants or solid tumours in whom significant neutropenia (neutrophil count equal to or lower than 0.5 x 109/litre) is an anticipated consequence of chemotherapy, offer prophylaxis with a fluoroquinolone during the expected period of neutropenia only (
  • Monitor rates of antibiotic resistance and infection patterns in patients within treatment facilities where patients are receiving fluoroquinolones for antibiotic prophylaxis of neutropenic sepsis[1] (
  • Do not routinely offer G-CSF for the prevention of neutropenic sepsis in adults receiving chemotherapy unless they are receiving G-CSF as an integral part of the chemotherapy regimen or in order to maintain dose intensity (

[1] Clostridium difficile infection: How to deal with the problem

Updated guidance on the diagnosis and reporting of Clostridium Difficile

CG149 Antibiotics for early onset neonatal infection: Podcast with Dr Mark Turner, Consultant in Neonatology and chair of the guideline development group.

Dr Mark Turner discusses the recommended doses and administration regimes for antibiotics for suspected and confirmed infection after birth.

This podcast is 12 minutes in length. It covers:

  • Definition of early onset infection
  • Antibiotic doses and dosing regimens, including those for benzylpenicillin and gentamicin
  • A system for reviewing antibiotic treatment 36 hours after starting antibiotics.

The podcast was recorded in an area where construction work was taking place nearby. Some minor background noise can be heard.

DG4: DySIS and colposcopy

Dr Pierre Martin-Hirsch discusses the latest diagnostics guidance on DySIS and colposcopy, and Lucy Hammerton-Barry from NICE talks about the cost implications of the guidance.

PH38: Preventing type 2 diabetes

Professor Kamlesh Kunti, Chair of the public health guidance group, discusses the latest public health guidance on preventing type 2 diabetes.

CG144: Venous thromboembolic diseases

Dr Roshan Agarwal, a member of the Guideline Development Group, discusses the venous thromboembolic diseases guidance and the link between VTE and cancer.

CG140 : Podcast with Michael Bennett, Professor of Palliative Medicine discussing the opioids in pallative care clinical guideline

Mike Bennett, a Professor in Palliative Medicine at Leeds Institute of Health Sciences and member on the guideline development group discusses the evidence behind the clinical guideline recommendations.

This podcast is 12 minutes in length. It covers issues such as:

  • why the guideline has been developed
  • the significant changes for prescribers
  • how patient concerns about strong opioids should be addressed
  • why the guideline recommends the use of morphine as first-line treatment
  • why the guideline does not recommend opioid patches as first line treatment
  • what is meant by the term ‘break though pain’
  • what the likely side effects of taking strong opioids are and how best these can be managed.

PH37: Identifying and managing tuberculosis (TB) in hard-to-reach groups

Professor Mike Kelly, Director of Public Health at NICE, discusses the new public health guidance on identifying and managing TB in hard-to-reach groups.

MTG9: Implementation of PleurX at the Christie NHS Foundation Trust in Manchester

In this podcast Dr Hans-Ulrich Laasch, Consultant Radiologist and one of the clinical expert advisers for the guidance, discusses what impact using PleurX has for clinicians and commissioners.

MTG9: PleurX and ascites

A discussion on PleurX and ascites with Dr Hans-Ulrich Laasch, a Consultant Radiologist and one of the clinical expert advisers for the guidance.

A learning from practice podcast to support the NICE/HPA Quality improvement guide: prevention and control of healthcare-associated infections (HCAIs) in secondary care

Julian Hartley, Chief Executive and Mandy Bailey, Chief Nurse, from University Hospital South Manchester discuss their experiences of tackling HCAIs locally. The podcast may be of interest to chief executives, board members and senior managers; it is 17 minutes long and was recorded on location so has occasional background noise.

CG132 Caesarean section: Malcolm Griffins, Chair of the Guideline Development Group

Caesarean Section: Malcolm Griffiths, consultant obstetrician and gynaecologist  and chair of the Guideline Development Group, discusses the updated guidelines.

CG133 Self-harm: service user podcast with Gareth Allen

Gareth Allen discusses his personal experience of self-harm, access to services and harm minimisation.

CG133 Self-harm: risk assessment podcast with Professor Navneet Kapur

Professor Navneet Kapur discusses the risk assessment process recommended with the guideline.

MTG8 The VeriQ system: Mr Peter O'Keefe, Consultant Cardiothoracic Surgeon and Dr Peter Groves, Consultant Cardiologist

Dr Peter Groves, vice chair of the Medical Technologies Advisory Committee and Mr Peter O’Keefe, expert adviser to that committee, discuss implementing the recommendations of this guidance and related practical issues.

CMG38 Alcohol services: Steve Simmonds and Andrew McDonald

Steve Simmonds, head of Salford Drug and Alcohol Service and Andrew McDonald, alcohol commissioner in Salford, discuss NICE’s commissioning guide on alcohol services.

MTG7 Inditherm mattress: Dr Mark Harper

Dr Mark Harper, Lead Expert Adviser for the Medical Technologies Advisory Committee, discusses use of the Inditherm mattress in practice.

CG127 Hypertension: Professor Richard McManus discusses the use of ABPM

Professor Richard McManus, University of Birmingham, discusses the use of ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM).

CG127 Hypertension: implementation podcast focusing on the ABPM recommendations with Professor Williams

Professor Bryan Williams, chair of the hypertension guideline development group, discusses implementing the ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM) recommendations.

Those responsible for putting the ABPM recommendations from the guideline into practice are advised to refer to the implementation advice and costing report, which also focus on implementing the ABPM recommendations.

CG125 Podcast with Advanced nurse practitioner, Helen Hurst. Proving patients who present late with information, support and choices.

Advanced nurse practitioner, Helen Hurst, discusses how to provide patients who present late with the correct information, support and choices.

CG125 Podcast with consultant in renal medicine, Dr David Bennett-Jones. How to approach switching treatment modalities

Consultant in renal medicine, Dr David Bennett-Jones, discusses how to approach switching treatment modalities and when a switch in treatment modalities should be considered.


CG123 Common mental health disorders: Dr Barbara Compitus

Bristol GP Dr Barbara Compitus discusses NICE’s common mental health disorders guidance.

CG122 Ovarian cancer GP podcast: Dr Craig Dobson

Podcast recording with Dr Craig Dobson, a General Practitioner and Senior Lecturer in Medical Education and General Practice - Hull/York Medical School  and member of the GDG for the Ovarian Cancer Clinical Guideline..

This podcast focuses on issues for general practitioners, specifically the use of CA125 tests and how to manage patients who have negative results, plus using clinical judgement.

CG122 Ovarian cancer SRL podcast: Mr Charles Redman

Podcast recording with Mr Charles Redman, a Gynaecological Cancer Surgeon and Clinical Lead for the Ovarian Cancer GDG.

This podcast will focus specifically on exploring the role of lymph node assessment and systematic retroperitoneal lymphadenectomy from a consultant perspective.

MTG2 MoorLDI2-BI laser doppler blood flow imager for burn wound assessment - No.2 Practical considerations

Mrs Sarah Pape, Consultant Plastic Surgeon at Newcastle Upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust discusses her experience of using the MoorLDI2-BI laser doppler blood flow imager for burn wound assessment and practical advice for those implementing the NICE Medical Technology guidance on this device. We recommend that you listen to podcast No. 1 before this second extended discussion.  

MTG3 CardioQ-ODM oesophageal doppler monitor with Dr Dan Conway

Dr Dan Conway, Consultant in Anaesthesia and Critical Care at Manchester Royal Infirmary discusses implementation of the guidance in clinical practice.


MTG2 MoorLDI2-BI laser doppler blood flow imager for burn wound assessment - No.1 Implementing the guidance

Mrs Sarah Pape, Consultant Plastic Surgeon at Newcastle Upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust discusses new NICE guidance on the MoorLDI2-BI laser doppler blood flow imager for burn wound assessment.

CG119 Diabetic foot problems

Mark Collier, lead nurse consultant for tissue viability at United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust discusses implementation of the guidance in clinical practice.

CG120 Psychosis with coexisting substance misuse - with Dr Kate McKinnell

Dr Kate McKinnell, senior medical officer for an addiction service discusses implementation of the guidance for GPs within primary care.

Food allergy in children

Dr Adam Fox discusses new NICE guidance to help GPs diagnose and assess food allergy in children.

CG114 Anaemia management in CKD (update) Podcast with Dr Paul Stevens

Dr Paul Stevens, Consultant Nephrologist and Associate Medical Director from Kent and Canterbury Hospital and  clinical adviser for the Anaemia management in CKD guideline discusses implementation of the updated recommendations in clinical practice.

MTG1 SeQuent Please balloon catheter for in-stent coronary restenosis with Dr Peter Groves

Dr Peter Groves, Consultant Cardiologist at Cardiff and Vale NHS trust and vice chair of the medical technologies advisory committee discusses implementation of the SeQuent Please balloon catheter in practice.

Public health guidance to prevent unintentional injuries

Heather Ward, from University College London, discusses the latest public health guidance on preventing unintentional injuries.

CG103 Delirium prevention with Professor John Young

Professor John Young, Head of the Academic unit of Elderly Care and Rehabilitation at the Bradford Institute for Health Research and chair of the delirium guideline development group discusses the importance of delirium prevention and ways in which it can be achieved, with Katie Worrall, Implementation lead for the NICE clinical guideline on Delirium.

CG109 Transient loss of consciousness: implications for ambulance services, with John Pawelec of Yorkshire Ambulance Service

John Pawelec, a paramedic clinical tutor at Yorkshire Ambulance Service discusses the implications for ambulance services of the NICE Clinical guideline CG109

Professor Tim Stokes discusses NICE's QOF programme

Professor Tim Stokes, a GP and clinical consultant to NICE’s QOF programme discusses exactly what the QOF is and NICE’s involvement in the process.

Dr Richard Osborne discusses new NICE guidance on metastatic malignant disease of unknown primary origin

Cancer expert Dr Richard Osborne discusses the new NICE guideline on metastatic malignant disease of unknown primary origin, and the benefits it will bring to the tens of thousands of patients who are diagnosed with the disease every year in England and Wales.

Alcohol podcast

Professor Eileen Kaner and Professor Anne Ludbrook discuss the NICE public health guidance that aims to tackle the worrying rise in levels of alcohol consumption, binge drinking and alcohol-related deaths across the UK.

NICE's new Fellows and Scholars programme

Professor David Barnett and Mr Barrie White discuss NICE's new Fellows and Scholars programme

Medical Technologies Advisory Committee

Consultant vascular surgeon Professor Bruce Campbell talks about the new Medical Technologies Advisory Committee, which will evaluate new devices and diagnostics for use in the NHS.

Kennedy report podcast

Sir Ian Kennedy talks about his new report on the value of new innovative health technologies and what he is recommending for NICE.

10th anniversary podcast

Chief Executive Andrew Dillon speaks with BMJ editor Fiona Godlee about a decade of challenges and achievement and plans for the future.


This resource should be used alongside the published guidance. The information does not supersede or replace the guidance itself.

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This page was last updated: 19 September 2012

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