Rail with Trail Connectivity Project

Non-motorized trails and transportation corridors add to the quality of life on the North Coast.   For over a decade now, the need for a safe commuter route between Arcata and Eureka has been identified as the #1 project to support existing bicycle commuters and attract more commuters away from motorized travel. The City of Arcata Rail with Trail Connectivity Project proposes to build the first half of that project as well as create connectivity throughout the City of Arcata.  The State Coastal Conservancy has funded the initial planning including environmental review, alignment determination, operational planning and construction engineering designs.  This project is now ready for construction and the City, along with our many project partners, is actively seeking construction funding.  Be part of making this project happen, by writing a letter of support today and emailing it to kdiemer@cityofarcata.org.  See the links below for project details.


For more information on this project, please call Karen Diemer at (707) 822-8184.

March 2013 Enviornmental Review, CEQA and Mitigated Negative Declaration

Mitigated Negative Declaration:

Mitigation and Monitoring Plan

Supporting Documents