How books on Google Play work

Google Play is a new way to discover, buy, and enjoy your favorite books, online and offline. You can read books on Google Play from your computer, your smartphone, tablet or your eReader device.

Read on any device

Like your email, you can access all your books wirelessly in one place, no matter where you go. Google Play stores your library in the digital cloud, which means you get to shop for all of your favorite books wherever you want, and read them wherever you go, using a compatible device with an Internet connection. Whenever you open one of your books, you’ll pick up right where you left off (as long as you are connected to the Internet). Books on Google Play are compatible with Android phones and tablets, iPhones, iPads, iPod touch devices, most web browsers and many eReaders. That means you can start reading on your smartphone, continue on your laptop, and carry on reading on your tablet.

Discover millions of titles

With over 5 million books to choose from in every imaginable category, including many free eBooks, finding what you want to read on Google Play is easy. You can check out The New York Times bestseller list or discover up-and-coming authors. With Google Play, you have unlimited storage of books in the digital cloud.

  • Mar 11, 2013