Treaty Text

Click for PDF version of the full Treaty text.

The full text of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT) is available in PDF and HTML.


The CTBT bans all nuclear explosions on Earth whether for military or for peaceful purposes.

It comprises a preamble, 17 articles, two annexes and a Protocol
A negotiated document often meant as a supplement to a treaty or agreement, stipulating specific action that should be...">Protocol
with two annexes.

Another important text is the Resolution adopted by the UN General Assembly establishing the Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO).


The preamble outlines the significance of the Treaty as an important nuclear non-proliferation and disarmament measure.

Article I stipulates the basic obligations of the Treaty. It prohibits States Parties from carrying out any nuclear explosion. It also prohibits any encouragement of or participation in the carrying out of any Nuclear explosion
An uncontrolled release of energy produced by a fission or a fusion reaction.">nuclear explosion

Article II provides for the establishment of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization in Vienna to ensure the Treaty's implementation as well as providing a forum for consultation and cooperation.

Article III focuses on national implementation measures.

Click image for animation of the global verification regime.

Article IV elaborates on the global verification regime to monitor compliance with Treaty provisions. The regime is to comprise a global network of monitoring stations (the International Monitoring System
Part of the Verification Regime of the CTBT, the IMS is a network of 321 monitoring stations and 16 radionuclide...">International Monitoring System
), an International Data Centre
Collects information from the International Monitoring System facilities and processes and analyses this data and sends...">International Data Centre
in Vienna, a consultation and clarification process, On-site Inspections
Inspectors collect information directly on site at the alleged (or suspected) site of an explosion. This might help to...">On-site Inspections
, and Confidence-building measures
In general, CBMs refer to actions taken to reduce fear of an attack by both (or more) parties in a situation of tension...">confidence-building measures

Article V outlines measures to redress a situation which contravenes the CTBT provisions and to ensure compliance with the Treaty.

Article VI deals with the settlement of disputes that may arise concerning the application or the interpretation of the Treaty.

Article VII is concerned with amendments to the Treaty.

Article VIII stipulates when a review of the Treaty will take place after its Entry into force
The moment at which all provisions of a treaty are legally binding on its parties. Every treaty specifies preconditions...">entry into force

Article IX states that the Treaty is of unlimited duration.

Article X deals with the status of the Protocol
A negotiated document often meant as a supplement to a treaty or agreement, stipulating specific action that should be...">Protocol
and the annexes.

Article XI is concerned with Signature
The signing of a treaty indicates that the country accepts the treaty and commits not to take any actions that would...">signature
of the Treaty.

Article XII deals with Ratification
The implementation of the formal process established by a country to legally bind its government to a treaty, such as...">ratification
of the Treaty.

Article XIII is about accession to the Treaty.

Article XIV is about the Treaty's Entry into force
The moment at which all provisions of a treaty are legally binding on its parties. Every treaty specifies preconditions...">entry into force
. This will take place 180 days after the 44 States listed in Annex 2 to the Treaty have all ratified.

Article XV specifies that the Treaty shall not be subject to reservations.

Article XVI refers to the Depositary of the Treaty.

Article XVII deals with the authenticity of Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish Treaty texts.

Less than ten States listed in Annex 2 have yet to ratify for entry into force - click image for interactive map.

Annex 1 to the Treaty lists States by geographical regions for the purposes of elections to the Executive Council.

Annex 2 to the Treaty lists the 44 States (click here or image for interactive map) that must ratify the Treaty for it to enter into force.

Protocol Part I
 describes the functions of the International Monitoring System
Part of the Verification Regime of the CTBT, the IMS is a network of 321 monitoring stations and 16 radionuclide...">International Monitoring System
(IMS) and the International Data Centre
Collects information from the International Monitoring System facilities and processes and analyses this data and sends...">International Data Centre

Protocol Part II sets up the procedures for On-site Inspections
Inspectors collect information directly on site at the alleged (or suspected) site of an explosion. This might help to...">on-site inspections

Protocol Part III deals with Confidence-building measures
In general, CBMs refer to actions taken to reduce fear of an attack by both (or more) parties in a situation of tension...">confidence-building measures

Annex 1 to the Protocol
A negotiated document often meant as a supplement to a treaty or agreement, stipulating specific action that should be...">Protocol
lists the facilities comprising the IMS
International Monitoring System. The IMS is a network of 321 monitoring stations and 16 radionuclide laboratories...">IMS

Annex 2 to the Protocol
A negotiated document often meant as a supplement to a treaty or agreement, stipulating specific action that should be...">Protocol
lists the characterization parameters for IDC
Collects information from the International Monitoring System facilities and processes and analyses this data and sends...">IDC
standard Event
In the CTBT context, an “event” is any physical occurrence that is registered by the International Monitoring System...">event