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Thank you SO MUCH Team OPED. To let you know this has already been shared by two serious counter terrorism lists to today. I spoke to the Assistant Editor today at CSM and also had a very nice note from the lead Editor at CSM for the OpEd Section. Both invited me to submit my ideas for new articles again in the future and I even pitched a piece o the telephone!...In four short weeks Katherine you moved my writing forward more than it has developed in the last four years. Today the editor and I were agonizing over the use of the word 'pathognomonic' which she was gently discouraging me from using and I told her ‘evidently I am too attached to this phrase so we must murder this darling’!”

—Dr. Qanta Ahmed, author of In the Land of Invisible Women: A Female Doctor’s Journey in the Saudi Kingdom, is a board certified sleep disorders specialist at Winthrop University Hospital in Mineola, New York and Associate Professor of Medicine at the State University of New York (Stony Brook).

"I had the honor and privilege of being surrounded by twenty truly amazing women (five of whom were lawyers, myself included), ranging in age from 30-60 and coming from all corners of the globe. One woman (Opinion Page Editor at the Sydney Morning Herald) flew in from Australia. Another woman (a veterinarian) flew in from Guelph, Canada; her sister (an Episcopalian minister) flew in from Santa Fe, New Mexico. I feel like I am part of a movement (aka the Op-Ed Project) and it is truly gaining momentum. No turning back now! Thanks again for making this possible. I'll be sure to let you know when my first piece hits the news stand."
-–Arlene M. Roberts, speechwriter, editor of "Eloquent Delivery - 150 Great Speeches by Female Activists and Political Leaders from Cady Stanton to Chisholm to Clinton

"Frankly, the session with Catherine Orenstein was one of the best of its type I have heard and this was not my first. In fact, I approached the session in a rather dubious frame of mind, but Catherine converted me almost immediately."

-–Elizabeth Rindskopf Parker, Dean, University of the Pacific McGeorge Law School; former general counsel of the National Security Agency and the Central Intelligence Agency

"Katie was a tough, superb teacher. After class one day, I mentioned that I had inadvertently worked for a company which was helping students cheat. Katie strongly encouraged me to write about it and helped me submit my piece. A week later, "Writing Wrongs" was published on the front page of the Outlook section of the Washington Post. Along with the tremendous feedback I received, the piece opened many doors for me. I am thankful for Katie's support in what I hope will be a life-long career in journalism."
--Bess Kargman, accepted by Columbia Journalism School after publishing her op-ed

"After I read about Catherine Orenstein's seminar I got up the nerve to write my first op-ed piece ever. Her advice was so helpful that my first editorial appeared in the Boston Globe - after which I was invited to be on NPR. Two weeks after I finished the seminar I placed my second op-ed in the Chicago Tribune. The response has been very positive and several people have suggested I write a book!"
--Zine Magubane, Associate Professor of Sociology at Boston College.

"Orenstein's class was incredible, inspirational. She gets you to ask the important questions: What do you have to say? Who do you want to reach? And how can you express it to get heard? She got people fired up, and they got published. I am deeply impressed."
--Stacy Sullivan, Senior Editor, Institute for War and Peace Reporting; war correspondent; author of "Be Not afraid for You have Sons in America"

"Catherine was able to create an atmosphere of clarity around my passion and expertise by employing certain activities and knowledge. I left the room wanting to write an op-ed and also believing that I could."
--Maureen Muhlena, Victim Services Coordinator, UHSC 210

"I emerged with the sense that I both could and should participate in the nation's ongoing discussion on its op-ed pages. Some of the language I used in my San Francisco Chronicle op-ed came directly out of the seminar."
-–Cindy Cohn, Legal Director, Electronic Frontier Foundation

"The Op-Ed Project seminar got my juices flowing like nobody's business. A gigantic thanks for teaching us how to use our voices to make a difference. Our op-ed on the mortgage mess found a home in this Sunday's Denver Post. We're hooked and will keep writing op-eds on issues relating to financial literacy. From the bottom of our hearts we thank you for the encouragement to speak up and be heard."
--Manisha Thakor, MBA, co-author with Sharon Kedar of On My Own Two Feet: a Modern Girl’s Guide to Personal Finance

"I took part in a one-day seminar, and I loved it. I wrote an op-ed about water conservation that was published in Sunday's edition of the San Francisco Chronicle, and I can safely say that I could not have done it without what I learned in The Op-Ed Project workshop."
—Nealan Afsari, attorney, former broadcast news writer

"An hour ago, my coworker came into my office, frustrated about a facet of the mayor's new environmental plan. In passing, she mentioned she was considering writing a letter to the editor. 'Write an op-ed!' I immediately said. 'It's easy -- you can do it. Write it tonight, and I'll happily help you pitch it tomorrow.' She waffled, and I added 'It only has to be 600 words - that's two thirds of a page. Spell out your argument, list two supporting points, and think of a clever conclusion.' We agreed she'd write it, I'd eyeball it and help her pitch it before I go on vacation this weekend. It's certainly all due to my weekend at Woodhull with The Op-Ed Project. Before, I would have encouraged her to write it, but dropped it at her initial reluctance, and moreover I would have been at a loss as to how to move it into a paper. Now, I know what to do next. Not only can I help my colleague get her voice out, I deepened our relationship, too. She had already thought of an opening line before she left the office."
-- Dania Rajendra, union editor and associate editor, Clarion, Professional Staff Congress/CUNY

"Katie Orenstein has a gift for writing, teaching, and teaching writing."
--Dale Maharidge, Pulitzer-prize winning author; journalist; Professor, Columbia Journalism School

"Thank you for getting all of us going on this form! It was a long haul on this one, but well worth it to learn how to do the whole process, and now... to get the vision implemented!”
--Helen DiMichiel, after publishing her op-ed “Next President Should Launch the Digital New Deal” in The San Francisco Chronicle

"Even for a published writer like myself, Katie‘s workshop proved invaluable. During and after her workshop, I published op-eds in The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, The Boston Globe, and one in Bush's hometown paper, The Lone Star Iconoclast."
-- Richard Benjamin, PhD, DEMOS Fellow

"I don‘t think there is anyone out there better at this than Katie."
--Susie Devenyi, board member, The Woodhull Institute for Ethical Leadership; founder of The Negotiation Company

"Katie showed me how to transform my writing from academic to 'wow'.Working with her was key."
-- Deborah Siegel, PhD, Director of Special Projects, National Council for Research on Women; author of "Sisterhood Interrupted"

"My op-ed ["Meet you at the Sandbox", Washington Post, 4/30/2006] never would have been published if it wasn't for you and what I learned in your class. I mean it. Thank you. As if that weren‘t enough, in part as a result of that op-ed, I now teach a class called 'Writing about Family'."
-- Helaine Olen, journalist and writer

"Katie is a very generous teacher who has the talent to spot and amplify the germ of a strong idea in even the most disorganized cluster of thoughts. I placed an op-ed in the Arizona Daily Star using the skills Katie taught me. I highly recommend this class."
-- Tom Zoellner, journalist and author of "The Heartless Stone: A Journey Through the World of Diamonds, Deceit and Desire."

"Mind opening!"
-- Reed Brody, Special Counsel, Human Rights Watch

"You need to add a new item to your list of what an op-ed can do for you--get a new job! I applied for a job at a major magazine to be editorial counsel and got it, in large part as a result of my New York Post op-ed, which the editor-in-chief said distinguished me from the rest of the other lawyers that were in the running. Taking your class was one of the best professional decisions I have made.
-- K. Falkenberg, media lawyer

"Catherine Orenstein's training makes you see how powerful opinion writing is. She gave me the tools to publish my very first op-ed on the Huffington Post within weeks of the training."
-- Suzanne Grossman, Woodhull Institute for Ethical Leadership

"I must inject an endorsement. I took an op-ed master course taught by Katie earlier this year. It's 12:47am and I'm too tired to offer the thoughtful praise she deserves, so I'll just say she's a whipsmart, articulate, engaging instructor. Time and money well spent."
-- Scott Tillet, former student

"The class was wonderful. Katie is dynamic and truly committed to motivating her students from an emotional and not just intellectual POV which I think is crucial since so much of what goes into being a successful writer is gaining confidence and having the right attitude. She was focused on the end goal - getting published - and worked every angle to try and get us there!"
--Daisy Okas, media consultant

"My training [with Orenstein] at Woodhull taught me how to recognize my own expertise and
then share my voice with others. I learned how to format an opinion piece, possible places to publish, and how to pitch an op-ed. These skills were all invaluable and helped me take my
writing to the next level."
-- Joie Jager-Hyman, PhD, author of "Fat Envelope Frenzy"

"Katie Orenstein‘s op-ed class changed my life! Her instruction, guidance and support strengthened my writing skills immeasurably (and this was after I had obtained my master‘s in journalism from New York University). Her toughness in pushing me to produce work beyond what I had ever thought myself capable was exceeded only by her ability to instill confidence."
-- Carrie Ann Wharton, former student