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EU safe harbor
Yahoo! Privacy Policy > Yahoo! Privacy Policy > Yahoo! Privacy Policy

Yahoo! Privacy

To find out how Yahoo! treats your personal information, please visit our Privacy Policy. This page describes current Yahoo! practices with respect to this product. Information on this page may change as Yahoo! adds or removes features.

Relevant Advertising

By bringing content and advertising to you that is relevant and tailored to your interests, Yahoo! provides a more compelling online experience. Our customized "smart" services save you time and cut through the clutter. Learn More about relevant advertising.

Yahoo! Social Bar Activity

Please read our FAQ to learn more about Yahoo! Social Bar Activity or please visit Yahoo! Social Bar Activity Help if you have more questions.

EU safe harbor

Personal Data from Yahoo! EU/EEA Properties

Yahoo! Inc. is a participant in the Safe Harbor program developed by the U.S. Department of Commerce and the European Union.

Privacy Policies

Yahoo! Inc. has joined the EU-U.S. Safe Harbor and adheres to the Safe Harbor Privacy Principles of Notice, Choice, Onward Transfer, Security, Data Integrity, Access and Enforcement with respect to personal data transferred to the United States from the following Yahoo! EU/EEA properties:

Questions and Suggestions

  • If you have questions or suggestions, please complete a feedback form or you can contact us at:
  • Yahoo! Inc.
    Customer Care - Privacy - Safe Harbor Issues
    701 First Avenue
    Sunnyvale, CA 94089
  • Yahoo! is a participant in The DMA Safe Harbor Program. If you believe Yahoo! has not satisfactorily addressed your data privacy concerns, you may contact The Direct Marketing Association's Safe Harbor Line at:
  • safeharbor@the-dma.org,
    +1-202-861-2445 (phone),
    +1-202-955-0085 (fax),
    or by mailing The DMA at:
    Safe Harbor Line
    Direct Marketing Association
    1615 L Street, NW, Suite 1100
    Washington, DC 20036

    To review the Yahoo! Privacy Policy for Human Resources (Employee) Data, click here.
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