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Robin Abcarian: Perspective

Robin Abcarian: Perspective

Sanford victory shows adultery, lies can't trump party loyalty

11:14 AM PDT, May 8, 2013

Sanford victory shows adultery, lies can't trump party loyalty

It would be too easy to make fun of the good Christian voters of South Carolina’s 1st Congressional District who saw fit to return their disgraced former Gov. Mark Sanford to the office he once held.

Military sex crime record should bring shame

5:42 PM PDT, May 7, 2013

Military sex crime record should bring shame

Maybe, in the end, we will thank Lt. Col. Jeffrey Krusinksi, head of the Air Force’s Sexual Assault Prevention Unit, who was arrested on suspicion of sexual battery early Sunday after a woman reported he drunkenly approached her in a parking lot and grabbed her breasts and buttocks.

Respect Boston's pain, bury Tamerlan Tsarnaev somewhere else

12:29 PM PDT, May 6, 2013


Respect Boston's pain, bury Tamerlan Tsarnaev somewhere else

What kind of power do the living have over the dead?

'Twerking': The pornification of the culture

2:42 PM PDT, May 3, 2013

'Twerking': The pornification of the culture

You may not have heard the term “twerking” before now, but you’ve probably seen it.

A promising second act for Shriver

6:37 PM PDT, May 2, 2013


A promising second act for Shriver

Arnold Schwarzenegger and Maria Shriver, California's most, ah, colorful former first couple, were back in the news this week.

Plan B contraception and Obama's betrayal of women

4:48 PM PDT, May 2, 2013

Plan B contraception and Obama's betrayal of women

President Obama spit his game, as the kids say, when he spoke to an enthusiastic crowd at a Planned Parenthood conference a little over a week ago: “You’re making me blush,” he cooed to their thunderous applause. “I love you back.”

Do cellphone distracted driver laws go too far? Court will decide

3:18 PM PDT, May 1, 2013

Do cellphone distracted driver laws go too far? Court will decide

Is it legal to read your smartphone map while driving?

Shriver or Schwarzenegger: Whose reinvention is working better?

10:32 AM PDT, May 1, 2013


Shriver or Schwarzenegger: Whose reinvention is working better?

Arnold Schwarzenegger and Maria Shriver, California’s most, ah, colorful former first couple, were back in the news this week.

Jason Collins and Tim Tebow: Lessons in being true to yourself

3:23 PM PDT, April 30, 2013

Jason Collins and Tim Tebow: Lessons in being true to yourself

On Monday, two stories captivated the sports world: pro basketball player Jason Collins came out as gay, and the outspoken Christian quarterback Tim Tebow was cut from the New York Jets. 

Jason Collins would be a marketing bonanza for any NBA team

4:18 PM PDT, April 29, 2013

Jason Collins would be a marketing bonanza for any NBA team

It’s been fun reading the qualifiers and questions about Jason Collins’ place in history this morning, after the NBA player came out of the closet.

Sarah Palin's vulgar tweets: Not funny or effective

12:52 PM PDT, April 29, 2013

Sarah Palin's vulgar tweets: Not funny or effective

Sarah Palin reared her head in American airspace this weekend.

3:00 PM PDT, April 26, 2013

Letting non-citizens serve on juries: How can you oppose it?

Having served on my share of juries, including a six-week  legal malpractice trial over a Malibu real estate deal gone south that gives me a headache just to think about, I think the push to allow non-citizens to serve on California juries is kind of a genius move.

Driver ticketed for using iPhone's map app isn't giving up yet

6:34 PM PDT, April 25, 2013

Driver ticketed for using iPhone's map app isn't giving up yet

FRESNO — The Convicted Distracted Driver is sitting in a study carrel in the Cal State Fresno library, which, come to think of it, looks a little like a prison visiting room.

4:59 PM PDT, April 25, 2013

Gwyneth Paltrow 'most beautiful' : A bad message for girls

It pained me to read that Gwyneth Paltrow was named People magazine’s “Most Beautiful Woman in the World.”

New low for L.A.: Ticketing cars at broken parking meters

1:36 PM PDT, April 24, 2013

New low for L.A.: Ticketing cars at broken parking meters

What gets me mad about driving in Los Angeles?

Beware, Siri: Even voice texting is dangerous while driving

12:18 PM PDT, April 23, 2013

Beware, Siri: Even voice texting is dangerous while driving

If you think your smartphone’s fancy voice recognition software lets you text safely while you are driving, think again.

Reese Witherspoon has Celebrity Entitlement Syndrome

11:47 AM PDT, April 22, 2013

Reese Witherspoon has Celebrity Entitlement Syndrome

A delightful new entry in the Celebrities Behaving Badly file comes to us this week from Atlanta, where the Oscar-winning actress Reese Witherspoon, 37, arrested on suspicion of disorderly conduct, apparently confused the traffic stop with an audition for an American Express commercial:

9:19 AM PDT, April 20, 2013

Boston bombing: Reddit learns how 'witch hunts can start'

The social networking site Reddit found itself in the middle of a terrible situation this week after it fingered a missing Brown student as one of the Boston Marathon bombers.

For Muslims, bad memories and new worries

4:48 PM PDT, April 18, 2013


For Muslims, bad memories and new worries

There are few Muslims in the small northeast Ohio town where Karen lives with her Palestinian American husband and their five children.

Boston bombing: Bad journalism fuels terrorism hysteria

5:15 PM PDT, April 18, 2013

Boston bombing: Bad journalism fuels terrorism hysteria

What is wrong with the New York Post?

Boston bombings: Muslims fear another 'hysteria'

7:47 AM PDT, April 16, 2013


Boston bombings: Muslims fear another 'hysteria'

We will know soon enough who unleashed Monday’s grotesque violence on Boston. But it is fair to say that many Muslims who heard that explosions had marred the end of the Boston Marathon had a simple, poignant thought: Please don’t let it be a Muslim.

After the Boston Marathon explosions, a daunting task for us all

5:24 PM PDT, April 15, 2013


After the Boston Marathon explosions, a daunting task for us all

The proliferation of cameras at the 117th annual Boston Marathon, one of the country’s most beloved and longstanding outdoor sporting events, ensured that whether or not we want to see what happened, we will be unable to avoid images of the two explosions and their aftermath.

Audrie Pott, suicide and the shame of sexual assault

11:28 AM PDT, April 15, 2013


Audrie Pott, suicide and the shame of sexual assault

Every so often, we read stories about  honor killings that leave us feeling despair about the treatment of women in other cultures. Usually, the common thread is rape, and the “shame” that befalls a family in its aftermath. It is the victim’s fault. And so the family acts.

Another fumble for Mark Zuckerberg (not the Facebook IPO)

2:33 PM PDT, April 11, 2013

Another fumble for Mark Zuckerberg (not the Facebook IPO)

How much egg can one face take? I really never thought I would say these words, but poor Mark Zuckerberg. 

As Senate acts, trying to figure out why Americans love their guns

10:35 AM PDT, April 11, 2013


As Senate acts, trying to figure out why Americans love their guns

The Senate voted Thursday morning to allow the gun debate to go forward. Looks as if this pistol-packin’ nation may end up with a background check requirement after all -- though there’s no guarantee that even that modest measure will ultimately become law, as my colleague Mike Memoli explains.

Gun background check compromise: More NRA fear mongering

4:16 PM PDT, April 10, 2013

Gun background check compromise: More NRA fear mongering

As the Senate prepares to vote Thursday on what appears to be a very modest proposal to increase background checks of gun purchasers at gun shows and on the Internet — leaving a great big loophole for families and friends, or should I say “friends,” —  I felt compelled to check the gun lobby’s temperature.

Just looking at your phone while driving is now a crime

8:59 AM PDT, April 10, 2013


Just looking at your phone while driving is now a crime

Direction-impaired drivers, prepare to meet your doom.

Secret tape of McConnell bashing Ashley Judd: Anatomy of a smear

10:40 AM PDT, April 9, 2013


Secret tape of McConnell bashing Ashley Judd: Anatomy of a smear

Mother Jones strikes again.

Margaret Thatcher, Hillary Clinton and the glass ceiling

11:31 AM PDT, April 8, 2013

Margaret Thatcher, Hillary Clinton and the glass ceiling

Margaret Thatcher was a historic, transformational figure who did many amazing and contradictory things in her life. She was a free market authoritarian who metaphorically bashed her opponents with her famous handbag until they submitted to her will.

The Plan B morning-after pill and the new war on abortion

9:13 AM PDT, April 6, 2013

The Plan B morning-after pill and the new war on abortion

North Dakota is trying to ban all abortions. Arkansas is trying to ban them after 12 weeks. Mississippi is down to its last abortion clinic.

Rutgers basketball video exposes a culture of abuse

10:12 AM PDT, April 5, 2013


Rutgers basketball video exposes a culture of abuse

How is it that a coach entrusted with the well-being and development of a team of exceptional athletes could stoop to abusing them the way fired Rutgers men’s basketball Mike Rice did?

Obama calls Kamala Harris 'best-looking:' Accurate, but sexist?

5:26 PM PDT, April 4, 2013

Obama calls Kamala Harris 'best-looking:' Accurate, but sexist?

Let’s just get it out on the table:

5:46 PM PDT, April 3, 2013

A tax on overweight airline passengers: a brutal airline policy

When teensy-weensy Samoa Airlines debuted its pay-by-the-kilo policy in January, I doubt it expected to set off an international controversy about fat discrimination.

Rutgers University basketball video feels like domestic violence

1:18 PM PDT, April 3, 2013


Rutgers University basketball video feels like domestic violence

It’s been a long time since I’ve written about domestic violence.

3:33 PM PDT, April 2, 2013

NRA says more guns in schools will protect children

Think of the NRA’s newly proposed National School Shield initiative as a kiddie version of the National Missile Defense program. Star Wars for Schoolyards. A hail of bullets will protect everyone!

Does Obama have another Rev. Wright problem? Not with Luis Leon

11:45 AM PDT, April 2, 2013


Does Obama have another Rev. Wright problem? Not with Luis Leon

It was a sad moment for many Republicans during the 2008 presidential contest when Arizona Sen. John McCain refused to let his staff use the fiery left-wing sermons of the Rev. Jeremiah Wright against Illinois Sen. Barack Obama.

Criticism of Cesar Chavez Google doodle: Intolerance at its worst

11:16 AM PDT, April 1, 2013

Criticism of Cesar Chavez Google doodle: Intolerance at its worst

There’s no intolerance like good conservative intolerance.

Cesar Chavez Google doodle flap: Conservatives fight back

5:00 AM PDT, April 2, 2013

Cesar Chavez Google doodle flap: Conservatives fight back

I still don’t think Google insulted Christians around the world when it chose to honor Cesar Chavez rather than focus on Jesus Christ’s resurrection on Easter Sunday, which happened to be the 86th birthday of the late civil rights icon.

Don Young's racist slur not good for GOP's minority outreach

2:49 PM PDT, March 29, 2013

Robin Abcarian Perspective

Don Young's racist slur not good for GOP's minority outreach

It is a truth universally acknowledged that a Republican elected official who casually uses the racist term “wetbacks” during a radio interview is a dunderhead of the first magnitude.

Should smokers pay more for health insurance?

8:33 AM PDT, March 29, 2013

Robin Abcarian Perspective

Should smokers pay more for health insurance?

I’m one of those non-smoking California types who has grown “allergic” to smoking. Can’t stand to be around people who smoke, can’t stand the way they stink up the joint, can’t stand to look at an ashtray full of butts.

Sex harassment scandal rocks the peace of Bikram yoga world

4:36 PM PDT, March 28, 2013

Sex harassment scandal rocks the peace of Bikram yoga world

They just keep coming and coming and coming.

In gay-marriage debate, couples deserve more than 'skim milk'

8:08 AM PDT, March 28, 2013


In gay-marriage debate, couples deserve more than 'skim milk'

It is not always easy to follow the audio transcript of the last two days’ Supreme Court arguments over gay marriage.

Petraeus apology for affair doesn't go far enough

1:38 PM PDT, March 27, 2013


Petraeus apology for affair doesn't go far enough

Glad to see that the self-imposed purda of retired Gen. David Petraeus is coming to an end. 

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