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Desperate migrants meet with misery in Egypt's Sinai Peninsula

Desperate migrants meet with misery in Egypt's Sinai Peninsula

Any inkling of law and order there vanished with the revolution, and migrants from Eritrea, Sudan and elsewhere are held for ransom, tortured and left to die in the desert.

Lebanon border region caught in Syria conflict

In Lebanon, where kidnapping, smuggling and tribal feuds are part of the landscape, the Syrian war has exacerbated tension in an already volatile region.

U.S. considers sending arms to Syria rebels

But no decision is expected soon, and Obama appears to have softened his 'red line' threat over chemical weapons use by the Assad regime.

More on the Middle East

As Syria fighting grows, young professionals leave Damascus

As Syria fighting grows, young professionals leave Damascus

DAMASCUS, Syria — White daffodils and violet daisies waxed aromatic from the crystal vase on the young couple's dining table....

Les Rois Hotel on Egypt's Red Sea is alcohol-free

Les Rois Hotel on Egypt's Red Sea is alcohol-free

CAIRO — Hold the martini, please.

Car bombs in 4 Iraqi cities kill at least 22

Car bombs in 4 Iraqi cities kill at least 22

BAGHDAD — Shiite-dominated areas in southern and central Iraq were rocked Monday by car bomb explosions that killed at least 22 people...

Iraq shuts down 10 television channels

Iraq shuts down 10 television channels

BAGHDAD — The Iraqi government ordered 10 predominantly Sunni Muslim satellite television channels to cease broadcasting Sunday,...

4 Iraqi soldiers killed at Sunni checkpoint

4 Iraqi soldiers killed at Sunni checkpoint

BAGHDAD — Four Iraqi soldiers were shot dead Saturday, the day after Sunni Arab tribes in the restive western province of Anbar...

U.S. doubts on Syria lie in how sarin exposure occurred

U.S. doubts on Syria lie in how sarin exposure occurred

WASHINGTON — U.S. intelligence agencies unanimously agree that Syrians have been exposed to deadly sarin gas in recent weeks, but they...

White House suspects Syria used chemical weapons, seeks inquiry

White House suspects Syria used chemical weapons, seeks inquiry

WASHINGTON — The White House said for the first time that there was evidence Syria had used chemical weapons in its civil war, but...

Bashar Assad's forces reportedly take key Syria township

Bashar Assad's forces reportedly take key Syria township

BEIRUT — The Syrian government says its forces this week seized a strategic township east of Damascus after weeks of fighting, but...

Israel says it shot down drone near Lebanon

Israel says it shot down drone near Lebanon

JERUSALEM — Israel said Thursday that it shot down an unmanned aircraft that had entered Israeli airspace off the northern coast...

Egypt president sees 'deep state' as enemy within

Egypt president sees 'deep state' as enemy within

CAIRO — President Mohamed Morsi casts himself as a leader navigating a landscape bristling with conspiracies by...

Israel's claim about Syria chemical weapons highlights 'red line'

Israel's claim about Syria chemical weapons highlights 'red line'

JERUSALEM — Israel's accusation that Syria used chemical weapons against rebels raises the prospect that Damascus crossed what...

Iraq violence sparks fears of a Sunni revolt

Iraq violence sparks fears of a Sunni revolt

BEIRUT — Security forces for the Shiite-led Iraqi government raided a Sunni protest camp in northern Iraq on Tuesday, igniting...

Syria rebel coalition slams backers for failing to stop attacks

Syria rebel coalition slams backers for failing to stop attacks

ISTANBUL, Turkey — Divisions between Syrian rebels and their foreign supporters came into focus Saturday as a leading opposition group...

Egypt justice minister resigns after protests

CAIRO — Egypt's besieged justice minister has submitted his resignation after protests over the weekend by Islamists, who want to...

Egypt street vendors, store owners say Morsi is bad for business

Egypt street vendors, store owners say Morsi is bad for business

GIZA, Egypt — The woman with crates of unsold tomatoes breathed in the boisterous music of slum life: creaking shutters, squawking...

John Kerry asks Turkish leader to delay Gaza trip

John Kerry asks Turkish leader to delay Gaza trip

ISTANBUL, Turkey — Secretary of State John F. Kerry urged Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan to delay a planned visit to...

In Jerusalem, activist hopes to restore Gypsy pride

In Jerusalem, activist hopes to restore Gypsy pride

JERUSALEM — Growing up poor and motherless in the slums of Jerusalem's Old City, Amoun Sleem dropped out of school at age 7 after...

Britain, France press for U.N. inquiry on Syria chemical arms use

Britain, France press for U.N. inquiry on Syria chemical arms use

WASHINGTON — The British and French governments have asked the United Nations to investigate what they believe is credible evidence...

Secretary of State John Kerry urges against new Iran sanctions

Secretary of State John Kerry urges against new Iran sanctions

WASHINGTON — Secretary of State John F. Kerry implored Congress on Thursday not to impose tough new sanctions on Iran, warning that...

Step toward possible military intervention in Syria

Step toward possible military intervention in Syria

WASHINGTON — The Pentagon is sending about 200 troops to Jordan, the vanguard of a potential U.S. military force of 20,000 or more...

Syria's Bashar Assad warns 'terrorism' will come back to West

Syria's Bashar Assad warns 'terrorism' will come back to West

BEIRUT — Syrian President Bashar Assad warned in a television interview Wednesday that the war against his government risked spreading...

John Kerry says need for action in Israel-Palestinian conflict is urgent

John Kerry says need for action in Israel-Palestinian conflict is urgent

WASHINGTON — Secretary of State John F. Kerry told Congress on Wednesday that any chance of resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict...

Syrian opposition begins rewriting history in textbooks

Syrian opposition begins rewriting history in textbooks

ANTAKYA, Turkey — In newly printed textbooks at dozens of Syrian refugee schools, a small piece of Middle East geography has been...

Syria amnesty could free up to 7,000 inmates

Syria amnesty could free up to 7,000 inmates

BEIRUT — Syrian President Bashar Assad issued an order Tuesday freeing up to 7,000 prison inmates, but it was not clear whether the...

Egypt's Coptic Christians live in fear of Islamic extremists

Egypt's Coptic Christians live in fear of Islamic extremists

CAIRO — The Mass was celebrated as if from centuries past: A bearded priest veiled in incense chanted for grace in a church along...

Egypt president uses tweets to convey kinder, gentler side

CAIRO — President Mohamed Morsi, at least for the moment, appears to be channeling his softer side.

Intrigue swirls as Iran prepares to choose next president

TEHRAN — The reform movement that took to the streets to protest alleged vote-rigging in Iran's last presidential election has been...

Egyptian town haunted by deadly accident

Syria car bombing kills at least 15 in Damascus

DAMASCUS, Syria — A suicide car bombing in central Damascus killed at least 15 people and wounded 53 on Monday, Syrian state...

Old animosities thrive in post-Kadafi Libya

ZINTAN, Libya — The prized scion of Moammar Kadafi is a prisoner of tribesmen in these mountains of scrub and ocher rock.

Iran nuclear talks appear headed for a stall

WASHINGTON — Iranian officials did not directly respond Friday to the latest American-backed offer to curb Tehran's disputed nuclear...

UC Riverside student leaders revoke divestment resolution

After much debate that brought the passions of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict to campus, UC Riverside's student government has reversed...

Syria rebel fighters not ready to give up power after war

JABAL AL-ZAWIYA, Syria — The rebel commander Jamal Maroof was fiddling with his iPhone when a young man brought him news.

In Egypt, a satirist facing charges remains irreverent

CAIRO — He arrived with a prankster's aplomb.

Humanitarian aid beyond the reach of many Syrians

REYHANLI, Turkey — The Syrian opposition fighter arrived unexpectedly at Dr. Mazen Kewara's office at the Syrian American Medical...

Balancing needs of women, ultra-Orthodox men in Israel's military

TEL AVIV — Israel's highest-ranking female soldier says efforts to draft male ultra-Orthodox students into the Israel Defense Forces...

Ten years after Iraq war began, Iran reaps the gains

BAGHDAD — Ten years after the U.S.-led invasion to oust Iraqi President Saddam Hussein, the geopolitical winner of the war appears...

Ex-U.S. soldier accused of joining Al Qaeda-linked group in Syria

WASHINGTON — Federal authorities arrested and charged a 30-year-old U.S. Army veteran turned Middle East "freedom fighter" with...

Syria rebel coalition calls for use of Patriot missiles

BEIRUT — A Syrian opposition coalition was seated as the legitimate government of Syria at an Arab League summit Tuesday, and the...

Syria's Shiites offer different picture of war

AL QASR, Lebanon — Each evening, Ali Jamal and other men in this border town grab their Kalashnikov assault rifles, jump on their...

Syria opposition leader resigns

BEIRUT — The head of a U.S.-backed Syrian opposition coalition resigned his post Sunday, a major blow to a group that the United...

Lebanon's prime minister resigns, heightening uncertainty

BEIRUT — A day after announcing his resignation as prime minister, Najib Mikati on Saturday called for a "salvation" government to run...

Obama facilitates reconciliation between Israel and Turkey

JERUSALEM — President Obama brokered a diplomatic reconciliation between key Middle East allies Israel and Turkey at the end of his...

Jordan feeling the strain of Syrian refugee influx

JABIR, Jordan — The Jordanian officer slowly cut the rudimentary dressing that covered the boy's left arm. Patches of red ooze...

Obama, in speech, tells Israel its future depends on a Palestinian state

JERUSALEM — Evoking the Jewish people's biblical struggle for freedom, President Obama called upon Israelis Thursday to sweep aside...

Obama repositions himself as broker for Mideast peace

WASHINGTON — President Obama's involvement in the tortuous Middle East peace process can be divided into three chapters, two of...

Obama offers assurances during Israel visit

JERUSALEM — In a much-anticipated visit laden with symbols of friendship and words of assurance, President Obama and Prime Minister...

Obama message may not resonate with Israeli youth

JERUSALEM — By choosing to deliver his landmark speech to Israel in an auditorium filled with students and young people, President...

In Iraq, 10 years after U.S. invasion, legacy of war lives on

BAGHDAD — A bronze statue of a slain Shiite Muslim cleric greets motorists as they drive down the airport highway that invading...

Syria accuses rebels of chemical weapon attack

BEIRUT — The Syrian government accused rebels Tuesday of killing dozens of civilians in a chemical attack near the northern city of...

Obama and Netanyahu will try for a thaw during Israel visit

JERUSALEM — As President Obama prepared for his first official trip to Israel, he made a point of referring to Prime Minister Benjamin...

Obama faces a chilly reception in West Bank

RAMALLAH, West Bank — As Israelis roll out new red carpet and line streets with American flags for President Obama's visit, the U.S....

Offer to Iran adds tension to U.S.-Israel talks

WASHINGTON — An offer in the most recent round of negotiations over Iran's nuclear program has created anxiety in Israel and...

Flood of Syria refugees tries patience of the Lebanese

TRIPOLI, Lebanon — Khaled Naaman doesn't hide his disdain for the Syrian government, a widely shared sentiment in this northern...

President Obama plans listening mission in Israel, West Bank

WASHINGTON — President Obama heads to Israel this week with quiet hopes, but little real expectation, that by smoothing rough...

CIA begins sizing up Islamic extremists in Syria for drone strikes

WASHINGTON — The CIA has stepped up secret contingency planning to protect the United States and its allies as the turmoil expands...

Israel sees Obama visit as chance for positive publicity

JERUSALEM — When the White House tweaked the president's upcoming Holy Land itinerary to include Bethlehem's Church of the Nativity,...

Israel prime minister forges deal for new coalition government

JERUSALEM — Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reached deals Thursday with two political rivals that will enable him to forge a...

Paraplegic will leave wheelchair behind for Tel Aviv marathon

YOKNEAM ILLIT, Israel — The bullet that tore through Israeli paratrooper Radi Kaiuf's spine during a 1988 Lebanon firefight...

Syria denies reports of mass conscription

BEIRUT — Moving to quash rumors of mass conscription, the embattled Syrian government said Wednesday that the armed forces remained...

Al Qaeda chief's kin, other Salafis push for a puritanical Egypt

CAIRO — The brother of Al Qaeda leader Ayman Zawahiri is an unflinching man with a graying beard whose aim, as a Salafi, is to...

Artists in Egypt work in a tense atmosphere

CAIRO — The Muslim women in Marwa Adel's photographs are shadows, repressed by custom, religion, marriage and regret. While nude,...

Dror Moreh's 'The Gatekeepers' sheds light on Israel's Shin Bet

Israel's Shin Bet — think of it as a combination of the CIA and the FBI — prides itself on secrecy. So when documentary...