Ex-teacher pleads not guilty to sex with sixth-grade student

 Ex-teacher pleaded not guilty to having sex with a child
Simi Valley Police Department. Ex-teacher Malia Brooks has pleaded not guilty to having sex with a sixth-grade student.

Malia Brooks faces up to 16 years in prison if convicted.

VENTURA, Calif. — A former sixth-grade teacher suspected of having an affair with a Southern California student has pleaded not guilty to having sex with a child.

The Ventura County Star says 32-year-old Malia Brooks entered pleas Wednesday to charges of lewd conduct, oral copulation and sexual penetration with a person under 14.

She remains jailed on $2 million bail and faces up to 16 years in prison if convicted.

Her attorney, Ron Bamieh, says the married mother of two is cooperating with police.

She resigned from Garden Grove Elementary School in Simi Valley earlier this month and was arrested on Tuesday.

Police say the school district notified them of the allegations in February. Superintendent Kathy Scroggin says Brooks taught at the school since 2004 and had exemplary reviews.


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