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Envoy describes night of Benghazi attack

Envoy describes night of Benghazi attack

Greg Hicks, deputy chief of the diplomatic mission in Libya, tells Congress he was on the phone with J. Christopher Stevens just before the ambassador was killed.

Republicans say military could have done more in Benghazi

But the Pentagon has said that no forces would have been able to reach the Libyan site in time to prevent the American deaths.

Uganda priest ostracized for publicizing sexual abuse

The Catholic Church suspends Anthony Musaala indefinitely for shining a light on what he calls an open secret: Sex abuse is a problem in Africa too.

U.S. policy seen as factor in Somalia famine deaths

U.S. policy seen as factor in Somalia famine deaths

JOHANNESBURG, South Africa — It was the catastrophe everyone knew was coming yet no one seemed able to stop.

Les Rois Hotel on Egypt's Red Sea is alcohol-free

Les Rois Hotel on Egypt's Red Sea is alcohol-free

CAIRO — Hold the martini, please.

Uganda widow wins compensation after fight

Uganda widow wins compensation after fight

KASANA, Uganda — When Joyce Birabwa's husband was killed in a suicide bomb attack in Mogadishu, 1,000 miles away, her whole world fell...

Desperate migrants meet with misery in Egypt's Sinai Peninsula

Desperate migrants meet with misery in Egypt's Sinai Peninsula

Nigeria officials disagree on death toll in recent fighting

Nigeria officials disagree on death toll in recent fighting

KANO, Nigeria — Local government officials and a military spokesman in Nigeria agreed that security forces and Islamist militants...

Egypt president sees 'deep state' as enemy within

Egypt president sees 'deep state' as enemy within

CAIRO — President Mohamed Morsi casts himself as a leader navigating a landscape bristling with conspiracies by...

Egypt street vendors, store owners say Morsi is bad for business

Egypt street vendors, store owners say Morsi is bad for business

GIZA, Egypt — The woman with crates of unsold tomatoes breathed in the boisterous music of slum life: creaking shutters, squawking...

Timbuktu calligrapher keeps ancient knowledge alive

Timbuktu calligrapher keeps ancient knowledge alive

Egypt justice minister resigns after protests

CAIRO — Egypt's besieged justice minister has submitted his resignation after protests over the weekend by Islamists, who want to...

Egypt's Coptic Christians live in fear of Islamic extremists

Egypt's Coptic Christians live in fear of Islamic extremists

CAIRO — The Mass was celebrated as if from centuries past: A bearded priest veiled in incense chanted for grace in a church along...

Egypt president uses tweets to convey kinder, gentler side

Egypt president uses tweets to convey kinder, gentler side

CAIRO — President Mohamed Morsi, at least for the moment, appears to be channeling his softer side.

Libya's south teeters toward chaos — and militant extremists

Libya's south teeters toward chaos — and militant extremists

SABHA, Libya — Their fatigues don't match and their pickup has no windshield. Their antiaircraft gun, clogged with grit, is perched...

Old animosities thrive in post-Kadafi Libya

Old animosities thrive in post-Kadafi Libya

ZINTAN, Libya — The prized scion of Moammar Kadafi is a prisoner of tribesmen in these mountains of scrub and ocher rock.

In Egypt, a satirist facing charges remains irreverent

In Egypt, a satirist facing charges remains irreverent

CAIRO — He arrived with a prankster's aplomb.

African Union suspends Central African Republic after coup

African Union suspends Central African Republic after coup

JOHANNESBURG, South Africa —The African Union suspended the Central African Republic on Monday and imposed sanctions after President...

Kenya Supreme Court upholds presidential election result

Kenya Supreme Court upholds presidential election result

NAIROBI, Kenya — The second-place finisher in Kenya's recent presidential election accepted a unanimous Supreme Court ruling...

In Somalia, music festival aims to spread peace

In Somalia, music festival aims to spread peace

MOGADISHU, Somalia — Lihle Muhdin was 11 years old when he first picked up a Kalashnikov rifle, pushed into combat by an Islamist...

John Atta Mills dies at 68; president of Ghana

John Atta Mills dies at 68; president of Ghana

JOHANNESBURG — Ghanaian President John Atta Mills, who vowed that the nation's oil reserves would be used for the good of the people,...

Egyptian town haunted by deadly accident

Egyptian town haunted by deadly accident

Nelson Mandela discharged from hospital

Nelson Mandela discharged from hospital

JOHANNESBURG, South Africa -- South Africa's former president, Nelson Mandela, has been discharged from the hospital after 10 days...

Chinua Achebe dies at 82; Nigerian writer

Chinua Achebe dies at 82; Nigerian writer

JOHNANNESBURG, South Africa — When Nigerian writer Chinua Achebe was in college, a European professor assigned "Mister Johnson," which...

At consulate in Libya, a model diplomat is lost

At consulate in Libya, a model diplomat is lost

WASHINGTON — J. Christopher Stevens was in many ways the model American diplomat, committed, idealistic, willing to take risks and...

South Africa teens often become moms

South Africa teens often become moms

MAVELA, South Africa — Her grandmother was an alcoholic and her mother was a prostitute, strangled by a client. The child of another...

South Africa President Zuma to face leadership challenge

South Africa President Zuma to face leadership challenge

JOHANNESBURG, South Africa -- South Africa President Jacob Zuma, the controversial leader facing intense criticism for a $30-million...

Egypt's Morsi reverses most of decree that expanded his powers

Egypt's Morsi reverses most of decree that expanded his powers

CAIRO — In a political reversal to calm weeks of unrest, Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi early Sunday rescinded much of last month&...