Exam policies and FAQ

Around the world, partners and customers look to Microsoft to deliver the highest quality exams and certifications. Microsoft has developed a number of policies to support the goals of the Microsoft Certification Program, including:

Microsoft has specific policies in place that address the areas of security pertinent to Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP) exams.

Candidate bans

If a candidate violates any testing rule, exam policy, or term within the exam agreement (NDA), or engages in any misconduct that diminishes the security and integrity of the Microsoft Certification Program in any way, the candidate may be permanently prohibited from taking any future Microsoft Certification exams. In addition, the candidate may be decertified from the Microsoft Certification Program, and test scores and certifications may be revoked.

Examples of such misconduct, misuse, and fraud include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Falsifying score reports, by modifying and/or altering the original results/score reports for any exam record

  • Cheating during the exam (such as looking at the monitors of other exam takers)

  • Providing or accepting improper assistance

  • Bringing non-authorized items into the testing center during an exam session (such as notes or unauthorized materials and electronic devices, such as cell phones)

  • Using unauthorized material in attempting to satisfy certification requirements (this includes using "brain-dump" material and/or unauthorized publication of exam questions with or without answers)

  • Falsifying identity or impersonating another individual to gain access to an exam

  • Misconduct as determined by statistical analysis

  • Copying, publishing, disclosing, transmitting, selling, offering to sell, posting, downloading, distributing in any way, or otherwise transferring, modifying, making derivative works of, reverse engineering, decompiling, disassembling, or translating any exam in whole or in part, in any form or by any means, verbal or written, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose

  • Disclosing Microsoft intellectual property (IP)

  • Disseminating actual exam content

  • Using the exam content in any manner that violates applicable law

  • Violating the current exam retake policy

  • Violating the Microsoft non-disclosure agreement (NDA) in any way

  • Violating the Prometric exam agreement in any way

Candidate appeal process

  1. Candidates may appeal their ban by submitting an appeal to mlsecure@microsoft.com.

  2. A candidate may appeal a ban for falsifying a score report by submitting the original report (no scans or electronic copies) to:

    Microsoft Learning Security Team
    One Microsoft Way
    Redmond, WA 98052

  3. The Microsoft Learning Security Team will review all submitted appeal requests and conduct a thorough investigation of each specific case and will communicate directly with the candidate regarding the conclusion of the investigation and final appeal decision.

Exam retake policy

  1. General Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP) and non-academic Microsoft Technology Associate (MTA) exam retake policy

    1. If a candidate does not achieve a passing score on an exam the first time, the candidate must wait at least a 24-hour period before retaking the exam.

    2. If a candidate does not achieve a passing score the second time, the candidate must wait at least a 14-day period before retaking the exam a third time.

    3. A 14-day waiting period will also be imposed for the fourth and fifth subsequent exam retakes. A candidate may not take a given exam any more than five times per year (12 months). This 12-month period would start the day of the fifth unsuccessful exam retake. The candidate would then be eligible to retake the exam 12 months from that date. In order to take a given exam more than five times per year, a candidate must submit a request and obtain prior permission from Microsoft.

    4. If a candidate achieves a passing score on an exam, the candidate cannot take it again.

  2. Microsoft Technology Associate (MTA) exam retake policy – academic

    1. If a candidate does not achieve a passing score on an exam the first time, there is no waiting period before retaking the exam.

    2. If a candidate does not achieve a passing score the second time, the candidate must wait 24 hours before retaking the exam a third time.

    3. A seven-day waiting period will be imposed for each subsequent exam retake.

    4. A candidate may not take a given exam any more than five times per year (12 months). This 12-month period would start the day of the fifth unsuccessful exam retake. The candidate would then be eligible to retake the exam 12 months from that date. In order to take a given exam more than five times per year, a candidate must submit a request and obtain prior permission from Microsoft.

    5. If a candidate achieves a passing score on an MTA exam, the candidate cannot take it again.

  3. Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) exam retake policy

    1. Retake vouchers can only be used to retake the same exam that was failed.

    2. All vouchers must be used prior to their expiration dates, without exception.

    3. Retake vouchers must be used within 30 days of the initial failed exam.

    4. There is no waiting period for retaking a failed MOS exam.

  4. MCP beta exam retake policy

    1. Beta exams may be taken only once.

    2. This policy supersedes the general retake policy.

  5. MCM exam retake policy

    1. Knowledge exam retake:

      Knowledge exam retakes are offered for the MCM: Microsoft Exchange Server 2010, MCM: Microsoft Lync Server 2010, MCM: SharePoint Server 2010, MCM: Microsoft SQL Server 2008, and MCM: Windows Server 2008 R2 Directory programs. Each exam contains questions drawn from course material covered in the program rotation. You must pass the knowledge exam in order to be allowed to take the qualification lab exam.

      Candidates who fail their first attempt on any of the computer-based certification exams administered during the training sessions can retake any of the exams up to two times. There is a 45-day waiting period prior to the second attempt, and a 90-day waiting period prior to the third attempt. Retakes can be taken remotely. Retakes must be completed within one year of attending the training or before the first delivery of the next version of the training, whichever is later. For candidates who do not finish the training or pass the tests after the three attempts, the only way to earn the Microsoft Certified Master certification is to retake the training session (after further developing their skill sets, based on the program manager feedback). Candidates who retake the training must pay the full program cost.

    2. Qualification lab exam retake:

      Qualification lab exam retakes are offered for the MCM: Microsoft Exchange Server 2010, MCM: Microsoft Lync Server 2010, MCM: SharePoint Server 2010, MCM: Microsoft SQL Server 2008, and MCM: Windows Server 2008 R2 Directory programs.

      Candidates who do not pass the lab exam the first time can retake the exam up to two times (to be taken remotely). The first retake is generally available within three months of the initial attempt. There is a six-month waiting period required prior to the second retake. Retakes must be completed within one year of attending the training or before the first delivery of the next version of the training, whichever is later. For candidates who do not finish the training or pass the tests after the three attempts, the only way to earn the Microsoft Certified Master certification is to retake the training session (after further developing of their skill sets, based on the program manager feedback). Candidates who retake the training must pay the full program cost.

  6. MCSM exam retake policy

    1. If you do not pass the knowledge or the lab exam for the MCSM certification, you can retake the exam. You must pass the MCSM knowledge exam before you can register and take the MCSM lab exam. After your first failed attempt, you’ll have to wait 30 days to try again, and 60 days thereafter. You’ll be responsible for all costs associated with the retake exams. Normally, a candidate may not take a given exam more than five times per year, but must wait 12 months from the day of the fifth failed attempt to be eligible for the next retake. However, if you want to take a given exam more than five times in 12 months, you can submit a request to Microsoft to obtain prior permission.

    2. Once you achieve a passing score on an exam, you cannot take it again.

  7. Exam-specific retake policy exceptions

    1. In some cases, Microsoft may have special policies for specific exams.

Testing center closures due to security reasons

  1. Microsoft may suspend testing at any location where we deem there is a security or integrity problem.

  2. Microsoft may suspend testing at sites that are related to test sites that pose security risks.

Testing center appeal process

Testing center owners can appeal a site closure by submitting an appeal to mlsecure@microsoft.com.

Data forensics

Microsoft will use data forensics as a basis for an enforcement action against a candidate. Statistical evidence may demonstrate diminished exam integrity and/or be used to corroborate evidence of improper activity. Exams and scores may be canceled, candidates may be banned, and testing centers may be closed, based on statistical evidence.

Out-of-country testing

In order to sit for a Microsoft Certification exam at a Prometric testing center in India, China, or Pakistan, you must be a legitimate resident of that country. If you are a legitimate resident of that country, note the following:

Prometric testing centers in these three countries are required to confirm and record that each Microsoft Certification candidate has shown documented proof that he or she is a legitimate resident of that specific country. To verify country of residence status, each candidate is required to bring two valid and officially recognized forms of identification (ID)—one with a photo and an official residence address, and both with a signature.

Important: If you are not a legitimate resident of India, China, or Pakistan, you will not be allowed to sit for a Microsoft Certification exam at a Prometric testing center within that country.

Candidate retesting at request of Microsoft

  1. Microsoft reserves the right to ask any candidate to retest for any suspected fraudulent activity or anomalous testing patterns at any time.

  2. Retesting will take place at a facility that is selected by Microsoft at a time agreed upon by Microsoft and the candidate.

Revoking certifications

If a candidate violates any testing rule, exam policy, or term within the exam agreement (NDA), or engages in any misconduct that diminishes the security and integrity of the Microsoft Certification Program in any way, the candidate may be permanently prohibited from taking any future Microsoft Certification exams. In addition, the candidate may be decertified from the Microsoft Certification Program, and test scores and certifications may be revoked.

Beta testing

  1. Inclusion in beta testing is by invitation only.

  2. Microsoft reserves the right to exclude countries and/or testing centers from the beta testing program.

Right of exclusion

Based on security and integrity concerns, Microsoft reserves the right to exclude specific regions, countries, and testing centers from the Microsoft Certification Program altogether.

Non-Disclosure Agreement and General Terms of Use For Microsoft Certification Exams

Updated: April 2013

This Non-Disclosure Agreement and General Terms of Use (the “Exam Agreement”) is made and entered into as of the electronic signature date below by and between Microsoft Corporation (“Microsoft”) and you (the “Examinee”). This Exam (the “Exam”) is Microsoft confidential information and is protected by intellectual property laws. It is made available to the Examinee solely for the purpose of demonstrating competency in the content area referenced in the title of this Exam.

Exam security and integrity

Efforts to keep Exams secure help maintain the value of Microsoft Certification and help ensure that only qualified information technology professionals are certified.

The Examinee may be prohibited from taking any Microsoft Certification Exams, and/or may be decertified from Microsoft Certification Program if Microsoft believes the Examinee violated this Exam Agreement and/or engaged in any misconduct. Proctors are authorized to take immediate and appropriate measures against Examinees who violate testing rules. This policy is enforced to ensure the integrity of the Exams and Microsoft Certification Program. Examples of misconduct and/or misuse of the Exam include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Modifying and/or altering the original results/score report for this Exam or any other exam records.

  • Violation of the current exam retake policy.

  • Fraudulently impersonating another to gain access to the Exam.

  • Submission of any work that is not completely your own.

  • Providing or accepting improper assistance.

  • Using unauthorized materials in an attempt to satisfy Exam requirements (this includes using brain-dump material and/or unauthorized publication of Exam questions with or without answers).

  • Disseminating actual Exam content or answers.

  • Possession of non-authorized items at the testing center during an Exam.

  • Misconduct as determined by statistical analysis.

  • Copying, publishing, disclosing, transmitting, selling, offering to sell, posting, downloading, distributing in any way, or otherwise transferring, modifying, making derivative works of, reverse engineering, decompiling, disassembling or translating any Exam in whole or in part, in any form or by any means, verbal or written, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose.

  • Using the Exam content in any manner that violates applicable law.

Exam policies

Examinees are solely responsible for understanding and complying with Microsoft’s Exam policies and procedures, as well as the Exam provider’s policies and procedures.

Examinees can review the Microsoft Exam Retake Policy as well as other Exam and testing procedures on this page.

Examinees can learn more about the Exam provider’s policies and procedures at the Exam provider’s website.

Student and Faculty Examinees

If the Examinee is registered for the Exam as a student (“Student”) or a member of the faculty (“Faculty”), the Examinee must provide the Exam provider with documentation that verifies the Examinee is currently enrolled as a Student or is a Faculty member at an accredited secondary academic institution at the time the Examinee takes the Exam.

By taking this Exam, the Examinee agrees that they are either a Student or a Faculty member at the academic institution that issued the Examinee the Exam voucher. If it is determined that the Examinee was not a Student or a member of the Faculty at the time he/she took the Exam, Microsoft reserves the right to rescind and invalidate the Examinee’s Exam results. If Exam results are invalidated, no Exam refund will be provided.

Important privacy notice

Microsoft is committed to protecting your privacy. This privacy statement applies to the data collected by Microsoft during your exam session (the “Exam”); it does not apply to other online or offline Microsoft sites, products, or services.

Collection of your information

We collect many kinds of information in order to operate effectively and provide you with the best products, services, and experiences we can. Some of this information you provide directly to us. Some of it we get by observing how you interact with our products and services. Some of it is available from other sources that we may combine with the data we collect directly. Regardless of the source, we believe it's important to treat that information with care and to help you maintain your privacy. The personal information we collect may include:

  • Personal information about you, such as your name, email address, and MCP ID;

  • Information about the Exam such as your exam score, your time spent on the Exam, your answers given, Exam results, and usage data of our Exam website.

Use of your information

Microsoft uses the information we collect to operate, improve, and personalize the products and services we offer and to provide the service(s) or carry out the transaction(s) you have requested or authorized. Information collected through one Microsoft service may be combined with information collected through other Microsoft services to give you a more consistent and personalized experience in your interactions with us.

Once you have earned a Microsoft Certification and are a member of the Microsoft Certification Program (“MCP”), we also may use the information to communicate with you; for example, informing you when there are changes to your MCP benefits or letting you know when you need to take action to keep your account active.

To learn more about the data collection and use practices of the Exam provider please contact your Exam provider.

Sharing personal information

By taking this Exam, you agree that:

  1. Microsoft and the Exam provider may share the Examinee’s information with each other, including personal information and Exam data, in order to administer the Exams, to improve the testing program and experience, to facilitate statistical analyses, and to determine if the Examinee passed the Exam.

  2. Microsoft, its affiliates and the Exam provider may contact the Examinee regarding certificates showing that the Examinee pass the test and/or information regarding the Microsoft Certification Program.

  3. Microsoft may share the Examinee’s information, including Exam results, with other Microsoft programs to verify compliance with the program requirements.

  4. Microsoft may share Exam results and information with the entity that issued the vouchers or that purchased the site license if the Exam was made available to the Examinee via one of the following methods:

    • Companies that purchase vouchers and then issue the vouchers to their employees or contractors.

    • Academic Institutions enrolled in the Microsoft IT Academy Program that purchased vouchers and then issued the vouchers to their students.

    • Academic Institutions or government agencies that purchase a site license to deliver the Exams.

  5. Microsoft may share Exam results, at an aggregate level with individual identifiers removed, with other Microsoft programs or partners for reporting or statistical analysis about the Exam itself.

In addition to any sharing described in this privacy statement, Microsoft may share or disclose personal information:

  • With other Microsoft controlled subsidiaries and affiliates.

  • As part of a corporate transaction such as a merger or sale of assets.

  • With vendors or agents. Specifically, we may share it with companies we've hired to provide services on our behalf. When we share information with these other companies to provide services for us, they are not allowed to use it for any other purpose and must keep it confidential.

We also may share or disclose personal information, including the content of your communications:

  • To comply with the law or respond to legal process or lawful requests, including from law enforcement and government agencies.

  • To protect the rights or property of Microsoft or our customers, including enforcing the terms governing your use of the services.

  • To act on a good faith belief that access or disclosure is necessary to protect the personal safety of Microsoft employees, customers or the public.

Except as described in this statement, we won’t disclose personal information you provide for this Exam to a third party without your consent.

Security of your information

Microsoft is committed to protecting the security of your personal information. We use a variety of security technologies and procedures to help protect your personal information from unauthorized access, use, or disclosure. For example, we store the personal information you provide on computer servers with limited access that are located in controlled facilities. Additionally, when we transmit sensitive personal information (such as a password) over the Internet, we protect it through the use of encryption, such as the Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocol.

If a password is used to help protect your accounts and personal information, it is your responsibility to keep your password confidential. Do not share it. If you are sharing a computer, you should always log out before leaving a site or service to protect access to your information from subsequent users.

Where information is stored and processed

Personal information collected from the Exam may be stored and processed in the United States or any other country where Microsoft or its affiliates, subsidiaries or service providers maintain facilities. Microsoft abides by the US-EU Safe Harbor Framework and the US-Swiss Safe Harbor Framework as set forth by the US Department of Commerce regarding the collection, use, and retention of data from the European Economic Area and Switzerland. To learn more about the Safe Harbor program, and to view our certification, please visit http://www.export.gov/safeharbor/.

Changes to this privacy statement

We will occasionally update our privacy statements to reflect customer feedback and changes in our services. When we post changes to a statement, we will revise the "last updated" date at the top of the statement. If there are material changes to the statement or in how Microsoft will use your personal information, we will notify you either by prominently posting a notice of such changes before they take effect or by directly sending you a notification. We encourage you to periodically review the privacy statements for the products and services you use to learn how Microsoft is protecting your information.

Contact information

Microsoft welcomes your comments regarding this privacy statement. If you have questions about this statement or believe that we have not adhered to it, please contact us by e-mailing mslprivacy@microsoft.com.

Microsoft Learning Privacy Manager, Microsoft Corporation, One Microsoft Way, RTC B5/3394, Redmond, Washington 98052 USA • 425-882-8080

To find the Microsoft subsidiary in your country or region, see http://www.microsoft.com/worldwide/.

All rights reserved

In addition to any other rights and remedies provided by law or this Exam Agreement, Microsoft hereby expressly reserves all of its rights and remedies arising out of a breach of this Exam Agreement and/or the infringement of any of Microsoft’s intellectual property rights.

Examinee acceptance or rejection of the Exam Agreement

Select Yes to acknowledge that the Examinee has the full right and authority to enter into this Exam Agreement and accepts and agrees to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Exam Agreement.

Select No if the Examinee does not accept the above terms.

The Examinee must select Yes to continue with the Exam.

This Microsoft Certification Program Agreement ("Agreement") is an agreement between you ("you" or "your") and Microsoft Corporation ("Microsoft"). The terms and conditions of this Agreement apply to (a) any Microsoft Certifications you have attained, and (b) your participation in the Microsoft Certification Program, including your access and use of any Microsoft Certification Program benefit, Microsoft Certification Credential, or any Microsoft Certification Logo that Microsoft makes available to you as part of the Program.

By accessing or using a Microsoft Certification Program benefit, Name, or Logo, you are accepting the current version of this Agreement, the Guidelines (as defined below), and any other applicable terms. If you do not accept this Agreement, do not access or use any Microsoft Certification Program benefits, Names, or Logos.


    The following terms will have the following meaning where capitalized herein. All other capitalized terms not defined in this Section 1 shall have the definition assigned to them elsewhere in this Agreement.

    1. "MCP, MOS, or MCT Member Websites" means the MCP, MOS, or MCT member-only websites currently located at www.microsoft.com/mcp (MCP), www.microsoft.com/mos (MOS), and www.microsoft.com/mct (MCT) or a successor site designated by Microsoft. The Member Websites provide tools and information about the Program.

    2. "Microsoft Certification" means passing the requisite Microsoft Certification Exams and meeting and maintaining compliance with all requirements for entitlement to use the corresponding Name or Logo. The current list of Microsoft Certifications is located at Microsoft Certifications.

    3. "Microsoft Certification Name" or "Name" means the full or abbreviated title of a specific Microsoft Certification that is used to signify achievement of that Microsoft Certification.

    4. "Microsoft Certification Exam" or "Exam" means the examinations identified by Microsoft that you must pass to attain Microsoft Certification.

    5. "Microsoft Certification Logo" or "Logo" means the specific Microsoft Certification logo designated for a specific Microsoft Certification that is currently available online at the MCP, MOS, or MCT Member Websites.

    6. "Microsoft Certification Program" or "Program" means the Microsoft program that certifies technology professionals’ skills in designing, developing, implementing and supporting solutions with a particular Microsoft technology and grants certification to individuals who have complied and continue to comply with all the requirements for the applicable Microsoft Certification.

    7. "Microsoft Certification Program Logo Usage Guidelines" or "Guidelines" means the current specifications established by Microsoft that those who have achieved Microsoft Certification must agree to abide by in order to use the corresponding Name or Logo.

    8. "Microsoft Certified Professional" means anyone who achieves and currently holds one or more active Microsoft Certifications.

    9. "Microsoft Office Certification" means any of the following Microsoft Certifications: Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS), Microsoft Office Specialist Expert (MOS Expert), and/or Microsoft Office Specialist Master (MOS Master).

    10. "Microsoft Technical Certification" means any of the following Microsoft Certifications: Microsoft Technology Associate (MTA), Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist (MCTS), Microsoft Certified IT Professional (MCITP), Microsoft Certified Professional Developer (MCPD), Microsoft Certified Masters (MCM), Microsoft Certified Architect (MCA), Microsoft Certified Learning Consultant (MCLC), Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP), Microsoft Certified Database Administrator (MCDBA), Microsoft Certified Application Developer (MCAD), Microsoft Certified Solution Developer (MCSD), Microsoft Certified Desktop Support Technician (MCDST), Microsoft Certified Trainer (MCT), Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer (MCSE), and/or Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer + Security or Messaging (MCSE + S or MCSE + M), Microsoft Certified Systems Administrator (MCSA), Microsoft Certified Systems Administrators + Security or Messaging (MCSA + S or MCSA + M), and/or MCSA Security Specialization plus recertification. Microsoft may alter or add additional Microsoft Technical Certifications from time to time at its sole discretion.


    1. Obtaining Microsoft Certification. To obtain a Microsoft Certification and to use the corresponding Name and/or Logo, you must have:

      1. successfully passed all required exams and satisfied all requirements for the Microsoft Certification. Microsoft Certification requirements are available at Microsoft Certification;

      2. accepted and agreed to comply with the terms and conditions in this Agreement; and

      3. accepted and agreed to comply with the Guidelines and all Program requirements.

    2. Maintaining Microsoft Certification. To maintain a Microsoft Certification(s) and to use the corresponding Name and/or Logo, you must:

      1. meet all current requirements for the Microsoft Certification;

      2. comply with the terms and conditions in the Agreement; and

      3. comply with the Guidelines and all Program requirements.

    3. Microsoft Certification Exams. All Microsoft Certification exams, including exam questions and answers thereto, constitute Microsoft confidential information and are protected by trade secret law and by the Non-Disclosure Agreement and General Terms of Use for Microsoft Certification Exams (“Exam Agreement”) and may not be disclosed to or discussed with others or posted or published in any forum or through any medium. Anyone caught violating the Exam Agreement or engaging in fraudulent behavior may be decertified and terminated from the Program and/or permanently ineligible to participate in the Program.


    1. Program Benefits Provided by a Third-Party. Some of the Program benefits may be provided by a third-party. You understand and agree that your relationship with respect to those benefits are with that third-party directly and not with Microsoft. Microsoft is not responsible for any Program benefit provided by a third-party, and Microsoft does not sponsor or endorse the third-party vendors or its services or products.

    2. Additional Terms. Program benefits may have additional terms, conditions, and licenses. You must accept those additional terms before using any Program benefit and use the Program benefits according to the terms of this Agreement and those additional terms, conditions, and licenses. You may not use a Program benefit if you do not agree to any applicable additional terms, conditions, and licenses.


    1. Grant of Rights. Subject to and expressly conditioned upon the successful completion of all requirements for the Microsoft Certification, and provided you comply with this Agreement, the Guidelines and all continuing Microsoft Certification requirements, Microsoft hereby grants you the right to use the corresponding Name(s) and Logo(s) for the active Microsoft Certifications for which you have obtained Microsoft Certification as indicated in your transcript located on the Member Websites.

    2. Restrictions. You may not use or reproduce the Name or Logos in any manner whatsoever other than as described in this Agreement and the Guidelines, and in any applicable artwork provided by Microsoft. You will use the Name and Logos in a manner that does not derogate from the rights of Microsoft in the Names and Logos, and will take no action that may interfere with or diminish the rights of Microsoft in the Names or Logos.

    3. Ownership. All rights not expressly granted herein are reserved by Microsoft. You acknowledge Microsoft’s sole ownership of the Names and Logos, and any associated goodwill, and that Microsoft retains all rights, title, and interest in and to the Names and Logos.


    1. Disclosure of Your Personal Information. You acknowledge and agree that Microsoft collects certain information about you to operate and run the Program. Microsoft uses and protects that information as described in the Microsoft Online Privacy Statement. You also agree that the Microsoft Certifications you have earned and your Program activities may be tracked and associated with your personal information.

    2. License to Microsoft. You grant Microsoft the right to publish your name, biographical information, contact information, including web site URLs, Microsoft Certification Names and Microsoft Certification status, in whole or in part, in connection with your participation in the Program.

    3. Access Code. You will be assigned a unique "access code" to your information and data. You may wish to provide others with this access code, your password, and a link so that they will have access to your data located on your Microsoft Certification transcript. You acknowledge and agree that if you choose to provide your access code to others, they will be able to access and view your personal information and Microsoft Certification data located on your Microsoft Certification transcript.


    1. Business Practices.

      1. You agree that all business you conduct in your capacity as a Microsoft Certified Professional and all services you provide concerning Microsoft technologies will be performed in a manner that (i) does not in any way harm the reputation of Microsoft; (ii) avoids deceptive, misleading, or unethical practices; (iii) avoids making any representations, warranties, or guarantees to customers on behalf of Microsoft for Microsoft technologies or otherwise; (iv) complies with all applicable U.S. export regulations and other applicable governmental laws and regulations; and (v) complies with copyright and other intellectual property and proprietary rights protections for Microsoft software, development tools, and other products.

      2. You may not advertise, promote, or suggest in any manner that the services being provided to customers in connection with the Logos and Names are provided by, sponsored by, or associated with Microsoft, or that you are employed by, affiliated with, or sponsored by Microsoft, except to state that you have successfully completed all requirements for the particular Microsoft Certification you have earned, including having passed the applicable Microsoft Certification Exams for a particular version of a Microsoft technology. During the term of this Agreement, you will insert the following language in each contract under which you provide services involving Microsoft technologies:

        "Microsoft is not a party to this Agreement, and will have no liability whatsoever with respect to the services that are the subject of this contract. The Microsoft Certification Name indicates that I have successfully completed the corresponding Microsoft Certification requirements, which reflect commensurate skills required to implement, utilize, support, and maintain solutions with relevant Microsoft technologies. The services I provide under this contract are not provided, licensed, or sponsored by Microsoft.."

      3. You should note that some states and countries regulate the use of the term "engineer," and you should comply as applicable with any such laws in the event you attain any Microsoft Certification Name related to "Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer."

    2. Trademark Restrictions. Nothing in this Agreement authorizes you to use any Microsoft trademarks, service marks, or logos except as expressly referenced in this Agreement.


    Microsoft reserves the right to discontinue the Program and to change the Program or any aspect of it at any time, including the right to change the Program requirements and/or Program benefits. Microsoft will notify you of changes by posting them on the MCP Member Website. You are responsible for checking the MCP, MOS, or MCT Member Websites regularly for changes. Changes are effective on the date the changes are posted. Changes do not apply retroactively. You agree to comply with the most current version of this Agreement, the Guidelines, and any other applicable requirements located in this Program Agreement.

    You acknowledge and agree that Microsoft may, at its sole discretion, change Microsoft Certification requirements (both initial and continuing) by posting such changes on the Microsoft Learning website or on the MCP, MOS, or MCT Member Websites. You will be allowed three (3) full calendar months from the date Microsoft posts the changes to comply with any such changed requirements. Your right to use a particular Name or Logo may terminate if you do not meet the most current Microsoft Certification requirements associated with the particular Name or Logo.






    You agree to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless Microsoft, its affiliates and their respective successors, directors, officers, employees, and agents from and against any and all third-party claims, demands, costs, liabilities, judgments, losses, expenses, and damages (including attorneys' fees) arising out of, in connection with, or related to (a) your participation in the Program; (b) your use of any Name and/or Logo in a manner which is in any way inconsistent with the terms of this Agreement; (c) the performance, promotion, sale, or distribution of your services as a Microsoft Certified Professional; (d) the termination of this Agreement by Microsoft pursuant to the terms herein. In the event Microsoft seeks indemnification from you under this provision, Microsoft will promptly notify you in writing of the claim(s) brought against Microsoft for which it seeks indemnification. Microsoft reserves the right, at its option, to assume full control of the defense of such claim with legal counsel of its choice. If it so undertakes, any settlement of such claim requiring payment from you will be subject to your prior written approval. You will reimburse Microsoft upon demand for any expenses reasonably incurred by Microsoft in defending such a claim, including, without limitation, attorney's fees and costs, as well as any judgment on or settlement of the claim in respect to which the foregoing relates.


    1. Termination Without Cause. Either party may terminate this Agreement at any time, with or without cause, on thirty (30) calendar day’s prior written notice to the other party.

    2. Termination For Cause. Microsoft may immediately terminate this Agreement upon written notice on any of the following events:

      1. you fail to comply with any applicable Microsoft Certification requirements;

      2. you otherwise fail to comply with any of the terms of this Agreement or the Guidelines;

      3. you engaged in misappropriation or unauthorized disclosure of any trade secret or confidential information of Microsoft;

      4. you engaged in any other activities prohibited by law or that compromises the integrity of Microsoft Certifications; or

      5. a government agency or court finds that services you provided concerning the Microsoft technologies to which your Microsoft Certification relates are defective in any way.

    3. Automatic Termination. This Agreement will automatically terminate if you lose your status as a MCP or Microsoft cancels the Program.

    4. Effects of Termination. In all events of termination of this Agreement, all rights granted to you under the Program are immediately terminated. You will immediately:

      1. cease all activity relating to the Program;

      2. stop identifying itself as a participant in the Program;

      3. cease all use of any Name or Logo and Program benefit; and

      4. destroy any associated materials that you have received as part of the Program.

    5. Survival. Sections 1 and all other definitions herein, 2.3, 3.1, 4.3, 8, 9, 10, 11.5, and 12 will survive termination of this Agreement. You agree that Microsoft and its affiliate and subsidiary corporations will not be liable to you or any third party for costs or damages of any sort resulting from (a) the termination of this Agreement in accordance with its terms, and (b) your suspension from or cancellation of the Program.


    1. Notices. All notices required by this Agreement to be sent to Microsoft must be addressed to the following address:

      Microsoft Certification Program
      Microsoft Corporation
      One Microsoft Way, Redmond, WA 98052-6399

      All notices required or permitted by this Agreement will be sent to you at the most recent email address provided by you. It is your responsibility to keep your contact address (email) information with Microsoft updated.

    2. No exclusivity. Your participation in this Program is voluntary. Nothing in this Agreement restricts you from supporting, promoting, distributing, or using non-Microsoft technology.

    3. Relationship. The parties are independent contractors. This Agreement does not create an employer-employee relationship, partnership, joint venture, or agency relationship, and does not create a franchise. You may not make any representation, warranty, or promise on Microsoft’s behalf.

    4. Governing law and jurisdiction. The laws of the State of Washington govern this Agreement. If federal jurisdiction exists, the parties consent to exclusive jurisdiction and venue in the federal courts in King County, Washington. If not, the parties consent to exclusive jurisdiction and venue in the Superior Court of King County, Washington.

    5. Attorneys’ fees. If either party employs attorneys to enforce any rights arising out of or relating to this Agreement, the prevailing party will be entitled to recover its reasonable attorney’s fees, costs, and other expenses, including the costs and fees incurred on appeal or in a bankruptcy or similar action.

    6. Severability. If any court of competent jurisdiction determines that any provision of this Agreement is illegal, invalid, or unenforceable, the remaining provisions will remain in full force and effect.

    7. No Waiver. Any delay or failure by Microsoft to exercise a right or remedy will not result in a waiver of that, or any other, right or remedy.

    8. Assignment. You will not assign, transfer, or sublicense this Agreement, or any right granted under this Agreement, in any manner. Any attempted assignment, transfer, or sublicense, by operation of law or otherwise, will be null and void.

Each exam item is carefully reviewed by a panel of independent technical and job-function experts who scrutinize each item for technical accuracy, clarity, and relevance. If you believe that a specific item you encountered on a Microsoft Certification exam is invalid, you may request an evaluation of the item by following the steps described below. You must submit your request within three calendar days of taking the exam.

Steps for challenging exam items

  1. Download and complete the exam item challenge form.

    1. Describe in detail the specific reasons you are challenging an exam item on the form.

    2. Submit a separate form for each exam item you challenge.

    3. Your challenge will not be accepted for evaluation unless the form is complete.

    4. NOTE: Item challenges will not be reviewed for exams that will be retired within 6 months.

  2. Submit the form by email to MCPHelp@microsoft.com with "Exam Item Evaluation" in the subject line within 3 calendar days of taking the exam.

  3. Your submittal will be acknowledged by email. At that time, you will receive either the result of the evaluation or, if more time is needed for evaluation, an estimate of when you can expect a decision.

The evaluation process exists to help identify and correct problematic questions. In most cases, exams are not re-scored because Microsoft must ensure that candidates who pass exams and earn our certifications have demonstrated the required proficiency level(s) across the skill domain(s). Even if a question is flawed in some way, we cannot assume that you would have answered it correctly if it had not been. In these cases, we provide candidates with the opportunity to retake the exam free of charge.

We value and rely on your feedback to make Microsoft Certification exams as valid and relevant as possible.

Microsoft is dedicated to developing exams that are accessible to everyone.


If you have a disability that requires special equipment or other accommodations when you take an exam, please complete an accommodation request form, and submit it at least 14 calendar days before registering for an exam. The accommodation request form requires that an appropriate professional (for example, a physician, education professional, psychologist, or psychiatrist) certify that your condition requires the requested test accommodations. The information requested in the form, and any documentation regarding your need for accommodation in testing, will be held in strict confidence and will not be shared without your express written permission. If you have questions about this form, email MCPHelp@microsoft.com or contact your nearest Microsoft Regional Service Center.

To submit the completed accommodation form you may:

English as a second language

When you register for an exam, you will be provided with a list of languages in which the exam is currently available. If an exam is not available in your native language, and you take it in English, you can request an additional 30 minutes to complete the exam. To request the additional 30 minutes, you need to register by phone rather than online. You must request this additional time when you register for the exam and make this arrangement before appearing at the testing center.

Frequently asked questions

Find answers to frequently asked questions about Microsoft Certification exams.

Exam basics


The number of questions on an exam is subject to change as we update the certification exam over time to keep current with the technology. Most Microsoft Certification exams contain 40-60 questions; however, the number can vary.


Because Microsoft continually introduces innovative testing technologies and question types, we do not provide this level of information for each exam. To get a feel for the testing formats and question types that might be on the exam, we encourage you to review our item type tutorials.


Exam time varies from one exam to another, but it will not exceed four hours under normal circumstances (additional time may be given for English as a second language candidates and to accommodate disabilities). As a result, we encourage candidates to plan for this possibility even if the time provided when you register is less than that. Because we regularly update and improve our exams, the exam time is subject to change without notification, and we recommend that you contact the exam delivery provider on the day of your exam for the expected duration of the exam you are taking (Prometric or Certiport).

As a general rule of thumb, MCSA exams are typically two to three hours while expert exams and those containing simulations or emulations are typically three to four hours.

Keep in mind that exam time includes time to answer exam questions, review instructions prior to beginning the exam, and provide comments after completing it.


The skills measured on an exam are identified by subject-matter experts external to Microsoft (in other words, they are not Microsoft employees). This list of skills, called the “objective domain,” is the basis for exam development. The number of questions that measure each skill area is determined through the blueprinting process; sections of the exam measuring critical and/or more frequently performed skills will contain more questions than those that assess less important or less frequently performed skills.


All learning materials related to exams, including Microsoft training and Microsoft Press resources, are developed independently of exam content, because the exams are intended to assess competence when using the technology, not the effectiveness of training materials or learning. Qualified candidates must have sufficient experience in working with the technology to pass the exam. Training is a great first step in preparing for a Microsoft Certification exam, but it is not required and does not guarantee that you will pass the exam. Experience is required.

Microsoft works hard to ensure that some form of training material exists for all skills that will be measured on an exam. Use the information provided on the exam details page to identify which Microsoft training resources cover the skills assessed in the exam.


The best way to prepare for an exam is to practice the skills listed in the "Skills measured" section of the exam details page. The exam details page also contains a list of preparation tools and resources provided by Microsoft that candidates may find helpful, and Microsoft Virtual Academy may have additional learning materials and resources to help you prepare for an exam.

You may also consider reading about how tasks assessed on the exam are performed (for example, in white papers and on blogs, MSDN, TechNet, and so on), listening to others describe how tasks are performed, watching others complete them, and leveraging community resources, such as Microsoft Certification Study Groups, to learn more about the skills needed to perform those tasks.

Keep in mind that training is a great first step when preparing for a Microsoft Certification exam, but it is not required and does not guarantee that you will pass the exam. Hands-on experience is required.


Visit the exam registration page to find complete instructions.


Microsoft Certification exams are available in a variety of languages. However, candidates who must take the exam in English rather than their native language can request an additional 30 minutes. To request the additional 30 minutes, you need to register by phone rather than online. You must request this additional time when you register for the exam and make this arrangement before appearing at the testing center.


Microsoft is dedicated to ensuring our exams are accessible to everyone, including people with disabilities. If you would like to request an accommodation, please complete an accommodation request form and follow the steps provided on the form.


Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate (MCSA), Microsoft Certified Solutions Expert (MCSE), and Microsoft Certified Solutions Developer (MCSD) exams typically cost US$150 but are priced according to currency values in specific countries and regions. Exam prices are subject to change. In some countries and regions, additional taxes may apply. Contact Certiport for exact pricing for Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) and Microsoft Technology Associate (MTA) exams, and contact Prometric for exact pricing for all other certification exams.


Yes. You can take advantage of the Microsoft volume discount on Microsoft Certification exams. When you purchase exam vouchers in quantities of 20 or more, you receive a 10 percent discount. The vouchers are good for one year from the date of purchase. To purchase vouchers, contact the exam delivery provider. This exam voucher volume discount is available in limited areas. The offer is valid in the following countries and regions:

  • Australia

  • Austria

  • Belgium

  • Brunei

  • Canada

  • Denmark

  • United Kingdom

  • Fiji Islands

  • Finland

  • France

  • Germany

  • Guam

  • Iceland

  • Ireland

  • Italy

  • Japan

  • Luxembourg

  • Netherlands, The

  • New Caledonia

  • New Zealand

  • Norway

  • Papua New Guinea

  • Portugal

  • Reunion

  • Seychelles

  • Singapore

  • Spain

  • Sweden

  • Switzerland

  • United States


If you have feedback about an instructor-led Microsoft training course, provide it directly to the instructor. If you have feedback about a Microsoft E-Learning course, complete the feedback form that appears when you finish the course.

Microsoft does not review study materials developed by third parties and is not responsible for their content. If you have questions or comments about exam preparation materials developed by third parties, please contact the publishers directly.


If you have a concern about the technical accuracy of a particular item, please submit an Item Challenge form.

To report a concern about a testing center or technical difficulties experienced during your exam, please contact customer service at either Prometric or Certiport.

To offer other types of feedback, please contact your Regional Service Center or send an email message to the Microsoft Certification Program Help Center.

To report a security concern, please contact mlsecure@microsoft.com.

Exam specifics


The types of questions that appear on any given exam will vary, but all exams include one or more of the following:

  • Multiple-choice single answer

  • Multiple-choice multiple answer

  • Best answer

  • Extended matching

  • Hot-area

  • Active-screen

  • Drag-and-drop

  • Build-list and reorder

  • Simulations

  • Short answer

These questions may stand alone or may be part of a case study. Because Microsoft is constantly developing and pilot testing new question types, you may see other types not listed here on your exam. We announce our plans to pilot test new question types on Born to Learn and our First Look Forum.


The case study exam format uses complex scenarios that more accurately simulate what Microsoft Certified Professionals do on the job. Scenario-based questions included in the case studies are designed to test your ability to identify the critical information needed to solve a problem and then analyze and synthesize it to make decisions. You can refer to scenario details as often as you’d like while you are working on questions in a case study.


You may review the questions in a case study until you move to the next case or section of the exam. Once you leave a case study, however, you will not be able to review the questions associated with that case. When you complete a case study and its associated questions, a review screen will appear. This screen lets you review your answers and make changes before you move to the next case study.


No. The skills that are tested do not change; therefore, retesting is not necessary.


Yes. These exams are typically longer than exams that do not contain performance-based items, and in most cases, take three to four hours to complete. Because Microsoft reserves the right to add performance-based items to any exam at any time, we strongly recommend that you plan for four hours when taking any exam.


No. The skills measured remain the same regardless of the format of the question. The knowledge and skills assessed on the exam are listed in the “Skills measured” section of the exam details page.


Simulations limit the number of paths available to complete exam tasks because they simulate a small portion of the technology’s functionality, whereas virtual labs allow candidates to complete the task using any path and tool available in a real computing environment. From a scoring perspective, it doesn’t matter how you perform the task; as long as the outcome is correct, you will receive credit for performing the task.


When a product update is released that changes functionality, we review the changes against the objective domain and the existing questions to determine whether any content areas and/or questions have become technically inaccurate because of the changes. Technically inaccurate questions are removed from the exam. If the change adds functionality that maps to an existing objective, new items may be included to address this functionality without making changes to the objective domain; such changes will be reflected in the ”may include” statements. Occasionally, new objectives may be added to cover new skills and/or functionality that subject-matter experts believe is necessary to demonstrate competence with the technology. If a significant number of objectives must be added, a new exam will be created in the case of our Associate exams; however, for Expert exams, the addition of objectives will be handled on a case by case basis—sometimes a new exam may be created, but, in some instances, these objectives will be added to the existing exam’s skill domain and to the recertification skill domain.

Microsoft reserves the right to update content for any reason at any time to maintain the validity and relevance of our certifications. This includes, but is not limited to, incorporating functionality and features related to technology revisions and service packs into exam content.


We update the exam details page to notify candidates if/when content related to a service pack and/or revision is likely to be added to the exam. We also include information about such updates in our newsletters, blogs, and through other appropriate communication channels, and we encourage you to sign up for such communications if you would like to know about these types of changes to the exam content.

Because our primary communication with candidates about exam content is through the exam details page, we will update it as soon as we know that exam content will be updated for a service pack/revision; as a result, we strongly recommend that you review it regularly as you prepare to take an exam.

If you are preparing for an exam on a technology that has an upcoming revision or service pack, we recommend that you consider each skill measured on the exam (as defined in the “Skills measured” section of the exam details page) in light of that upcoming release.

When you take the exam, if the answer would be different depending on the product update, we specify the service pack/revision in the question so that candidates have all the information necessary to answer the question correctly.

Microsoft reserves the right to update content for any reason at any time to maintain the validity and relevance of our certifications. This includes, but is not limited to, incorporating functionality and features related to technology revisions and service packs into exam content.


The associated training materials may or may not get revised, depending on the scope of changes introduced by the product update in relation to the training content, and these updates may or may not align to when the updates are incorporated into the exam.

Although Microsoft attempts to align training and exam availability, this is not always possible for a variety of reasons, and a gap between the availability of an exam and related training is likely. Keep in mind that Microsoft exams are not intended as post-tests of any preparation or training product created by Microsoft or any third-party provider. Our certifications are designed to measure experience-based skills without bias in regard to the manner in which candidates obtain these skills. The best way to prepare for an exam is to practice the skills listed in the “Skills measured” section of the exam details page. Hands-on experience with the technology is required to successfully pass Microsoft Certification exams.

Microsoft does not review study materials developed by third parties and is not responsible for their content or for ensuring that they are updated to reflect product updates. If you have questions or comments about exam preparation materials developed by third parties, please contact the publishers directly.


All learning materials related to exams, including Microsoft training and Microsoft Press resources, are developed independently of exam content, because the exams are intended to assess relevant skills, not the effectiveness of training materials. Although training materials are designed to help candidates prepare for the exam—they are a great first step—qualified candidates will have sufficient experience in working with the technology to successfully perform the tasks described in the exam questions regardless of any training that the candidate may have taken.

Microsoft works hard to ensure that some form of training material exists for all skills that will be measured on an exam. A list of these resources can be found on the exam details page.

Scoring and results


Here is some general information about exam scoring:

You will receive notification of your pass or fail status within a few minutes of completing your exam. In addition, you will receive a printed report that provides your exam score and feedback on your performance on the skill areas measured. The exam delivery provider will forward your score to Microsoft within five business days.

Beta exam results: Results for beta exams should be visible on your Microsoft transcript (if you’ve received a passing score) and on the Prometric or Certiport site within two weeks after the final exam is published. You should receive your score report by mail within eight weeks of the exam’s live publication. This date can be found on the exam details page. This timeframe reflects the comprehensive process used to evaluate the beta exam results.

If you pass the beta exam, you earn credit for that exam and any resulting certification. You do not need to retake the exam in its final version if you pass the beta version.


If you do not receive your score report within eight weeks of the date when the final exam is published, contact Prometric or Certiport for more information on when your results will be processed. If you have questions about your transcript, contact your Regional Service Center.


The score report provides a numeric score for overall exam performance, pass/fail status, and a bar chart showing performance on each skill area assessed on the exam. Using this information, candidates can determine areas of strength and weakness.


The bar chart shows your performance on each section, or skill area, assessed on the exam. On the left of the graph, each section of the exam is listed along with the percentage of the exam that was devoted to it. The lengths of the bars provide information regarding your section-level performance. Bars that are further to the left reflect weaker performance, and bars that are further to the right reflect stronger performance.

Because each section may contain a different number of questions, as represented by the percentages provided after the section name, the length of the bars cannot be used to calculate the number of questions answered correctly in that section or on the exam, nor can the bars be combined to determine the percent of questions that you answered correctly on the exam. This information is intended to help you understand areas of strength and weakness in the skill domain measured by the exam and to prioritize those skills that need improvement.


No. Microsoft Certification exams are designed to measure candidates’ skills and abilities in this technology, not their ability to study or memorize specific questions that were on the exam. Qualified candidates will be able to pass this exam regardless of the questions asked. As a result, to protect the integrity of the certification process, Microsoft does not share information about the specific questions that were missed.


MCSA, MCSE, and MCSD exams do not show a numerical score for each section. The score report provides an overall numerical score to reflect pass/fail status only. As an alternative to providing a numerical score for each section, we provide score bars to show subject areas of strength and weakness.

Upgrade exam candidates: To pass upgrade exams, candidates must pass ALL sections because each section represents a component exam for which examinees receive credit when they pass the upgrade exam. As a result, candidates receive a numerical score for each component exam.

Note that taking the individual component exams might be a better route if you don’t pass the upgrade exam after several attempts. The score report for upgrade exams only provides information about your performance on each component exam; a lower level of detail is not available because only a subset of objectives from each component exam is assessed on upgrade exams. In addition, some skill areas assessed on the component exam are not assessed on the upgrade exam at all. If you would like detailed information on your performance on each skill area measured by the component exams, we strongly recommend that you take those exams individually rather than the upgrade exam.

Microsoft Office exams: Microsoft Office exams show the percent correct for each section (skill area). Because each exam section often contains a different number of questions, combining their numerical results at the section level rarely provides an accurate final exam result. We provide score bars to show subject areas of strength and weakness.


Each section of the exam may contain a different number of questions; therefore, the results on individual exam sections might not reflect your final exam result. In other words, there is no one-to-one relationship between the length of the bars and your pass/fail status.

Additionally, a common misperception is that you must answer 70 percent of the questions correctly in order to pass the exam because the passing score is 700; however, this is a scaled score. The actual percentage of questions that you must answer correctly varies from exam to exam and may be more or less than 70 percent, depending on the input provided by the subject-matter experts who helped us set the cut score and the difficulty of the questions delivered when you take exam.


Here is some general information about exam scoring:

  • Most questions are worth one point, regardless of what you have to do to answer the question. If a question is worth more than one point, this information will be stated in the question.

  • There is no penalty for guessing. If you choose an incorrect answer, you simply do not earn the point(s) for that item. No points are deducted for incorrect answers.

  • Some questions on the exam may not be included in the calculation of your score. To gather data to update and improve the quality of each exam, we present new content to candidates without counting the results toward their score. However, as soon as we have the necessary data to evaluate the quality of the question, items that meet Microsoft’s psychometric standards will be scored. Microsoft will not inform candidates as to which questions are unscored; as a result, you should answer every question as if it will be scored.

Note that this scoring system is subject to change as Microsoft continues to introduce new and innovative question types. Microsoft will indicate if a question is scored differently in the text of the question.


After you complete your exam, the points you earned on each question are summed and then compared with the cut score to determine whether the result is pass or fail.


MCSA, MCSE, and MCSD exams: All MCSA, MCSE, and MSCD exams are scaled such that the passing score is 700. Any score of 700 or greater is a "pass." Any score below 700 is a "fail." The actual number of items you need to answer correctly in order to pass is determined by a group of subject-matter experts in conjunction with Microsoft’s psychometrician. The passing score is based on the knowledge and skills needed to demonstrate competence in the skill domain and the difficulty of the questions that are delivered to a candidate.

Microsoft Office exams: All Microsoft Office exam scores are reported on a scale of 1 to 1,000. The passing score varies from exam to exam and is provided on the score report. The actual cut score percentage is determined by a group of subject-matter experts using a process similar to that used to set the cut score for the MCSA, MCSE, and MCSD exams.


Microsoft reports scaled scores so that candidates who have to retake a certification exam can determine if their performance is improving. The actual cut score (the number of items you need to answer correctly) is based on input from a group of subject-matter experts who review the difficulty of the questions in relation to the expected skills of the target audience. As a result, the number of items that you have to answer correctly varies depending on the difficulty of the questions delivered when you take the exam; this ensures that regardless of which combination of items you see, the evaluation of skills is fair—if you see a more difficult set of questions, the number of correct answers needed to pass is less than if you see an easier set of questions. As a result, providing a simple percent correct wouldn't provide useful information to someone who had to take the exam multiple times and saw different combinations of questions with different levels of difficulty.

Because the number of correct answers needed to pass varies based on the difficulty of the questions delivered, if you see a difficult combination of questions, your performance may actually be higher in relation to the passing standard even though you answered fewer questions (in other words, a lower percentage) correctly than if you saw an easier set of questions. Scaled scores simplify your ability to evaluate improvements in your performance over time. This is a standard practice across the certification and licensure industry.


If you pass an exam, it simply means that you have demonstrated competence in the skill domain. In addition, scores of candidates who pass cannot be compared to determine if one candidate is more competent than another; higher passing scores do not mean higher levels of competence. The same is true of failing scores; lower failing scores do not mean lower levels of competence. If you pass the exam, you have demonstrated competence regardless of your score; if you fail, you have not demonstrated competence.

Microsoft exams are designed so that the total test score can be used to make a pass/fail decision (in other words, that the candidate has demonstrated competence in the skill domain measured by the exam). Our exams are not designed with the intent to provide diagnostic feedback about your skills, and steps are not taken during the exam development process to support that level of reporting.


No. Receiving the same score on multiple attempts does not indicate that the program computing the results is in error. It is not uncommon for candidates to obtain similar or identical scores on multiple attempts of an exam. This consistent result demonstrates the reliability of the exam in evaluating skills in this content domain. If this happens on multiple attempts, you may want to reconsider how you’re preparing for the exam and seek other opportunities to learn and practice the skills measured by the exam.


The number of questions that measure each skill area is determined through the blueprinting process; sections of the exam measuring critical and/or more frequently performed skills will contain more questions than those that assess less important or less frequently performed skills. Given that the number of questions varies based on the criticality of skills measured, it is entirely possible for a candidate to answer all of the questions in a section with fewer questions incorrectly.


A delay between questions does not impact the responses, scoring, or the time remaining to finish the exam. You should expect to experience a delay of up to a minute while your next question loads. The exam delivery provider’s software is designed to accommodate this. Your answers are recorded, and the exam will be scored correctly regardless of delays between questions.


No. The survey that you take at the beginning of the exam has no impact on the exam content or scoring. This is purely an evaluation tool that our exam psychometricians use to ensure the quality, validity, and rigor of the exam over its lifecycle.


Prioritize the skills that you should practice by focusing on the content areas where your exam performance was the weakest and the content areas that have the highest percentage of questions. Additionally, you may want to review the resources provided on the exam details page, Microsoft Virtual Academy, and Study Group Forums.

When you are ready to retake the exam, schedule an appointment as you normally would. Note that you must pay for each exam you retake and follow Microsoft’s retake policy.


Although Microsoft Certification exams provide feedback about the areas where examinees need to develop their skills further, the exams are not designed to provide detailed or diagnostic feedback. We encourage you to review the “Skills measured” section of the exam details page, and honestly evaluate your skills against what is being assessed on the exam. The best way to do this is to actually perform the tasks listed, and note any challenges that you encountered. Practice until you no longer experience those challenges. You may also want to ask others how they perform those tasks. Do they perform the task differently? Understand why they do. Read white papers, MSDN, or TechNet to get additional information about the tasks that are included on the exam. Explore the resources provided in the “Preparation materials” on the exam details page, Microsoft Virtual Academy, and Study Group Forums.

Finally, practice tests from Microsoft Certified Practice Test Providers are available for some of our certification exams. These may provide more information about your specific strengths and weaknesses. However, passing a practice test is not a guarantee that you will pass the certification exam.


Please refer to the Security policies section on this page to view the exam retake policy.


Because Microsoft must ensure that candidates who pass exams and earn our certifications have demonstrated the required proficiency level(s) across the skill domain(s), the final result of an exam is rarely changed based on a re-evaluation of your exam results. Even if a question is flawed in some way, we cannot assume that you would have answered it correctly if it had not been. In these cases, we provide candidates with the opportunity to retake the exam free of charge. If you have a concern about the technical accuracy of a particular item, please submit an Item Challenge form.


If you believe a question on a Microsoft Certification exam is inaccurate, you can request an evaluation of that question using the Item Challenge form. You must submit your request within three calendar days of taking the exam. The evaluation process helps us identify and correct problematic questions and update exams accordingly.


A Microsoft employee will conduct an initial evaluation. If additional evaluation is needed, an independent subject-matter expert (technical and job-function expert) will also review and evaluate the challenge.


No. Microsoft applies a rigorous exam development process to ensure the technical accuracy, clarity, relevance, and objectivity of our exams. Furthermore, given the credentials of the independent subject-matter experts and the respect they garner from the IT community, we consider their evaluation final.


To help protect exam security, we keep the rationale for challenge decisions confidential although we will provide a general overview of the result. The evaluation remains a part of Microsoft records until the exam is retired. All feedback is compiled and carefully considered as Microsoft makes decisions on how to improve the overall quality of the exam.


No. Microsoft does not offer refunds for exams you do not pass or exam appointments you miss.

Exam security and integrity policies


The Microsoft Certification Program requires candidates to accept the terms of an NDA before taking an exam. The NDA legally requires candidates to keep information related to exam content confidential. Requiring the acceptance of the NDA helps protect the security of Microsoft Certification exams and the integrity of the Microsoft Certification Program by legally discouraging piracy and/or unauthorized use of exam content.


Cheating is any fraudulent activity that enables an unqualified candidate to pass an exam. This type of egregious misconduct negatively affects the integrity of the Microsoft Certification Program.


Falsified score reports are reports that Microsoft deems to be unauthentic or that deceive or defraud the Microsoft Certified Professional program in any way.


If Microsoft determines that a candidate has falsified a score report, the candidate will be ineligible to take any future Microsoft exams and his or her certifications may be revoked.


Proxy testing occurs when someone takes an exam for another candidate. In other words, the candidate has passed an exam without actually taking it. Engaging in proxy testing as either the test taker or the person who hired the test taker is a form of misconduct and fraud.


The primary warning sign of a proxy testing website or organization is any guarantee that you will pass the exam without having to take it. Proxy testing sites indicate that they will provide a full credential if you send them your credit card information.


If a candidate engages in proxy testing, that candidate will be permanently banned or prohibited from taking any future Microsoft Certification exams and may be decertified from the Microsoft Certification Program. Additionally, test scores and certifications, if applicable, may be revoked. These actions may be taken even if the candidate did not intend to defraud the Microsoft Certification Program.

If you believe that a website or company provides proxy test-taking services, please inform Microsoft immediately by sending an email message to mlsecure@microsoft.com


A "brain dump," as it relates to the certification exams, is a source, such as a website, that contains certification exam content that has been fraudulently obtained with the intention to share it with or sell it to exam candidates. The content included in brain dumps is exactly the same or substantially similar to items appearing on the exam. Because the exam content was fraudulently obtained, using this type of material to prepare for or during an exam constitutes cheating. "Brain dump" providers are in violation of Microsoft intellectual property rights and nondisclosure agreements.


If a candidate knowingly or unknowingly memorizes unauthorized content found in “brain dumps” in order to pass an exam, clearly, he or she will not have the requisite skills to effectively use and manage Microsoft software or systems. Eventually, his or her manager will identify this lack of technical knowledge and skill and take appropriate action. If Microsoft learns that a candidate used a “brain dump” site to prepare for an exam, this candidate will be permanently banned or prohibited from taking any future Microsoft Certification exams and may be decertified from the Microsoft Certification Program. In addition, test scores and certifications, if applicable, may be revoked. These actions may be taken even if the candidate did not intend to defraud the Microsoft Certification Program.

Many "brain dump" providers are fairly blatant in their messaging, descriptions of their products, and the intended uses, while others are much more subtle in their messaging and practices. As a result, candidates should be cautious about using exam preparation material that seems too good to be true.

If you think you have discovered a “brain dump” site with Microsoft content, please inform Microsoft by sending an email message to mlsecure@microsoft.com.


The testing centers are provided with security policies that must be enforced in order to acquire and maintain testing center status. Ongoing inspections ensure that each testing center maintains the security outlined by Microsoft and the exam delivery provider. In addition, proctors at testing centers are authorized to immediately take appropriate measures against candidates who violate testing rules. For specific information about the expectations for candidates, please contact the exam delivery provider, either Prometric or Certiport. If you have a concern about the security of your exam experience, please send an email message to mlsecure@microsoft.com.


Testing center administrators act inappropriately when they fail to follow any security policies of Microsoft or the exam delivery provider. Examples could include, but are not limited to, overlooking inappropriate candidate identification; failing to ask for an ID from each candidate; failing to conduct periodic walkthroughs; failing to keep partitions between testing stations; overlooking the presence of crib sheets or electronic devices; providing answers or aid in any form with regard to any exam item; and allowing the release of Microsoft intellectual property in any form.


If Microsoft determines that a testing center has acted improperly or fraudulently, Microsoft has the right to cease delivery of all exams at that center.


Send an email message to mlsecure@microsoft.com, and include as much information as possible about the situation and the persons involved. Although we appreciate anonymous tips, we often need more information to conduct a thorough investigation; if you are willing, please include your full contact information so that someone from Microsoft can contact you to discuss the details, if necessary. Microsoft has dedicated staff that investigates these tips. Because of tips from individuals like you, several websites have been terminated. Due to the volume of email we receive, you may not always receive a personal response.

Don Field, our senior director of Certification and Training, describes how a recent $13.5 million judgment resulted from efforts to protect the value of Microsoft Certifications. Read his post, and get ongoing updates on Microsoft certification and training on our Born to Learn blog.


Yes. All correspondence to mlsecure@microsoft.com can remain anonymous and we will not share your contact information with anyone. If you wish to include your contact information so that we can follow up for more information we will ensure it remains secure.

Recertification policies


In order to ensure that our certifications are meaningful and valuable indicators of candidates’ skills, Microsoft has implemented a recertification requirement for the MCSE and MCSD certifications. MCSE candidates will be required to recertify every three years, while MCSD candidates will recertify every two years. Initially, recertification requires passing one or two exams or earning the associated Masters certification. Microsoft is exploring other recertification options and will announce those options as appropriate.


Other options for fulfilling recertification requirements, such as continuing education credits, are being evaluated.


Recertification ensures that Microsoft Certifications remain meaningful and valuable indicators of candidates’ skills. Recertification provides assurance to hiring managers and other stakeholders that this person has demonstrated continued competence even as the technology has changed, based on service packs, revisions, and new product version releases.


This requirement does not apply to MCSA certifications.


The first recertification exams will be available in late 2013/early 2014 for the SQL Server MCSE certifications. Other recertification exams will follow as required to meet the recertification time frame.


MCSE candidates will be required to recertify every three years, while MCSD candidates will recertify every two years.


If you do not complete the recertification requirement in the required timeframe, your transcript will show that the certification is ‘Inactive.’


This recertification requirement only applies to MCSE certifications. Other existing certifications, including legacy MCSE certifications, will be unaffected by this requirement.


Certifications that require recertification will not reference a product version in the title. For example, the titles will reference “MCSE: Server Infrastructure” and “MCSD: Web Applications.” Instead of passing an upgrade exam to earn an Expert-level certification on the next product version, you will maintain it by demonstrating continued competence with the technology (i.e., meeting the recertification requirements) every two (for developers) or three years (for IT professionals) .