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Sigma announces availability of 35mm F1.4 DG HSM for Sony and Pentax

May 24, 2013 at 10:00:46 GMT
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In a brief note on its Japanese website, Sigma has announced that it will be releasing its highly-regarded 35mm F1.4 DG HSM 'Art' lens in Sony and Pentax mounts on 31st May. It's also announced that the Nikon-mount version of its 120-300mm F2.8 DG OS HSM 'Sports' telephoto zoom will go on sale at the same time. We gave the 35mm F1.4 our Gold Award when we reviewed it back in December, for its combination of exceptionally good optics and solid build at a price rather lower than the camera manufacturers' equivalents.

Sigma 35mm F1.4 DG HSM

Sigma 35mm F1.4 DG HSM

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Total comments: 60
By noel2 (1 week ago)

I still have a Pentax Full Frame FA 35mm F 2.0 that I used with my last film camera. It performs excellently with my K5, and is probably not significantly inferior to the new Sigma 35mm F 1.4 in that regard. I haven't checked for its availability or price, but it may be a cheaper option than the Sigma for Pentax owners.

Comment edited 2 minutes after posting
By rallyfan (1 week ago)

On second thought the α mount is potentially useful. Price isn't terrible at all if it's a good lens, the class is much higher generally at MSRP.

By Jun2 (1 week ago)

E-mount please.

By D1N0 (1 week ago)

For e-mount you'd need a different lens design, because of the shorter Flange distance. Get an E to A-mount adapter.

This is a retro-focus design, (focal length is shorter than flange distance) For e-mount a simpler and cheaper design is possible since flange distance is only 18mm. So you don't want this lens in e-mount but a dedicated smaller and cheaper 35mm 1.4 for e-mount.

Comment edited 7 minutes after posting
By AngusCNH (1 week ago)

Waiting for the 24mm prime :D or…. Will Sigma go for the tilt-shift lens market? XD (wooo… maybe I am daydreaming)

By ulfie (1 week ago)

WHOA! 94mm (3.7 in.) long and nearly US $900. Rich guy's toy blunderbuss.

By JDThomas (1 week ago)

Rich guy's toy? It's the cheapest full frame 35mm f/1.4 out there.

By samhain (1 week ago)

A sigma lens is a rich guys toy, lol that's cute

By ulfie (1 week ago)

US $900 is cheap? The need for f/1.4 is waaaay over-hyped. An f/2 with IBIS will do just as well for probably 1/3 the cost.

By ulfie (1 week ago)

Not "rich guy's toy" but "rich guy's toy blunderbuss," with all the phallic undertones included. ;)

By JDThomas (1 week ago)

I feel like I somehow stumbled into a Leica discussion. Never ONCE have I heard a Sigma referred to as "rich guy" gear.

Yeah, $900 is cheap comparatively. Find a cheaper full-frame 35mm f/1.4 AF lens.

And f/1.4 is waaaaay overhyped? Maybe if you don't need it you'd think that. What's IBIS going to do when I need 1/250 instead of 1/125 to freeze motion and I'm maxed out on ISO? Nada.

Honestly, you're just talking silly. If you think a $900 35mm f/1.4 Sigma which is hands down the best AF wide-angle prime lens in the business right now is a "rich guys toy blunderbuss" then obviously you're not the market they're targeting.

There's probably a nice kit lens out there that will fit your needs just fine.

By Jun2 (1 week ago)

Good optics are never cheap. This is bargin, that can help Pros make money.

1 upvote
By Robgo2 (1 week ago)

For the record, all Pentax DSLRs have in-body IS, so this lens will be stabilized on Pentax cameras. The same is true of at least some Sony cameras, as far as I know.

By brendon1000 (1 week ago)

Actually Pentax had a body without IBIS (K110) though now all Pentax bodies support IBIS.

All Sony bodies have it and there wasn't an exception to that.

However IMO the best use of this lens is on FF bodies. Sony has a 35mm f1.8 which is an optical gem for $199 but only for ASP-C bodies.

Comment edited 2 times, last edit 10 minutes after posting
Richard Murdey
By Richard Murdey (1 week ago)

I "make do" with a Nikon AF 85/1.8D. I made that call. I'd never think to accuse Sigma like that though...

By ogl (1 week ago)

This lens for Pentax is already at BHPHoto for some time...Strange news.

Comment edited 18 seconds after posting
By Jun2 (1 week ago)

Sony version is alos available there (in stock)

1 upvote
By wildkat2 (1 week ago)

Glad for this on two levels -

1 - Sigma support for Pentax is a good sign and hopefully indicates a coming Pentax full frame

2 - This lens was probably responsible for Sigma clearing out the older 30mm EX 1.4 allowing me to pick one up for $289

By Jun2 (1 week ago)

no. There is a new version of 30mm 1.4 with better edge sharpness for $500.

Richard Murdey
By Richard Murdey (1 week ago)

The 30/1.4 EX DC is replaced with the 30/1.4 DC. Which is oddly enough only available in Sigma, Canon and Nikon mount. (http://www.sigma-photo.co.jp/lens/standard/30_14_A013/#/specification)

Really strange that the full-frame DG optics are still offered in Pentax mount. (http://www.sigma-photo.co.jp/lens/standard/50_14/#/specification)

Can only think that Sigma is hedging on a full frame Pentax dSLR ...

Comment edited 37 seconds after posting
1 upvote
By chiumeister (1 week ago)

the Sigma 35 1.4 on the Sony A99 full frame will give you image stabilization. Although you cannot use the full 1.4 aperture for video.

1 upvote
By EinsteinsGhost (1 week ago)

In manual mode, you can.

By samhain (1 week ago)

Ditto for Pentax. Ibis rules

By Marcus5N (1 week ago)

You'll get image stabilization on all Sony SLTs.

By wetracy (1 week ago)

"...at a price rather lower than the camera manufacturers' equivalents."

It's just "lower." What's the "rather lower" claptrap?

I think what you really want to say is that it's significantly lower, but your ad sales people will not tolerate that. And you can't bring yourself to go with the simple and straightforward, "at a lower price." So you make yourself feel better with a silly and superfluous "rather" tossed in.

I'd rather read honest copy.

1 upvote
By JWest (1 week ago)

So that's why the review itself uses the phrase "substantially cheaper" then?

1 upvote
Dapple 101
By Dapple 101 (1 week ago)

wetracy - I dread to think how irate you'd get about something meaningful.

Comment edited 49 seconds after posting
KL Matt
By KL Matt (1 week ago)

Looks like someone else also applied to be a writer for dpreview and got shot down... ;-) They didn't even reply to my message! The gall! ;-)

Barney Britton
By Barney Britton (1 week ago)

@ wetracy - calm down. They're just words. Words can never hurt you.

Der Steppenwolf
By Der Steppenwolf (1 week ago)

@Barney Britton
"calm down. They're just words. Words can never hurt you"

Now thats a lie of huge proportions and you know it, or at least anybody older then 6-7 years should know that.

By johnduncan (1 week ago)

Unless the words are "I want you to hit me as hard as you can."

Messiah Complex
By Messiah Complex (1 week ago)

@wetracy- DPReview is, as far as I recall, a British-run site. "Rather" is often used in England the same way North Americans use "quite a bit".

They are saying that the price will be "quite a bit lower".

This is not some conspiracy to open the floodgates to bad journalism; you can put your pitchfork down.

By Babka08 (1 week ago)

I'm sticking with my DA35 Limited Macro. Half the price. Less than a third the weight. Focusses closer ;-)

And then I'll wait for the 30mm DC 1.4 from Sigma. It will eventually be made for Pentax.

Pentax full-frame is years, not months, off in the distance, and they really don't have much in terms of modern lenses for full-frame.

By stanic042 (1 week ago)

and the 35/2,8 is really sharp and works very well with the Z1p

By brendon1000 (1 week ago)

IMHO its not correct to compare a 2 stops slower lens to a f1.4 lens.

Hardly anyone 'needs' a f1.4 lens but many people 'like' to have a f1.4 lens and many pros really 'want' a f1.4 lens as it makes life easier for them.

I tried shooting a wedding with a f2.8 zoom lens and trust me I ran out of shooting juice very quickly in certain scenarios.

At one event I was shooting at ISO 12800 with a 50mm f1.8 lens @ f1.8 and shutter speeds was barely 1/50 or so.

IBIS is nice of course but its useless for shooting things that move.

If I had a f2.8 lens I would have been forced to use a flash and make do with the flat lighting.

1 upvote
Richard Murdey
By Richard Murdey (1 week ago)

That's LV 4~5.

Have you tried bringing bigger candles?

By brendon1000 (1 week ago)

Ha ha, it was an outdoor wedding ceremony in India and for sure it wasn't lit by candles but the area was large (so flash would have very limited coverage) and there were smaller lights placed around the area.

I would show a sample but since it was a wedding there were many people in the photo.

It happened again at a party with friends. Lighting in the restaurant was poor but with ISO 12800 I could get 1/80 shutter speeds and get good enough shots with only the ambient lighting. Thank goodness for the amazing high ISO capababilites of my friends 5D MK III. The photos would have looked like crap if I used my Sony A55. :P

1 upvote
By Peiasdf (1 week ago)

Lend more weight to the Pentax FF rumor.

By brendon1000 (1 week ago)

The chances of Pentax informing Sigma that they are making a FF camera is extremely remote if downright impossible considering Pentax doesn't share anything about their lens mount with Sigma and Sigma has to reverse engineer their lenses for all DSLR mounts except their own and for mirror-less mounts.

By zakaria (1 week ago)

I also have fa 35 f2.It is very sharp wide open .I like this lens .thanks pentax for keeping it in product untill now. what about a fa 35 f1.4 at the same shape and price!

Comment edited 17 seconds after posting
By xmeda (1 week ago)

FA31/1.8 Ltd is different lens. Smaller, lighter and with very special image characteristic. Not to mention some (small) difference in angle of view. Comparing these two is a bit apples vs oranges.

But its nice to have this 35/1.4 option, as new FA35/2 now costs silly amount of money and DA35/2.4 is optically good, but cheapo-build lens and not that fast considering aperture..

This sigma 35/1.4 is faster, shows better bokeh and might also be as sharp as FA35/2 + have a bit less CA.. but also is bigger, heavier and I'm not sure about carrying it a lot instead of my FA35/2...

Btw, Sigma, I'd like to have some small 10mm F4 rectilinear lens, please :)

Comment edited 3 minutes after posting
1 upvote
By whtchocla7e (1 week ago)

Nice lens but the days when I used to buy lenses bigger than today's pocket-able, big-sensor compact camera are long over :)

By Guidenet (2 weeks ago)

We Nikon and Canon owners have had the luxury of owning this lens for a few months now, and I can say this 35 f/1.4 Sigma might be the best 35mm, optically, made by anyone, period. It's a great acheivement for a third party manufacturer to be able to design and build something this good for under $1000. I'm glad our Sony and Pentax brothers and sisters get to take the advantage of this optic now. I hope it performs equally well on their platform. It is truly amazing. If your sensor resolves 24 mp, you really need something like this.

Other than not being weather sealed, its build quality is also exceptional and those who get it will notice. If you want the very best in optics, you'll do no better in this focal length than this Sigma. This is not your father's Sigma wide angle. ;-)

By InTheMist (1 week ago)

Too right!

By zakaria (2 weeks ago)

the pentax fa 31 is now 1299$ from 900$.this sigma will be my next purchas for my k5 .I tried the nikon mount version and it is very nice lens.

By samhain (1 week ago)

Yeah the fa31 price is ridiculous. If it was still made in japan, I would probably buy it but sadly, No more MIJ optics from pentax. I loved my 31, But at $1300 i'd get the sigma and not think twice.

Richard Murdey
By Richard Murdey (1 week ago)

31 /= 35

By rtogog (2 weeks ago)

This announcement is refreshment to Pentax users, as many lenses is disappear from third party company. What are the main reason to support K-mount? Does Pentax still leading with high quality fixed short focal length with their Limited lenses ? As far as no confirmation for Pentax to go FF, their new Sigma 18-35 1.8 DC HSM lens (dedicated APS-C sensor camera) will be more welcome and interesting. Does it sign Pentax will plunge to FF development?

Comment edited 3 minutes after posting
1 upvote
By D1N0 (2 weeks ago)

Pentax has confirmed they are developing a Full Frame camera on the CP+ In February. Albeit very reluctantly and vaguely in an interview with Pentaxforums.com.

By Guidenet (1 week ago)

D1NO, I'm not sure I'd want anything designed reluctantly or vaguely. ;-)

I would hope Pentax puts in the effort full frame deserves. I'd also hope Pentax has enough full frame capable lenses left. I don't know.

By Peiasdf (1 week ago)

Even SONY is leaving the mirrored DSLR market. Pentax will either create an entirely new EVIL/mirrorless mount (hopefully support FF) or they will make K-EVIL/mount mirrorless. Not sure I like the 2nd option as that's unnecessarily large and none of the current lenses are designed for PDAF + CDAF.

On a side note, maybe Pentax should just join NEX or X-mount. NEX is open and can accommodate FF.

1 upvote
By D1N0 (1 week ago)

The confirmation Guidenet, but you knew that.

Peiasdf you obviously do not know the first thing about Pentax.

By rb59020 (2 weeks ago)

Blimey! This is the perfect lens for my K3 vapor camera! Thank You Sigma!

By D1N0 (2 weeks ago)

It's not forbidden to use it on aps-c you know ;) Nice big heavy expensive standard prime and cheaper than the FA* 31mm 1.8

Comment edited 13 seconds after posting
1 upvote
By RobertSigmund (2 weeks ago)

I am happy with my Sony 1,8 35. It is cheap, and it is light, and the pictures it makes are nice, and it already has fallen of the floor without damage. Why should I spend money for the difference between 1,8 and 1,4?

Comment edited 2 times, last edit 55 seconds after posting
By ET2 (2 weeks ago)

For one Sony 35mm F1.8 is an APSC lens. For people who own FF, it's not even a choice.

Sony does make FF 35mm f/1.4 ($1500) -- the old Minolta lens rebranded as Sony, which is nowhere as good as Sigma despite being twice more expensive

Comment edited 2 times, last edit 2 minutes after posting
Scott Nicol
By Scott Nicol (2 weeks ago)

The Sony 1.8 is indeed a great lens in terms of optics and value.. however the Sigma is different class of lens in many ways - its slightly faster, optically superior, has higher build quality and perhaps most importantly is a full frame lens for cameras like the A99. Whether that justifies the extra 600 or so GBP is down to the individual user and his / her requirements.

By RobertSigmund (2 weeks ago)

Sorry, I did not know the Sigma was full frame. For APS, the Sony 1,8 35 mm is just about perfect.

By Guidenet (2 weeks ago)

Robert, this is not about the entry level Sony 35 f/1.8 lens. That's a good lens for the money. This Sigma is not only full frame capable and not only a little faster, but is in a totally different league altogether. This is a professional grade build level and optics. It might be the best 35mm lens out there right now by anyone and a great acheivement by Sigma.

I'm glad Sigma has decided to release it for Sony and Pentax users. We Nikon and Canon users have had this for a few months now to enjoy. Now our Sony and Pentax brothers and sisters get this quality optic to try out.

As far as you dropping that Sony on the floor, you might want to have it looked at. Elements can become misalligned and you may not know. I've been lucky in not having dropped a lens in almost fifty years of photography, but if I did, I'd want it callibrated by the service center to be sure.

By RobertSigmund (1 week ago)

To me it happens quite often, unfortunately, but we see if it detiorates the lens quite quickly nowadays. Plastic Phantastic is really good when it comes to a beating! (though it happened to my all metal 1,4, 85 Minolta as well and neither took harm.

Comment edited 18 seconds after posting
Total comments: 60