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Tuesday, May 21, 2013


The battle for Qusayr, Syria, raged on Tuesday. A photo from a citizen journalist captured what was said to be the result of a military airstrike.
via Associated Press

The battle for Qusayr, Syria, raged on Tuesday. A photo from a citizen journalist captured what was said to be the result of a military airstrike.

Airstrikes were reported on Tuesday amid conflicting accounts about the progress of the battle for Qusayr, a town in western Syrian long held by anti-government forces.

U.S. Takes Steps to Add Security at Embassies

The State Department is racing to fulfill recommendations on diplomatic security, but some Republicans have questioned its ability to carry out the changes.

The Lede

Former President of Iran Disqualified From Race to Succeed Ahmadinejad, State TV Says

Iran’s state television announced Tuesday that Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, a two-term former president who called for greater freedom during protests in 2009, has been barred from running in next month’s election to succeed President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

Japan’s New Optimism Has Name: Abenomics

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s economic shock therapy, which combines a flood of cheap cash, fiscal stimulus and deregulation, is getting early results.

Torture Victim’s Body Is Found Near U.S. Base, Afghans Say

Afghan investigators say the man was seen in a videotape undergoing torture at the hands of an Afghan-American translator for a United States Special Forces unit.

Coalition Plays Down Afghan Reports of Major Battle in Helmand

Afghan officials portrayed the fighting as a big victory against the Taliban, but the American-led coalition was circumspect about the scale of the battle.

Attacks in Iraqi Cities Raise Fears of Renewed Sectarian Conflict

A series of explosions and gunfire assaults that left scores of people dead deepened concerns that sectarian tensions could lead to widespread fighting.

Guatemalan Court Overturns Genocide Conviction of Ex-Dictator

The decision, which reset the proceedings to April 19, when a judge’s ruling sent the trial into disarray, is a dramatic legal victory for Gen. Efraín Ríos Montt, 86.

Polling Group in Russia Says It May Close

After the Levada Center, the country’s only independent polling agency, was told it must register as a “foreign agent,” its director said fighting the requirement would effectively shut the center.

Depardieu, Newly a Russian, Will Play a Chechen in Films

Gérard Depardieu, who renounced his French citizenship over high taxes, held a news conference in Grozny, the formerly war-torn Chechen capital, to announce the two films.

Twin Bombings Kill 3 in Dagestan

The explosions in Makhachkala came the same day that Russian security officials announced that they had prevented a terrorist attack in Moscow.

Musharraf Granted Bail in the Killing of Bhutto

Amid speculation that the military was trying to free him or return him to exile, Pervez Musharraf won a small victory relating to the assassination of former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto.

Ally of Georgia’s Leader Charged With Abuse of Power

The head of President Mikheil Saakashvili’s party was held in connection with an employment program that prosecutors say was used to pay campaign workers.

In New Delhi, Chinese Leader Promotes Trade Ties

Speaking to business leaders in the Indian capital, Prime Minister Li Keqiang said a “few clouds in the sky” couldn’t disrupt the Asian giants’ relationship.

Egypt Sends Show of Force to Sinai After Kidnappings

Dozens of tanks and hundreds of soldiers entered the largely lawless area that borders Israel and the Gaza Strip after gunmen kidnapped seven security officers.

Italy’s Petri Dish for New Path

Like the politicians they defeated in local elections, the anti-politicians of the Five Star Movement have broken promises, too, but have maintained their idealism.

Businessman Linked by U.S. to Hezbollah Is Arrested in Brazil in a Fraud Scheme

Hamzi Ahmad Barakat, a Lebanese citizen, was accused in a plot to defraud Lebanese immigrants in Brazil, though American officials have suspected him of trafficking in arms, drugs and counterfeit bills.

North Korea Launches Missiles for 3rd Straight Day

The North has been firing short-range projectiles off its east coast since Saturday, leaving regional officials puzzled over its motives.

North Korea Releases Chinese Fishing Crew

The boat and crew, seized May 5, were heading home, Chinese news reports said Tuesday, but they did not say if the North had received a payment, as it had demanded.

State Dept. Report Says Countries Have Repressed Religious Freedom With Laws

In an annual report, the State Department singled out nations that abused laws on blasphemy and apostasy to harass political opponents.

India and China Vow to Cooperate on Border

The prime ministers of India and China papered over their recent border dispute on Monday with a friendly joint statement and an array of promises.

Former Bank Executive in China Faces Bribe Accusations

The Communist Party has referred the case for a criminal investigation as it continues a drive to combat corruption.

Obama Couples Praise for Burmese Leader With Warning Against Violence

President Obama encouraged the political and economic reforms in Myanmar, but warned the country’s visiting leader, President Thein Sein, that violence against minority Muslims had to stop.

Myanmar Muslims Jailed for Killing Buddhist Monk

A Myanmar court sentenced seven Muslims to prison Tuesday, one of them to a life term, in the killing of a Buddhist monk.

London Journal

Common Gnomes Pop Up at Rarefied Flower Show, to Horror of Many

The Chelsea Flower Show is permitting the use of previously banned gnomes in exhibits this year, its 100th anniversary, but many find them creepy.

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Bike Share in New York, Built From Ideas Around World

When Citi Bike is introduced in New York next week, it will resemble a sort of cycling stew — a system that borrows pieces of similar programs in other cities.

Pakistan, as Seen Through Its Railways

At every major stop on the long line from Peshawar to the turbulent port city of Karachi lie reminders of why the country is a worry to its people, and to the wider world.

Islamist Rebels Execute Pro-Government Fighters

A video posted online claims to show rebel fighters from the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria executing three government army officers in a public square in Raqqa.

Syrian Refugees Struggle at Zaatari Camp

About 120,000 Syrians are calling the tents and trailers of the Zaatari refugee camp in Jordan home, at least for the foreseeable future.

Letters From International herald Tribune

Leading a Push for Clean Water

The involvement of women has been crucial to ensuring more reliable sources of drinking water in rural India.

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