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Learn how measles is transmitted, how to recognise the infection and to treat it.

How common is measles?

The success of the MMR vaccine means that in the UK, cases of measles are rare.

However, the number of cases has risen in recent years. For example, the Health Protection Agency reported a surge in measles cases in England and Wales in 2012. A total of 2016 laboratory-confirmed cases were reported - the highest level in 18 years -compared with just 374 cases in 2010. Read more about the rising trend in measles.

It is thought that the rise in the number of cases of measles is largely due to parents not getting their child vaccinated with the MMR vaccine, probably due to speculation linking MMR to autism.

Publicity in 1998 highlighted a report claiming a link between the MMR jab and autism. However, numerous studies that were undertaken to investigate this claim found no link between the MMR vaccine and autism.

Measles outbreak: what to do

MMR vaccination is the only prevention. How to protect yourself and your family.

Measles is a highly infectious viral illness. It can be very unpleasant and possibly lead to serious complications, including blindness and even death. However, it's now rare in the UK due to the effectiveness of the MMR vaccination.

Anyone can get measles if they haven't been vaccinated or had it before, although it's most common in children aged between one and four years old.

The measles virus is contained in the millions of tiny droplets that come out of the nose and mouth when an infected person coughs or sneezes.

The virus spreads very easily, and measles is caused by breathing in these droplets or by touching a surface that has been contaminated with the droplets and then placing your hands near your nose or mouth.

The initial symptoms of measles include:

  • cold-like symptoms
  • red eyes and sensitivity to light
  • fever
  • greyish white spots in the mouth and throat

After a few days a red-brown spotty rash will appear. It usually starts behind the ears, then spreads around the head and neck before spreading to the legs and the rest of the body.

Look at our childhood conditions slideshow to see what the measles rash looks like.

When to see your GP

Most childhood rashes are not measles, but see your GP if you notice the above symptoms and suspect it's measles. Measles is a notifiable disease, which means that any doctor who diagnoses the infection must inform the local health authority in order to identify the source of the infection and stop it spreading.

If you notice any additional symptoms while your child has measles, seek urgent medical attention.

Measles can be extremely unpleasant and can lead to complications such as meningitis and pneumonia. In very rare cases people have died from measles.

Read more about the complications of measles.

Treating measles

There's no specific treatment for measles and your immune system should fight off infection within a couple of weeks.

If your child has measles, there are several things you can do to help make them feel more comfortable, including:

  • closing the curtains to help reduce light sensitivity
  • using damp cotton wool to clean the eyes
  • taking paracetamol or ibuprofen to relieve fever, aches and pains
  • drinking plenty of water to avoid dehydration

In severe cases of measles, especially if there are complications, hospital treatment will be needed.

Read more about treating measles.

Although vaccinated children are unlikely to catch it, keep your child away from other children for at least five days after the rash has appeared.

Once you have fought off the measles infection, you develop immunity (resistance) to it.


The most effective way of preventing measles is the measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine.

The first MMR vaccination should be given when your child is around 13 months old. A booster is given before your child starts school.

If your child is younger than 13 months and you think they may have been exposed to the measles virus, see your GP immediately. The MMR may be given if they are over six months old, or they may be given antibodies for immediate protection if they are younger than six months old.

Measles and pregnancy

If you're planning to get pregnant and you have not had measles, arrange with your GP to have the MMR vaccine.

If you catch measles during pregnancy, it can be passed on to your baby, which can be very damaging or even fatal to your baby. Measles in pregnancy can cause miscarriage, premature labour or a baby with low birthweight. The MMR jab cannot be given during pregnancy.

Read about symptoms of measles and watch a video about a mother whose daughter had measles.

Last reviewed: 15/02/2012

Next review due: 15/02/2014


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jackieeb said on 28 March 2013

In 1977 there was a similar debate about Measles and vacinations, my daughter who was 16 months old contracted the disease, it turned to pnuemonia and within 2 weeks she had died.
I wish I had taken the chance and had her vaccinated.
People don,t realise their children can die.

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Powellm said on 24 March 2012

I made an appointment with my doctor 2 and a half years ago to check I was up to date with my immunisations because I was planning a family.
I knew that my parents had not had me immunised against some diseases (I don't know why they made that decision) and I explained this to the doctor.
I had a blood test, and was told I was ok and up to date.

I am now 16 weeks pregnant and have found out that I have never had the MMR jab or had measles. I have no immunity to measles at a time when cases are being reported across the UK.
I feel very worried, there is nothing that can be done now, and the consequences for an unborn baby are horrific. I just have to hope I don't come into contact with it.

I asked the doctor today why this was missed when I made my appointment over 2 years ago. They said "we don't offer the MMR to adults, try not to worry and avoid children".
I just wanted to add this, incase any other responsible mum to be books an appointment to check immunity, don't rely on the doctor looking at your notes, be pushy if you have to and make sure you spell out what you want.

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barbaraS said on 01 August 2011

Measles can be prevented since vaccination is available to prevent it's occurrence. Another disease is chicken pox which also has a vaccine. These vaccines are very much effective in protecting the child from acquiring the said diseases. Just recently a new study has attributed the clear decrease in countrywide fatalities from chickenpox to the vaccine that has been encouraged since the mid-1990s. The study builds on past research into the efficacy of the chickenpox vaccine. It discovered that fewer individuals were dying from the disease as more individuals were inoculated against it. I found this here: <a title="Chickenpox deaths dropped sharply since vaccine was released" href="http://www.newsytype.com/9310-chickenpox-vaccine/">Sharp drop in deaths from chickenpox credited to vaccine</a>

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MMR vaccine

Find out all about the MMR vaccine which protects against measles, mumps and rubella