Supported reading devices

Smartphones and tablets. You can download and install the Google Play Books reading app for free on smartphones and tablets. Check the Reading on your Android device page or Reading on your iPhone, iPod touch, or iPad page for compatibility requirements.

Web browsers. You can read books purchased from Google Play on any browser with JavaScript enabled. Learn more about the Web Reader.

eReader devices. Books on Google Play can also be read with any dedicated eBook reader that supports the Adobe eBook platform, including the Barnes & Noble Nook™ and Readers™ from Sony. See the full list of Adobe eBook Platform supported devices.

Chromebook users: Please note that Google's Chromebook only supports web applications, and is not compatible with Adobe Digital Editions software. This means you will not be able to transfer files from a Chromebook to an eReader at this time - though you can easily read your books in the browser via our web app.

Amazon Kindle. Books on Google Play are not currently compatible for uploading to Amazon Kindle devices. However, you can read books on Google Play on any device with a JavaScript-enabled browser using the Web Reader.

For your convenience, here are details on contacting support for a few common manufacturers:

Manufacturer Device Name Contact
Sony Sony Reader Library 3.1-3.3
PRS-300 Reader™ Pocket Edition
PRS-350 Reader™ Daily Edition
PRS-500 Reader™
PRS-505 Reader™ *
PRS-600 Reader™ Touch Edition
PRS-650 Reader™ Daily Edition
PRS-900 Reader™ Daily Edition
* requires additional steps to become compatible with Adobe Digital Editions
Barnes & Noble Nook™ Support
Kobo Inc. Kobo eReader N416
Kobo Desktop for Windows
Aluratek Aluratek eBook Reader Pro "Libre" Support

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