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U.S. Department of the Interior - News
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Northern Spotted Owl

Northern Spotted Owl Critical Habitat Teleconference
In compliance with an order from a U.S. District Court, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service announced a science-based critical habitat proposal for the northern spotted owl that begins a public review process to determine what forest lands should be designated as critical habitat in a final rule that will be published in November.

Download Original File: AUDIO 02-28-12 Spotted Owl 328998687.mp3 (5721 KB)

Indian Land Leasing
Interior is proposing sweeping reforms to the rules that govern surface leasing on Indian land. The action marks the most comprehensive reform to leasing in over 50 years and will make it easier for individuals to do fundamental things like buy a home or build a business.

Download Original File: 11-28-11 Indian leasing 11-28-111.mp3 (4574 KB)

Flow Rate Update with USGS Director Dr. Marcia McNutt
USGS Director Dr. Marcia McNutt held a teleconference on Thursday to give an update on the latest oil flow rate analysis prior the riser being cut on June 3rd. Here are her opening remarks.


Secretary Salazar Launches Safety and Environmental Oversight Reforms
Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar announced safety and environmental oversight reforms that include a restructuring of the Minerals Management Service. The podcast features his remarks from today's press conference.

Secretary Salazar Keynotes Hispanic Education Forum

Secretary Salazar Addresses Hispanic Education Forum
Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar addressed the 15th Annual Forum on Hispanic Higher Education today in Washington D.C. The Secretary himself is one of eight children who were all first-generation college graduates. Secretary Salazar believes education of young people is important to our nation's future.

Interior Unveils Arctic Study Initiative that will Inform Oil and Gas Decisions
In a media teleconference Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar, USGS Director Dr. Marcia McNutt and MMS Science Advisor Dr. Alan Thornhill announced the Department’s strategy for gathering environmental, ecological and technical information to inform decisions on oil and gas development in the Beaufort and Chukchi Seas in the Arctic Ocean.

Joint Air Base Andrews

President Obama and Secretary Salazar Announce Comprehensive Strategy for Offshore Oil
Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar joined President Obama at Andrews Air Force Base to announce that, as part of a comprehensive strategy for strengthening the nation’s energy security and reducing America’s dependence on foreign oil, the Obama Administration will expand oil and gas development and exploration on the U.S. Outer Continental Shelf, while protecting fisheries, tourism, and places off U.S. coasts that are not appropriate for development. By providing order and certainty to offshore exploration and development and ensuring drilling takes place in the right ways and the right places, Interior is opening a new chapter for balanced and responsible oil and gas development here at home.

FWS photo Atlantic Blue Fin Tuna

Interior Attends 15th Meeting of CITES
The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species known as CITES is meeting in Doha, Qatar. The United States, represented by the Department of the Interior, put forth a proposal to protect the polar bear and strongly supported a proposal from Monaco to manage blue fin tuna in a more sustainable way. Both measures were defeated at today’s Conference of the Parties. Assistant Secretary for Fish, Wildlife and Parks Tom Strickland held a teleconference today to talk about CITES, an international agreement between governments to ensure that international trade in specimens of wild animals and plants does not threaten their survival. 

Deputy Secretary Hayes, Secretary Salazar and Commissioner Conner

Interior Announces Increased Water Supply Allocations in California
Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar today announced that the Bureau of Reclamation’s 2010 Central Valley Project Water Supply allocations have increased throughout the valley as a result of additional precipitation, improved snowpack, and improved storage at Shasta Reservoir. As forecast by Reclamation on February 26, California is having a near-average water year following three years of drought.

Deputy Interior Secretary David Hayes Reviews Cobell Settlement Before House Committee on Natural Resources
Deputy Secretary of the Interior David Hayes, Interior Solicitor Hilary Tompkins and Deputy Attorney General Tom Perelli testified before the House Committee on Natural Resources on the status of the proposed settlement of the Cobell litigation. This podcast features the opening remarks of Deputy Secretary Hayes.


Secretary Salazar's Remarks on Conserving Sage-Grouse Habitat
The Department of the Interior will expand efforts with state, local and tribal partners to map lands that are vital to the survival of the greater sage-grouse, a ground-dwelling bird that inhabits much of the West, while guiding and managing new conventional and renewable energy projects to reduce impacts on the species, Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar announced today.

Regions where Climate Science Centers will be located.

University of Alaska to Host First Climate Science Center
On Thursday March 4, Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar announced that the University of Alaska would become the first of eight regional Climate Science Centers dedicated to providing science on the impacts of climate change and helping land managers respond.

California Central Valley

Secretary Salazar Announces Water Forecast for the Central Valley, California
Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar today announced the Bureau of Reclamation’s Initial 2010 Central Valley Project (CVP) Water Supply Forecast and steps the United States government is taking to seek additional water supplies for drought-stricken farmers. Snowpack and runoff forecasts are significantly improved over the past three years and, if current weather patterns continue, California may have an “average” or better water year.

Assistant Secretary for Science and Water Anne Castle

Interior Launches WaterSmart Initiative
Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar today signed a Secretarial order establishing a new water sustainability strategy for the United States. Salazar showcased the Department of the Interior’s WaterSMART Initiative at a press conference featuring a geospatial presentation on water supply and demand in the high-tech operations center at the Department’s headquarters. President Obama's proposed 2011 budget for the Department of the Interior doubles the current enacted 2010 appropriations for water programs to move the initiative forward. It includes $72.9 million for the WaterSMART program, which is a total increase of $36.4 million over 2010.

thumbKLS with Roosevelt

Salazar, Vilsack Establish New Advisory Council on Wildlife Conservation and Hunting Issues
Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar and Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack announced the creation of the Wildlife Hunting and Heritage Conservation Council in a chilly outdoor ceremony on Roosevelt Island in the Potomac River. The council replaces the Sporting Conservation Council.

Secretary Salazar announcing DOI's 2011 budget proposal.

Secretary Salazar Announces 2011 DOI Budget Proposal
Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar announced his proposed DOI budget for 2011 emphasizing fiscal responsibility. This podcast highlights many of the department's priorities.

solar energy

Secretary Salazar Senate Subcommittee About Progress on Solar Energy
Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar testified before the Senate Subcommittee on Green Jobs and the New Economy regarding the department's progress on developing solar energy in 2009 and what will happen in 2010.

MiddelgrundenWind Farm, Copenhagen Harbor, Denmark, Photo by Jacob Nielsen

Secretary Salazar Announces Timeline to Bring Cape Wind to Conclusion
The energy potential of renewable wind energy on the Atlantic Outer Continental Shelf is staggering. Nantucket Sound’s Cape Wind was proposed nine years ago and it could become the flagship windfarm on the East Coast. Secretary Salazar is taking steps make certain it’s done right on behalf of the public and called a news conference Wednesday to discuss closing the issue.

Download Original File: 20100113Podcast_MMS_CapeWind.mp3 (825 KB)
BLM Director Bob Abbey and Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar (photo by Ron Tull-DOI)

Secretary Salazar Announces Onshore Oil and Gas Leasing Reforms
Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar held a news media teleconference to announce several initiatives to reform the onshore oil and gas leasing program administered by the Bureau of Land Management on U.S. public lands. This podcast features his opening statement from that teleconference.

Download Original File: 20100106Podcast_BLM_Lease_Policy.mp3 (2534 KB)
Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar testifies to the Senate Indian Affairs Committee (photo by Ron Tull-DOI)

Secretary Salazar Urges Senate to Approve Cobell Settlement
On Thursday December 17, Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar testified to the Senate Indian Affairs Committee, urging them to approve the proposed settlement of the Cobell class-action lawsuit.

Download Original File: 20091217Cobell_Senate1.mp3 (1016 KB)