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Last updated: July 09, 2013

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Thought for the day 8 July 2013

Your calendar or diary will tell you that today is the day of the New Moon. It is not entirely wrong... but the terminology is misleading. Most people apply the phrase 'New Moon' to that first tiny sliver of shiny cosmic toenail that we see after a few nights of seeing no moon in the sky at all. We're still a day or two away from that sight. Tonight is not so much the night of the New Moon as the night of the No Moon! This is what mystics, psychics and clairvoyants call the Dark of The Moon.

You'll be astonished by what I can tell you about yourself and your future in a personal birth chart. It's a comprehensive document, many pages long - and it's all about you! Get yours here

Jonathan Cainer

Jan 21 - Feb 19


A reader recently asked, what happens when two people of the same sign find themselves in conflict? Supposing, for example, that all Aquarians stand a good chance of getting what they want today? If one of those Aquarians wants something that another Aquarian really wants them not to have, surely that's a stalemate? You may not now be at loggerheads with someone else who shares your sign, but you do fear that someone somewhere is keen to prevent the very progress that you most desire. Even so, you can make it. Your FREE week ahead spoken forecast will help you (plus get your 6 month ahead and July video forecasts, all free, too) here!


Feb 20 - Mar 20


Society requires us to be polite. We are taught from an early age to pick our words carefully and to phrase our questions delicately. We must say please and thank you. We must not speak openly about matters that may cause embarrassment. We must disguise our most intense emotions and pretend that we like people, even if we don't. Whilst a few of us break these rules, the majority strive to stick to them. So how can we tell what anyone else is really thinking or feeling? This week you will get some clues. Pay heed to them. Your FREE week ahead spoken forecast will help you (plus get your 6 month ahead and July video forecasts, all free, too) here!


Mar 21 - Apr 20


'Dear Jonathan, why do you always take such an optimistic tone? Don't you know that life isn't always simple, easy and nice? Yours sincerely, Anne (Aries).' I wouldn't normally begin a forecast by answering a letter from just one reader but right now, due to the prevailing cosmic climate, I rather feel that my reply to Anne is just as relevant to everyone else born under this sign - including you! You are now keenly aware of so much in life that seems neither simple, nor easy nor nice. But this week, your optimism will return. Your FREE week ahead spoken forecast will tell you when and how (plus get your 6 month ahead and July video forecasts, all free, too) here!


Apr 21 - May 21


Is it selfish to get yourself out of trouble while leaving someone else, who is in just as much trouble, behind? Only if you are not intending to go back for them! To set them free, you must first free yourself and you had better have more than a good intention. You will need to go back and actually try your best to rescue them. But under such circumstances, what other option may there be? A vital choice must be made this week. Don't be influenced by what looks or doesn't look 'noble', just focus on what truly is the right thing to do. Your FREE week ahead spoken forecast will tell you how (plus get your 6 month ahead and July video forecasts, all free, too) here!


May 22 - June 22


Some people know how to press our buttons. No matter how calm we may feel, they just have to do or say something and we find ourselves getting wound up. They don't do this deliberately. They don't sit around thinking, 'How can I make so-and-so angry or exasperated?' It is just that something about them rubs us up the wrong way. We then have to find, within ourselves, an ability to rise above the irritation that we feel. Situations can do this to us too - but only if we let them. Your challenge, this week, is not to let them. Your FREE week ahead spoken forecast will tell you how to meet that challenge (plus get your 6 month ahead and July video forecasts, all free, too) here!


Jun 23 - Jul 23


If you eat something and it disagrees with you, you are most unlikely to ever eat it again. But what if you meet someone and they disagree with you? It may not be so easy to simply decide to cut that individual right out of your life. It is particularly difficult to establish a relationship of trust and co-operation with a person who you feel has let you down or shown you a great lack of respect. If you give them a chance to do that to you all over again, doesn't that make you a fool? Not if you remain guarded at the same time as you show willing. Your FREE week ahead spoken forecast will tell you how (plus get your 6 month ahead and July video forecasts, all free, too) here!


Jul 24 - Aug 23


We all, to some extent, see what we want to see and believe what we choose to believe. By and large, this works fine for us. We are all happy enough living with our own versions of reality until, or unless, this is challenged. If, for example, someone says, 'You are wrong about everything you think you feel.' Or if circumstances prove so stressful that you start to doubt your own view of the world. There is room in your world now for two different ways to look at one situation. Neither is wholly right or wholly wrong. Your FREE week ahead spoken forecast will tell you how to get the right perspective (plus get your 6 month ahead and July video forecasts, all free, too) here!


Aug 24 - Sep 23


Think of a frog on a lily pad. It sits perfectly still. You might easily assume that it is asleep. A fly passes by and in a twinkling, the frog's tongue shoots out to catch it. Where is the stress, the effort and the energy being expended in that process? In a similar way, this week, you need to be poised and ready for an opportunity when it presents itself. That doesn't mean that you need to race around making endless complicated preparations. It just means that you have to trust your moment will arise and then relax till it does. Your FREE week ahead spoken forecast will tell you when and how (plus get your 6 month ahead and July video forecasts, all free, too) here!


Sep 24 - Oct 23


When is a gain really just a loss in disguise? When we think that we are going to benefit from a development, when in fact it is going to cost us so much to take advantage of an apparent opportunity that we might be better off allowing it to pass us by. And when is a loss actually a gain? When we cannot yet see the hidden benefits to letting go of something that we see as an asset but which is actually the cause of many problems. You now need to look more closely at whatever it is you think you don't like the look of. Your FREE week ahead spoken forecast will tell you how (plus get your 6 month ahead and July video forecasts, all free, too) here!


Oct 24 - Nov 22


Where are your enemies? What are they doing? How are they plotting your downfall? Or do they even exist? Are they merely the figment of a fearful imagination? Perhaps you have nothing to be afraid of and no reason to interpret recent difficulties as evidence of some cruel conspiracy. Shake off the idea that you are being got at or that someone is working to make life difficult for you. You are surrounded by people who would be only too happy to supply support, as long as you treat them as friends. Your FREE week ahead spoken forecast will tell you how (plus get your 6 month ahead and July video forecasts, all free, too) here!


Nov 23 - Dec 21


All actions have consequences. All decisions have advantages and disadvantages. If we don't stop and think before we implement a plan, we may end up kicking ourselves later. Yet if we stop and think too long, we may take no action at all and that may prove most regrettable. Normally, you find it easy to be brave. You are good at acting on impulse and you usually find that you had good reason to trust and follow your intuition. Recent events have eroded your confidence to the point where you are hesitant. Ignore that doubt. Your FREE week ahead spoken forecast will tell you how (plus get your 6 month ahead and July video forecasts, all free, too) here!


Dec 22 - Jan 20


If you don't stand a chance of winning, what is the point of competing? If your destiny has already been decided by some fateful force, why strive to change it? The real question you need to ask this week is, are you beaten before you begin? To this there can only be one answer. Of course you aren't! You will end up begin beaten only if you don't begin in the first place. Though you may have to work fairly hard to get where you want to end up but your aspiration is entirely attainable. You can yet show the future who is boss. Your FREE week ahead spoken forecast will help you (plus get your 6 month ahead and July video forecasts, all free, too) here!

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Jun 23 - Jul 23

If you eat something and it disagrees with you, you are most unlikely to ever eat it again. But what if you meet someone and they disagree with you? It may not be so easy to s... Read more

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