Welcome to our store


The Account page is where you can update your account settings, view your orders, manage contact preferences, and find the product keys for the software you have downloaded. You can also download purchased software from the Account page.

Microsoft Account

To use the Account section you need to sign in with a free Microsoft Account. If you do not have a Microsoft Account, you'll have the option to create one when you make an order.

The information you keep in your Account can be used for making future orders. For more details about how Microsoft protects your privacy, please see the Microsoft Online Privacy Statement.

Multiple Microsoft Accounts

You can have multiple Microsoft Store accounts if you sign in with different Microsoft Account credentials, but information is not shared across accounts. For example if you sign with one e-mail address, that information is not available to you if sign out and sign in with a different e-mail address.

Downloads + Product keys

You can download your software as soon as you your purchase is complete, and you can also download it later from the Downloads + Product Keys section of your Account. Just locate the item, and click the Download link next to your downloadable software title. The product keys required to install your downloaded software are all listed in this section of your Account. Product keys are strings of letters and numbers that you need to provide to your software during the installation process or before you can use it. Without product keys, you will not be able to install downloadable software. When you purchase downloadable software from Microsoft Store, your product keys are saved in your Downloads + Product Keys page.

Order History

You can easily view details of your past orders on the Order History page. You will find information about products you ordered from Microsoft Store such as the date of your order, billing address associated with each order, order number, order totals, and order status.


You can store multiple methods of payment in Account–credit card numbers, expiration dates, and billing addresses. Then, when you are making a purchase, just select the payment method you want to use for a particular order. For security, only the last four digits of the credit card are displayed.

To add payment information:

  1. Enter your credit card number in the Card number box.
  2. Select the expiration month (MM) and year (YYYY) in the respective drop-down lists.
  3. Choose the billing address from the drop-down list. The list displays all the shipping addresses you have entered. You can also select New Address from the list to enter a new address that is not in your list of addresses.

For additional security, your Card Verification Value (CVV) number is not stored with your credit card. You provide it only when you make a purchase.

If you add a new billing address when you add payment information, that address is stored with the rest of your addresses.

To edit payment information:

  1. In the list of payment types, locate the one you want to edit.
  2. Click Edit.
  3. Type in new values for the information you want to edit.


You can store as many addresses as you want in your Account. Then, when you make a purchase, in the checkout page, select the address you want to use.

To add an address:

  1. Fill out the form in the Addresses section of the page. The required fields are indicated with an asterisk (*).

    First Name* The given name for the billing recipient. If the name is longer than 20 characters, just enter the first 20.
    Last Name* The family name for the billing recipient. If the name is longer than 20 characters, just enter the first 20.
    Billing address 1* The address. If the address is longer than 60 characters, enter the rest of the address in the box for Address Line 2.
    Billing address 2 Optional. Maximum 40 characters.
    City* City for the address.
    Province/Territory* Select the province/territory from the drop-down list. You can type the first letter of the province/territory to go to that location in the list.
    Postal code* Enter a postal code.
    Phone* Phone number, including area code. For example, 5555555555. The phone number is required in case there are any issues with your order.
    Title/friendly name* You can include 64 characters of text to identify the address, for example "Home address".
  2. Click Submit

To edit an address:

  1. In the list of addresses, locate the address you want to edit
  2. Click Edit this address
  3. In the form, edit the values you want to change
  4. Click Submit

To delete an address:

Once you delete an address, it is not available to chose when you make a new order.

  1. In the list of addresses, locate the address you want to delete.
  2. Click Delete address.
  3. In the confirmation prompt–Are you sure you want to remove this address?–click OK


You can choose whether to use the Download Manager or the built-in browser download and whether to receive promotional e-mail.

Download Manager or Browser Download

You can choose whether to use the Download Manager or standard browser file download. For more information, see Software Downloads. The Download Manager is a software application installed on your computer that makes it easy for you to download software from Microsoft Store.

The Download Manager can:

  • Download software faster than a browser
  • Resume your download if your Internet connection fails, instead of having to start your download over again
  • Pause and resume downloads
  • Launch the setup program after your software downloads

NOTE: Download Manager is not supported on Macs or with a browser that is not compatible with Internet Explorer 6 or higher, but you can use browser download instead.

NOTE: Your browser can download files without the Download Manager. If you choose to use the built-in browser download feature, you do not need to install the Download Manager. If there are multiple files in the download, there is a list of files you can download one at a time.

Newsletter + Special Promotions

Microsoft Store periodically sends promotional e-mails.

  • To receive periodic e-mail with special promotions and information from Microsoft Store, check the box Yes, I would like to receive messages.

Contact E-mail

E-mail order confirmations and promotional material (if you chose to receive them) are sent to your Microsoft Account e-mail. In the checkout process you can enter a different e-mail address for confirmation e-mails for that order.

Saved Lists

Microsoft store allows you to save items in your Shopping Cart.

To view your saved cart:

  1. Click on "Account" at the top of the page.
  2. If you are not signed into your Store Account, you will be asked to sign in with your Live ID.
  3. Click on "Saved Cart" on the right.
  4. On the Saved Cart page, you will see items you’ve saved in your Shopping Cart.


If you’ve purchased a subscription through Microsoft Store, you can manage your subscriptions by clicking “Account” at the top of any page, and choose the “Subscriptions” option. You will need to sign in with the Live ID associated with your purchase.

The Subscriptions page allows you to:

  • View all subscription purchases, purchase dates, activation codes, and expiration dates for subscriptions.
  • Activate a subscription: select “go to activation page now”
  • Renew a subscription: select “renew subscription”