Rumor: Dunkin' Donuts to reward employee for enduring customer's racist tirade

 Dunkin' Donuts employee to get reward: An employee at a Florida Dunkin’ Donuts who endured a customer’s racist tirade may get a reward. Screen grab of YouTube video of woman's Dunkin' Donuts rant

Is the Dunkin' Donuts chain planning to reward one of its cashiers for being a good employee and enduring a customer's rant?

UNCONFIRMED: Though Dunkin' Donuts' Twitter feed says so

When Taylor Chapman set out to confront a Dunkin' Donuts employee, she somehow thought she would be the one people would empathize with. She was very, very wrong.

Chapman is a 27-year-old Fort Lauderdale woman with a seriously misguided sense of justice. Last week, she taped herself berating 18-year-old Abid Adar, a Dunkin' cashier, and then posted the video online, apparently expecting to be hailed as a hero. Yet in a classic wisdom of the crowds moment, the internet recognized Chapman for what she was: a bratty, self-entitled and possibly unhinged racist who seems to take pleasure in yelling at fast-food employees who make $8-an-hour. It also recognized Adar for what he was: a classy kid who took the abuse in stride.

For a primer, watch the video here.

According to Gawker, a woefully underfunded Indigogo campaign was started in order to raise money for Adar, who says he wants to become a doctor. Because this is what the internet does now: it raises money for people who have been filmed dealing with something or someone difficult.

Dunkin' Donuts tweets

Yet Dunkin' Donuts may be doing something for Adar too. Yesterday, whoever runs the company's Twitter feed tweeted this message: “We're proud of how r crew member handled this situation. The franchise owner of the restaurant plans 2 recognize the crew member."

What exactly “recognize” means isn't clear, however. A gold star? An employee of the month award?

Dunkin' Donuts sent the following statement to MSN News: "We commend the franchisee's crew member for handling this difficult situation with grace and patience. We believe this is a powerful example of great customer service and the respect our crew members have for our guests. The franchise owner of the restaurant has reached out to the crew member privately to express and demonstrate his personal appreciation."


Dunkin' Donuts customer hurls vicious verbal attack

Dunkin' Donuts customer hurls vicious verbal attack
Duration: 1:12 Views: 21k Newsy



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